One set of:
“General Rowing Warm-Up”
Arms-only rowing x 10 reps
Hips-only rowing x 10 reps
Legs-only rowing x 10 reps
right into…
Row x 30 seconds at 20 strokes per minute
Row x 30 seconds at 22 strokes per minute
Row x 30 seconds at 24 strokes per minute
Row x 30 seconds at 26 strokes per minute
Followed by…
“Hunter’s Clean Warm-up”
Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps
Clean Pull x 5 reps
Front Squat x 5 reps
Hang Clean & Push Press x 5
Clean & Push Jerk x 5
Power Clean & Push Jerk x 5
Clean & Jerk x 5
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy. If you’re feeling good, today is the day to push for a new 1-RM Clean & Jerk!
Three rounds for time of:
21/15 Calories of Rowing
15 Pull-Ups
9 Clean & Jerks (135/95 lbs)
A: 215, 225, 235, 245×2, 255×2, 265×2, 235, 245, 255
Worked up to #255 C&J
Rx- 13:15
A. Bench Press x 2
85#, 95, 105, 115, 120×1
***This number sure has dropped…my all time 2 RM is 145..seriously need to work on pressing more!
B. AMRAP 12 min – RX – 5 rounds + 25 reps
12 Deadlifts @ 155 – UB,UB,UB,8/4,8/4,8/4
12 Ring Dips – UB,UB, 8/4,8/4,8/4,7/3/2 (all kipping except first 6 reps of R1)
12 T2B – all UB (mostly kipping)
***Seriously should have had 6+ rounds..I had in 3 rounds in just over 5 min…I did not push hard enough..shame on me!!!
???? Nice work Candy!
A. Worked up to 145#
B. 11:49 with power cleans
Worked up to 255 C&J
RX: 8:40
Yesterday’s bench 2-RM @ 255#
3×3 @ 225 w/ 2s pause
3 rnds: 10:48
21c row, 15 PU, 9 C&J @ 135
I NEED to increase shoulder mobility. My jerks are essentially shoulder press with some leg drive. Can’t get weight back and head out front. Weak link!
160 on squat cleans
WOD 11:14
Subbed 95lbs
I did full squat cleans for all reps to wotk technique
Is everyone doing a FULL clean & jerk? Or the power clean & jerk? I read it as a FULL clean
I usually do full so when it gets heavy, I am primed to go.
A. Worked up to 275 (R shoulder still a bit dodgy and with the gymnastics work, that’s where form started to fault, so I just stopped there)…started at 185 (Zach you were correct)
B. 8:31 Rx (Gymnastics slowed me up the most…15…5/5/5…5/5/3/2)
Paced the C&J, but UB on the 3rd set
around a minute per row
C. Gymnastic and Core WoDs
Good luck today everyone, it’s a fun one and smash through that wall today!
A) worked up to 235.
B) 12:43 Rx
Tight on time and need to keep a quiet house so modified to make a an EMOM. 24 min, started at 135 and worked up to 185. I figured I would end at Getty’s warm up weight.
Nice work getting after it today Zach! (Nailed my warm up number on the dot as well)