January 31, 2021 – Invictus Athlete


Review Invictus Content from the Week
* What’s a Realistic # of PRs to Expect in a Year?
* Invictus + Battle Cancer Program
* How to Address Shin Splints
* Mental Strength is Earned – Techniques to Try
* Boxing the Compass Hip Mobility Routine
* The Bad Cheerleader Jump

Do you have a question you’d like one of our coaches to answer?

Mobility and Maintenance
Using our “Mind Muscle” Video Playlist as a guide:
* Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
* Choose 2-3 Lower Body Mobility Drills and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
* Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Nutrition Preparation
* Ensure that you have quality foods shopped for in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Try this delicious and easy Chicken Tetrazzini recipe from our very own Masters Athlete, Jenn Ryan! Great as leftovers the next day (if you didn’t already gobble them up)!

Mental Restoration
* Different for everyone – could be meditation or could be gathering with friends on Zoom or Skype; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

Looking for ways to restore your mind or up your mental game? Check out this Invictus Mindset Podcast for tips from the amazing Gabby Reece!

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