One set of:
Assault Bike x 3 minutes, nasal breathing only
Followed by…
One to two sets of:
“Weight Plate Squat Warm-up”
Heels-elevated T-Spine Rotations x 3 per side
Heels-elevated Flex and Extend x 3
Front Foot Elevated Split Split Squats x 6 per side
Plate Elevated Cossack Squats x 6 per side
Tempo Plate Squats x 6 @ 31X1 tempo
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Back Squat
*Sets 1-4 = 1 rep @ 90% of 1-RM Back Squat
*Sets 5-7 = 3 reps @ 85%
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) for max calories of:
90 Seconds of Assault Bike
60 Double-Unders
You don’t have to do the double-unders quickly, but you will need to do them in a fatigued state. Push hard on the 90 seconds to rack up as many calories as possible…then transition and get the double-unders done so that you can rest a bit before your next interval.
A. off of 225 4×1 192.5 3×3 190#
B. Rx 26-26-2624 echo bike about 45 sec left each round hard to string du together
Working a day behind …
A. 240, 230
B. 33, 30, 33, 33 (rower cals)
Sets at 225 and 215
Subbed 90 sec row
(Did 8/25, but if this gets referenced later want it to be on the date referenced)
A. 450/450/450/450/425/425/425
B. 33/33…DNF (fighting stomach bug and it almost won in the third round, so I shut it down)
A. 310, 310, 310, 310, 290, 290, 290
B. 45, 2:14; 37, 2:13; 37, 2:14; 35, 2:15
WU – done
A. Worked off 275, lower than my lifetime max(300#), not sure I’m in that kind of shape right now.
1-4 @ 245
5-7 @ 230
Easier than expected, so maybe still strong 🙂
B. 21-21-20-20
Total: 82 cal
Fought for my life those last 2 sets trying to get to 21, didn’t quite get that last roll over before time was up.
Emom 2 min
1-345 1-345 -1345 1-345
3-315 3-315 3-315
3 rds
60 du
15 ghd sit-ups
Out of curiosity and fun who are the 34-39 y/o females?
I’m 41, so kinda close! In my mind I’m still 35-39 ????
A) 340/320 feels good to move some weight again after the back injury
B) 103 cals rx
Cals AB
1-4 @315
5-7 @295
Max cals 126
Just when I thought my neuro symptoms were in the rear view mirror for good, y’all give me a metcon to check myself ????. Crazy.(I had to lie down after this one)
A. E2MOM 2min (7sets)
1-4 = 1 rep @ 285#
5-7 = 3 reps @ 265#
B. E4MOM (4 sets) for max calories of:
90 Seconds of AB = 112 cals ……????????????
60 Double-Unders (scaled to 120 SU)
A. Rx ok
B. Rx
32 cals 2:15
34 cals 2:17
34 cals 2:12
32 cals 2:20
Who are you…132 cals just blows my mind ???????? jealous…Andrea ????????????
A. Back Squats – Based off 190# 170×1 for sets 1-4 160×3 for sets 5-7 B. E4M for 16 min for Max Cals 90s AB – 20.1 / 19.8 / 18.6 / 15.5 = 74 cals 60 DU – all UB ***The AB read 78.4, but after the 90s the cals continued to count for 1.1 more cals each round..I didn’t add those extra cals in. ***Back Squats felt solid today! I read an article in T-Nation about going A$$ to the grass on squats. That has been my way since day 1…my a$$ hits the back of my shoes.… Read more »
Is there another way to come off the bike other than fatigued?!
Asking for a friend ????????♀️????
A. Back squat 1x 345, 1x 350, 1x 360 Moderate 3000m row (11:46) Was feeling pretty good today. On the third single, I did a little “wiggle adjustment” with the bar at the top and something in my back spazzed up. I still hit the single at 360 but opted out of the final 1x. When I unracked 325 for my down sets, my back immediately told me nope! ???? Did a medium 3k row to loosen things up then a hot shower it was! I’ll be 37 next week– no time for lingering injuries. (Feeling decent midway thru the… Read more »
Great work Blake..I’m not sure a 3000m row would help me loosen up ????????
Oh to be 37 again…Happy Early Birthday!
Good work!
36m 190#
117 cals Rx
Outstanding work Adam!
A. 1-4 135kg
5-7 115kg
B. 31-27-26-25
Oh my quads ????
Try to keep 70rpm end @65rpm
Holding 65+ rpm for 90s is no joke Adi…great job!
A. 255lbs / 245lbs
21/21/21/21 cal of bike
84 cal total
Nice and consistent Diego!
A: 4x 1×250#
3x 3×235#
B: subbed assault bike for row
39/35/35/35 cal
Total: 144cal
Nice work Alban!