Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Ring Muscle-Up Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 11 minutes:
Minute 1: 5 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 2: 4 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 3: 3 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 4: 2 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 5: 1 Ring Muscle up
Minute 6: Rest
Minute 7 5 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 8: 4 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 9: 3 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 10: 2 Ring Muscle ups
Minute 11: 1 Ring Muscle up
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets) of:
300/250 Meter Row
5-8 Box Jump-Overs (30/24″)*
5 Power Cleans*
Begin at 65% of 1-RM Clean and increase by 2-3% each round as long as you continue to complete each interval under 2 minutes.
Can you make it all the way to 80%?
Complete as many sets as possible in 30 minutes for movement quality and muscle activation of:
20 Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
10 Strict Pull-Ups
20 Push-Ups @ 10X1
15 Plate Ground to Overheads
10 Strict Toes to Bar
Athlete Notes:
Cardio meets power output in today’s workout! As you fatigue we want to make sure that our lifts are still technically sound, so please adhere more to your form than to your ego! This cycle has been all about being technically proficient on a moderate to heavy barbell while in a fatigued state – in other words, we want you moving the bar well because the better the bar moves, the stronger you become and the longer you’ll be able to last when cycling! Take the row pace at around your 1-2k pace, aggressive but not an all out sprint. Transition straight to the box and try to rip through those as quickly as possible. Please be safe here, we don’t want anyone injuring themselves, so if you need to go to a shorter box, or step down, we would advise just about anything other than bounding. After the box jumps try to step straight to the barbell, set your hands, set your back and hips, and hang on! How well are you moving the bar when you get tired? Take note of what you feel in this workout…are your legs blasted? Is your back lit up? What’s going on during each set? The only way we can fully improve is if we take note on the things that need the most work!
Mu done
A. 155 for first five then 165
✅ RMU work (used low rings w/box in garage)
A) ✅ dayuuuum okurrrr ???????? Kept it right around 2:00 until the last 4 rounds where they just bled into one another a bit ???? but proud I ended my last 2 sets at 140# (82%). Did 6 box jump overs at 24”.
B) ✅ Had to cut to 15:00 for time, but still got 2 solid rounds in (moving a bit slow)
^Pedro’s wifey
Short on time but still a damn solid session! Great work!
Had a nasty headache today so I just did the clean conditioning
A) 135- 1:42
140- 1:44
145- 1:43
145- 1:47
150- 1:46
155- 1:48
155- 1:46
160- 1:52
160- 1:49
165- 1:57 and that almost got me but it’s 80%
Did 5 box jump
Another vet appt tomorrow and that should wrap it up for a min ????????
Thanks Tino! Hope you had a great day!
Great push today considering you had a headache.
Hopeing for some more good news with the ???? !
Thanks so much Tino!!
Ring muscle ups Done
A: Done 7 rds
B: did 2 rds in 20 min
Skill done (like having these too)
A: 135 to 165 pyramid style, it got rough, 5 box jumps
B: 3 R w/ 30# DB
Successory !!!
hell yeah!
A. 8 BJO
B. 4 rnds w/ 17.5Kg DB
Those PC were tough today. I was gassed afterwards. % was definitely below Rx.
Legs felt a little wobbly for sure when you get to the cleans!
No ring, so did
Emom for 12’
1: 15 t2b
2: 12 t2b
3: 9 t2b
A) 6 bjo and 84kg power clean all the way, times around 2 Min every time
Wanted to go heavier, but the first few reps felt so heavy (and worried a little about the back), so sticked to this weight
B) no time, did a fast class wod later
5 rounds
30 du
10 ohs 95lbs
Immediately into…
30 ohs
100 du
Time: 5:56
That was all, but will try to do this strength part on Thursday, looks fun.
Good to see you moved today with no back issues!
Muscle activation : done
Muscle ups : done ????????
A. 2:00/2:00/1:58/1:52/2:00/1:56/1:58/1:52/1:57/1:58
The first four sets with 175 lbs and the last six sets with 185 lbs
B. 3 rounds + 5 strict pull ups
50 lbs DB
A. RX with 8 jump overs
205 – 1:57
210 – 1:56
215 – 1:55
225 – 1:51
230 – 1:56
235 – 1:56
240 – 1:55
245 – 1:51
250 – 1:58
255 – 2:02
4 Rounds subbed strict ring dips for push ups
50lb DBs
Moved well today!
Thanks Tino!
Skill work- practiced air chaos again, did 5 reps each round.
A. 250 row, 5 BJO, 5 PCL-85/90/95/100/105/105/110/110/115/115. Completed all rounds with about 40-45 sec left, last round with 12 sec on clock????
B. Done. Not sure if I did plate G2OH correctly. That’s a super weird move.
Thanks for the great push!!!
Jerks tomorrow????????????????
Yes! Jerks tomorrow!
Activation/Skill Done. Grips was the best I’ve made. Only took about 8 years haha.
A. 200/210/215/220/230/235/240/245×4/250×2/255×1/260×2
B. 3 rounds in 20 minutes. Had to get to work.
Do you make tape grips?
I bought a pair of victory grips. They’re awesome on the bar and rings.
Muscle ups done
A) Started at 175 and added 5lbs each round.
1:55, 1:59, 2:00, 2:11, 2:17, 2:21, 2:55, called it a day. Realized after the 2nd round that finishing in 2 mins wasn’t happening.
B) Done
Glad you were aggressive and went for it!
Muscle-Ups done
A. 85-107.5kg
1:55, 1:56, 1:56, 1:58, 1:55, 1:57, 1:59, 1:59, 1:58, 2:01
Row was 1:05, 6 x box jumps 1:25is. Legs were feeling it after the box jumps.
B. 4 rounds, 2x20kg for deadlifts and 2×22.5kg for push press
Just missed keeping them all sub 2! Solid push!