Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Wall Bridge x 30 seconds
(walk out as far as you are able to staying safe)
Lat and Hip Flexor Combo Stretch x 30 seconds per side
and then …
Single Arm Hang from Bar x 10-15 seconds per side
Over the Shoulder Barbell Stretch x 30 seconds per side
and then …
Three sets of:
Static Ring Holds x 15 seconds
Rest as needed
Skill Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
30 Seconds of Double Unders or Double-Under Practice
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups* (55+: 3-5″ riser)
*if you can do these unbroken then try adding a slight deficit
If you don’t have Strict Handstand Push-Ups then complete the above doing one of the following progressions:
Elevated Foot Handstand Push-Ups
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups
Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Ups
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets) of:
300/250 Meter Row
5 Box Jump Overs (24/20″; 55+: Step-Overs Okay)
5 Power Cleans*
Begin at 65% of 1-RM Clean and increase by 2-3% each round as long as you continue to complete each interval under 2 minutes.
Can you make it all the way to 80%?
Complete as many sets as possible in 20 minutes for movement quality and muscle activation of:
20 Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
10 Strict Pull-Ups (use a band if needed)
20 Push-Ups @ 10X1
15 Plate Ground to Overheads
10 Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises
The dumbbell and plate weight is up to each athlete.
Athlete Notes:
Cardio meets power output in today’s workout! As you fatigue we want to make sure that your lifts are still technically sound, so please adhere more to your form than to your ego! This cycle has been all about being technically proficient on a moderate to heavy barbell while in a fatigued state – in other words, we want you moving the bar well because the better the bar moves, the stronger you become and the longer you’ll be able to last when cycling! Take the row pace at around your 1-2k pace, aggressive but not an all out sprint. Transition straight to the box and try to rip through those as quickly as possible. Please be safe here, we don’t want anyone injuring themselves, so please step down, we would advise just about anything other than bounding. After the box jumps try to step straight to the barbell, set your hands, set your back and hips, and hang on! How well are you moving the bar when you get tired? Take note of what you feel in this workout.. are your legs blasted? Is your back lit up? What’s going on during each set? The only way we can fully improve is if we take note on the things that need the most work!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Running Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Run 1200 Meters @ 100% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Rest as needed
For today’s effort, it’s up to you to determine how little time you need between sets while still achieving your prescribed pacing. Please note both your run time, and the amount of time you rest between each set. Your goal is to take as little rest as needed without falling more than 3-5 seconds behind your prescribed time for the 1200 meters.