One set of:
Assault Bike x 3 minutes, nasal breathing only
Followed by…
One to two sets of:
“Weight Plate Squat Warm-up”
Heels-elevated T-Spine Rotations x 3 per side
Heels-elevated Flex and Extend x 3
Front Foot Elevated Split Split Squats x 6 per side
Plate Elevated Cossack Squats x 6 per side
Tempo Plate Squats x 6 @ 31X1 tempo
Every 2:30, for 20 minutes (8 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 = 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 94%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 97%
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 101%+
The goal of today is to find a 1-RM.
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (20/15 kg)
30 Pull-Ups
BS 180lbs
40 off 2.5 yo PR
Jackie 7:26
A. Back squat off 225 PR
160, 180, 190, 205, 210, 215, 220(f) called it.
B. Jackie – 9:08 much slower but focused on the pull ups being slow and controlled. Dealing with shoulder/elbow issues again so trying not to be dumb.
Thrusters – 30/12/8
Pulls ups: 5 strict, 25 olympic kip, lots of singles as I fatigued. No pain in the shoulder so that’s a win.
Previous PR: 7:46
Just getting back to working out regularly.
A. #235
B. Jackie @ 10:15 RX
A. off of 225 217.5 (97%){ 230 f 227.5 f lifetime is 245 or so felt under recovered from volume last week. will stay at 225 next cycle
B. 9:06 looks like lifetime PR is 9:04 happy with that. I did c2b and heavy g2o with runs and rows saturday. Properly recovered I should have more.
Squats off #350
Jackie @8:10
Back squats 355
Jackie 7:39RX
Got me today! Good work!
A. Back Squats – based off 190# 135×2, 155×2, 165×1, 170×1, 175(f,f), 155×1, 165×1, 170×1, 170×1 ***Didn’t feel quite as good as last week but today is my 6th day without a rest day…sooo did what I was capable of today. B. Jackie – RX – 8:28 Row 1000m – 4:20.9 50 Thrusters @ 15kg – 30/20 30 Pull Ups – kipping 22/8 ***14s better than Aug 2021, but 7s slower than my Jackie PR in 2018. My row was faster today, but that probably caused a slower transition to thrusters..ugh! C. 2 Rounds for Quality Ab 45s w/ 10s… Read more »
Back squat Emom 2 min
2-255 2-295 1-315 1-325
1-335 1-345 1-355 1-365 failed
Row 3:45
Thrusters 25/15/10
Pull-ups 15/10/5
Added 5 lbs to my recent PR.
Paid for it during Jackie. 1:30 slower than my last effort. Usually can do my thrusters unbroken, but not today.
Congrats on the PR Shan!
A. Up to 325. Really pleased with that after previous weeks being really challenging at lower percentages than Rx.
B. Rx: 8:08
Row: 3:50
Thrusters: 35/15
Pull-ups: 16/4
I’m rooting for you all. Go attack it and move some weight!
A: up to 282.5#, 7.5# PR since march 28th
B: 7:45
Thrusters UB
Pull ups 16/7/7
Congrats on the PR Alban!!
Thanks ????
A. New PR +2.5kg @102%
B. Rx 7:29
Congrats on the PR Andrea, outstanding work kicking Jackie’s A$$ too!!!!
Thanks Candy 🙂
PR, Nice work!!! Solid Jackie time as well!
A. 355×2/405×2/425×1/450×1/470×1/480×1 (Annnd the bar was full safely)…480/480…need to go buy another set of oly 55#s. 2x Body weight squats though, I’ll take it.
B Rx 8:10
UB Thrusters
21/5/4 for Pull Ups
C. Invictus Core WoD 1 from this week
D. Invictus Gymnastics WoD 1 from this week
Rest of day in the clinic and with athletes, cheers and enjoy this one!
That’s incredible Getty! Really impressive day and great way to start the week!
Much appreciated, let’s go get it this week!
Incredibile work Getty. From what I have read in past comments you are a tall guy like me, but I am nowhere near as strong as you are!????????
Thanks Andrea! Yeah I’m 6’3″ 240ish, trying to keep trimming down a bit more…was 255-260 beginning of the year, goal is 220-225 for the Open in 6 months. Keep working and you’ll get there, one PR at a time!
Getty movin hella weight today!!! Makes me want to go buy you those 55s just to see your numbers explode! Then you go UB with the thrusters..DAMN!
Thanks Candy! Already priced them and they are on their way. Lifetime PR is 515 (I think when I was 31 or 32…35 now), the 480 went up so smooth today, felt really encouraging!
Still walking around like a baby giraffe from Saturdays workout. Went with:
A) 6 rounds of strict press up to 145
B) 6 rounds, 15kb swing at 53, 15 cals echo bike, 1 min recovery between rounds. Trying to flush some of that lactic.
Yes lots of leg work this weekend really doesn’t help Monday back squats..I was on the struggle bus with them. Love your mods..hope it helps the recovery!
Squats are not quite there yet!
PR is 375 from about 5 years ago.
Worked up to 330