September 8, 2020 – Competition

Three rounds @ escalating pace:
90 seconds of Assault Bike
10 Inch worms
10 Box Jumps* (Step Down)

Round 1: 20″/18″
Round 2: 24″/20″
Round 3: 30″/24″

Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.

Bar Muscle-Up Progressions

Every 15 seconds, for 2 minutes (8 sets) of:
Swinging Knees-To-Bar x 1 rep

Followed by. . .

For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Bar Muscle-Up x max reps
*These do not need to be unbroken. Accumulate reps as necessary.

Immediately followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Air Chair Swing x 2 reps
This should feel similar to the swinging knees-to-bar but with a faster and shorter kipping swing.
Interval 2 – Target Reach Swing + Toes-To-Bar x 3 reps

Followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Bar Muscle-Up x 2 reps (contiguous or singles)
Interval 2 – Deep Bar Dips x 4 reps

Push-Up Progressions

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Wide Grip Push-Ups x 12 reps
Interval 2 – Kettlebell Push-Ups x 9 reps
Interval 3 – Double Bamboo Shoulder Press x 6 reps
*If you do not have access to the equipment needed for the double bamboo shoulder press, substitute the movement with Box Bridged Handstand Push-Ups to 8″ Deficit x 6 reps, or do one arm at a time with the bamboo bar set-up x 6 reps each arm.

Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat

*Set 1: 8 reps @ 65%
*Set 2: 6 reps @ 75%
*Set 3: 4 reps @ 85%
*Set 4: 2 reps @ 90-95%
*Set 5: MAX repetitions at 80%

Rest 3 minutes after set 5, and then…

Set 6: Do HALF the amount of reps you did for set 5. So if you did 12 reps on set 5, perform 6 reps on set 6

*Note: Set 5 – Load up 80% and perform as many reps as possible! Aim to beat your score from August 11.

Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets) for times:
300 Meter Assault Run or 400 Meter Run
10 Burpee Box Get-Overs (48″/40”) OR Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30/”24″)
20/15 Calories of Bike Erg or Ski-Erg or Row

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Andrei Puchkou
Andrei Puchkou
September 12, 2020 3:13 am

A. Done
B. Done
60” BMU – 17 unbrkn

Last edited 4 years ago by Andrei Puchkou
Johan Lee
Johan Lee
September 9, 2020 5:42 am

A. Done
E. 300m Run, 30″ BBJO, Row
3:45, 3:50, 4:07, 4:03, 3:50, 3:40

D. 80% @ 295#
5th: 9 reps (+1)
6th: 5 reps

Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
September 8, 2020 10:46 pm

D. Up to 305 for double
9@275 (+1)
E. With 10 burpee pullups and row
4:27 4:24 4:24 4:31 4:35 4:32
Went every 6 minutes

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 9, 2020 3:07 am
Reply to  Tim Coffield

Good adjustment and love the consistency!

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
September 8, 2020 9:40 pm

Time to manage my stress. I think it’s starting to hit me. ? but all good!
A) done
B) done
C) done
D) 170/195/220/235/210 x12/210×6
E) 3:22/3:23/3:26/3:33/3:28/3:30 Rx
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome!

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 9, 2020 3:06 am
Reply to  Jessica Uehlin

8 second variation ???


Eduardo Ruanova Salazar
Eduardo Ruanova Salazar
September 8, 2020 9:08 pm

A. Done
B. 12
C. Done
D. 205/ 235/ 255/ 285/ 8@235/ 235 *hopefully I’ll have more bumpers soon ?
E. Had to skip due to a working dinner

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 9, 2020 3:06 am


Hope you had a fun dinner!

Clint Walker
Clint Walker
September 8, 2020 7:17 pm

A. Done
B. Done in a not pretty approximation; 10 leg assist using rings
C. Done
D. 155/180/205/215/190-12/190-6 lbs
E. 3:51/3:53/3:59/4:05/4:09/4:12

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 7:56 pm
Reply to  Clint Walker

Let’s get on that gymnastics work!

Peter Bristotte
Peter Bristotte
September 8, 2020 7:00 pm


A. Done.
B. 15.
C. Done.
D. Based on 400 lbs. 12 reps at 320 lbs.
E. Rx: 4:00-3:52-3:55-3:54-3:57-3:42.

Have a great day!

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 7:29 pm

You could have definitely held low 40’s for them all ?

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
September 8, 2020 3:22 pm

A) ✅

B) 6 Bar mu not my best with these today

Bicep still feeling funky 2nd round of BMU not so great so skipped and skipped dips

C) did the push ups not the bamboo press attempted to do box bridge but was also painful to press out of ?

D) 135/160/185/200/175×12 reps /6@175
4 reps more than last time

E) 3:42/3:45/3:40/3:30/3:32/3:35
Slow start mostly on the run also had to stop to tie my shoes ??

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 5:54 pm
Reply to  Elena Ingoglia

Need to “hit the road running” ? ?

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
September 8, 2020 6:43 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini


Kathryn Salmon
Kathryn Salmon
September 8, 2020 2:27 pm

A: done
B: my knees hate the bar but will keep trying
C: ha did a version inspired by
D: 215# for 5 reps (last set)
E: had to go every 6 min but pleased I got it in

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 3:11 pm
Reply to  Kathryn Salmon

What’s up with your knees Kathryn?

Kathryn Salmon
Kathryn Salmon
September 8, 2020 3:26 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini

I’m guessing it may be more my weak shoulders. I can almost do it but it’s a good 4 inches out, but I can get the “chair” pose.

Jacob Swartwout
Jacob Swartwout
September 8, 2020 1:51 pm

A. Done
B. Done. 10 BMU, performed ring dips instead of the deep bar dips. I wasn’t able to lower myself to the position I’m the video. Not strong enough… yet.
C. Done
D. 225/250/285/305/270×10/ 270×5 Hit 4 or 5 more reps than last time. ??
E. Didn’t have enough time but hit three rounds: 3:44/3:51/3:43 did 400m run, 10 BBGO, and 20 cal row

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 2:22 pm

Yet! Keep up the good work!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
September 8, 2020 12:17 pm

A. Done
B. Done
C. Done
D. 125/143/162/176/152Kg x 8/152Kg x 4
11 Aug – 150Kg x 6
E. Rx with BBJO 30” box and bike ERG

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 1:16 pm
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

Good job keeping these within 10 seconds (almost ?)

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
September 8, 2020 2:06 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini

I know right. Was trying hard to keep them close and consistent.

Robin Gezelius
Robin Gezelius
September 8, 2020 11:04 am

A. Done
B. BMU 17 reps today! Same as i got with the 90s interval!
C. Done
D. Done based on 162.5kg 8 reps at 130kg
1. 3:29
2. 3:24
3. 3:32
4. 3:34
5. 3:39
6. 3:41
(300m assault runner / 20 cal row)

Good session! Finally got some much needs sleep in ?

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
September 8, 2020 11:56 am
Reply to  Robin Gezelius

Such a good feeling coming in fresh like that!

Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
September 8, 2020 10:24 am

A. Done, went for 20″,24″31″ but couldn’t overcome the fear of the 31″… didn’t get a single rep, went back to 24″ ?
B. Done
C. Done
D. 125 145,166,175, then 8 reps at 155(2 more than last time), 155 x 4 reps.
E. Bumped the cal bike to 10 so I could get at least 40 sec rest. 415/407/415/415/415/500 I had nothing left in the last round, finish the cal bike at exactly 5 min!!?

Last edited 4 years ago by Amy Maschue
Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
September 8, 2020 11:55 am
Reply to  Amy Maschue

That is great to know you gave it everything!

September 8, 2020 10:15 am

A, B, C done

B 3 bmu in 1 minute

D skipped

E. For time
10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
20 Pull-Ups
10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
10 Chest to bar
10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
5 bar muscle ups/10 chest to bar
100 m farmer carry 2x 22,5 kg dumbells
1 round+55 reps

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
September 8, 2020 11:55 am

Good job today Vittorio!

Sabrina Quintão Pereira
Sabrina Quintão Pereira
September 8, 2020 9:15 am


A) Done
B) 4 BMU with assistance
C) Done. PVC presses took some time ??
D) 123 – 143 – 163 – 173 – 153 x 6 – 153 x 3.
August 11th: 4 reps then 2
E) 300m Run / 10 BBGO 40” / 15 Cal Erg Bike
3:48 – 3:54 – 3:56 – 3:53 – 3:56 – 3:49

Have a great day! ?

Last edited 4 years ago by Sabrina Quintão Pereira
Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
September 8, 2020 11:54 am

Part C is good stuff!

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
September 8, 2020 9:05 am

A. Done
B. 19 bar MU
C. Done why does Travis make those pvc presses look so easy?
D. 265/295/335/365/325×6/325×3
E. RX with 400 meter run and 48in bbgo
That run just started getting too slow

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 9:12 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

Spent half of his life stabilizing using his shoulders ?‍♂️

Check yourself on that run Bobby!

Last edited 4 years ago by Santino Marini
Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
September 8, 2020 9:34 am
Reply to  Santino Marini

I can tell!!

I know I tried ?

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
September 8, 2020 8:46 am

A) done
B) 10+2+2 mu, it wasn’t the best today, rest of it done
C) done with box bridge pu, no deficit for 10 reps, emom for 9’ (3 sets)
D) 95-110-125-135(1 rep)-120 (5 reps) 120 (2 reps)
Still worried and afraid of lower back, so couldn’t and didn’t want to push this part
E) 500m row, 48” bp box over, 20 cal bike erg
As the rest time got more less, the energy went away as fuck, that <1’ rest just wasn’t enough 😀
That box over movement is still fun tho

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 9:12 am
Reply to  Aron Megyik

Solid mental push! Tough but productive day!

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
September 8, 2020 9:47 am
Reply to  Santino Marini

Liked this wod, simple but effective. And the gymnastics stuff is always fun, so all i have left is start to like the heavier weights haha

Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
September 8, 2020 7:25 am

A. 11:27
B. Bar Muscle-Up Progressions – Done
C. Push-Up Progressions – Done
D. Back Squat
Set 1: 8 reps @ 65%, 45 kg
Set 2: 6 reps @ 75%, 53 kg
Set 3: 4 reps @ 85%, 60 kg
Set 4: 2 reps @ 90%, 63 kg
Set 5: max reps @ 80%, 56 kg
(10 reps today/ 8 reps August 11)
Set 6: 5 reps @ 80%, 56 kg
E. E5M, 30 min, for times:
300 Meter Run (skill mill)
10 Burpee Box Overs (36”)
15 Calories of Row
3:53/ 3:43/ 3:41/ 3:42/ 3:39/ 3:37

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
September 8, 2020 9:15 am

Great days work!! Great job hitting 2 extra reps on the squats and staying super consistent on the intervals!

Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
September 8, 2020 9:40 am
Reply to  Santino Marini


Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
September 8, 2020 7:22 am

A) Done
B) 16 BMUs
C) Done
D) 250/285/325/345/6@305/3@305
E) 400m run/BBJOs/Row – 3:29, 3:26, 3:28, 3:26, 3:22, 3:21 sorry for the negative splits but this workout just kept getting more fun lol

Last edited 4 years ago by Patrick Benson
Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
September 8, 2020 7:34 am
Reply to  Patrick Benson

Hahaha i was going to call you out on that but its good that it kept getting more “fun”.

Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
September 8, 2020 6:49 am

Felt way under-recovered today so did my best to listen to the body.
A. Done
2.Hit 3 UB then forgot how and only got 1 more.
3.✓x3 / ✓x3
C. 12/12/12 9/9/9 (some on KB some hands at sides; shoulders pinching in front) 6/6/6 bridge HSPU
E. E5Minutes x4
200M Run
15 Cal Row
Rest: 1:37/1:40/1:20/1:33

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
September 8, 2020 7:33 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott

Good work! I just emailed you too!

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