September 7, 2022 – Performance



One set of:
“General Rowing Warm-Up”
Arms-only rowing x 10 reps
Hips-only rowing x 10 reps
Legs-only rowing x 10 reps
right into…
Row x 30 seconds at 20 strokes per minute
Row x 30 seconds at 22 strokes per minute
Row x 30 seconds at 24 strokes per minute
Row x 30 seconds at 26 strokes per minute

Followed by…

“Hunter’s Clean Warm-up”
Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps
Clean Pull x 5 reps
Front Squat x 5 reps
Hang Clean & Push Press x 5
Clean & Push Jerk x 5
Power Clean & Push Jerk x 5
Clean & Jerk x 5



Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep

Build to today’s heavy. If you’re feeling good, today is the day to push for a new 1-RM Clean & Jerk!


Three rounds for time of:
21/15 Calories of Rowing
15 Pull-Ups
9 Clean & Jerks (135/95 lbs)

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Charmaine Lightfoot
Charmaine Lightfoot
September 11, 2022 10:06 am


Josh Willins
Josh Willins
September 8, 2022 3:57 pm

A: 215, 225, 235, 245×2, 255×2, 265×2, 235, 245, 255


September 7, 2022 3:58 pm

Worked up to #255 C&J
Rx- 13:15

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
September 7, 2022 11:22 am

A. Bench Press x 2
85#, 95, 105, 115, 120×1
***This number sure has dropped…my all time 2 RM is 145..seriously need to work on pressing more!

B. AMRAP 12 min – RX – 5 rounds + 25 reps
12 Deadlifts @ 155 – UB,UB,UB,8/4,8/4,8/4
12 Ring Dips – UB,UB, 8/4,8/4,8/4,7/3/2 (all kipping except first 6 reps of R1)
12 T2B – all UB (mostly kipping)
***Seriously should have had 6+ rounds..I had in 3 rounds in just over 5 min…I did not push hard enough..shame on me!!!

Anika Tipton
Anika Tipton
September 7, 2022 12:01 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

???? Nice work Candy!

Anika Tipton
Anika Tipton
September 7, 2022 10:55 am

A. Worked up to 145#
B. 11:49 with power cleans

Tom Pendleton
Tom Pendleton
September 7, 2022 8:52 am

Worked up to 255 C&J
RX: 8:40

Blake Shealy
Blake Shealy
September 7, 2022 7:21 am

Yesterday’s bench 2-RM @ 255#
3×3 @ 225 w/ 2s pause

3 rnds: 10:48
21c row, 15 PU, 9 C&J @ 135

I NEED to increase shoulder mobility. My jerks are essentially shoulder press with some leg drive. Can’t get weight back and head out front. Weak link!

September 7, 2022 7:01 am

160 on squat cleans

WOD 11:14
Subbed 95lbs

September 7, 2022 7:04 am
Reply to  Shan

I did full squat cleans for all reps to wotk technique

September 7, 2022 6:57 am

Is everyone doing a FULL clean & jerk? Or the power clean & jerk? I read it as a FULL clean

Janelle winston
Janelle winston
September 7, 2022 9:23 am
Reply to  Jwilly

I usually do full so when it gets heavy, I am primed to go.

Getty Goedken
Getty Goedken
September 7, 2022 5:22 am

A. Worked up to 275 (R shoulder still a bit dodgy and with the gymnastics work, that’s where form started to fault, so I just stopped there)…started at 185 (Zach you were correct)

B. 8:31 Rx (Gymnastics slowed me up the most…15…5/5/5…5/5/3/2)
Paced the C&J, but UB on the 3rd set
around a minute per row

C. Gymnastic and Core WoDs

Good luck today everyone, it’s a fun one and smash through that wall today!

September 7, 2022 4:03 am

A) worked up to 235.

B) 12:43 Rx

September 7, 2022 3:12 am

Tight on time and need to keep a quiet house so modified to make a an EMOM. 24 min, started at 135 and worked up to 185. I figured I would end at Getty’s warm up weight.

Getty Goedken
Getty Goedken
September 7, 2022 5:25 am
Reply to  Zach

Nice work getting after it today Zach! (Nailed my warm up number on the dot as well)

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