Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 4 sets. If flexibility in this exercise is tough, scale to a higher receiving position & do not add weight.
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Tall Clean x 2 reps
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull with 3-second Pause at Knee
+ Clean with 3-second Pause at Knee + Jerk
*Set 1 = @ 65% of 1-RM Clean
*Set 2 = @ 70% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 3-4 = @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 5-6 = @ 80% of 1-RM Clean
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 2 reps @ 51X1
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 80%
*Sets 5-6 = @ 85%
Against a 4-minute running clock…
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 75 Double-Unders
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Reps of Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of SIX (6) sets.
Goal is to have around 40-60 seconds for pull-ups.
Four sets of:
1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press
x 8-10 reps (HEAVY)
Immediately followed by. . .
Dumbbell Bench Press x 20 reps (LIGHT & FAST)
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 2111
Immediately followed by. . .
Kneeling Straight Arm Press Downs x 20 @ 1121
Rest as needed
A. SOTS 45/45/50/50, Tall Clean 55/60/65/70 lbs
B. 135/150/160/160/175/175 lbs
C. 110/110/120/120/130/130 lbs
D. Green Band (50-125 lb) 6/5/5/4/3/3
E. Benches 45s/15s lbs, Row 35s lbs, Press down (Green band 50-125 lb)
A. Done
B. Last set @ 245#
C. Top set @ 275#
D. Sub to row, Strict Pull up
15, 13, 13, 11, 12, 15
The forearm pump was no joke.
E. Out of time
Forgot to post yesterday
B: 135-155#
C: 165-185#
D: about 10-12 PU
E: 30/15 & 40
C. 225×2 235×4
D. With row
10 15 14 13 14 15
Calves cramped on du after 3 rounds so switched to 12 burpees for last 3
A) 95 and 105
B) 135/145/155/155/165/165 felt good
C) 160/160/175/175/185/185 these felt good too
D) 28/34/24/22/25/22 Rx but with regular DU
E) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome!
Hello everyone, wish you all had a great start to the week!! ????
A. Sots @45 all / tall clean: 75/ 95/ 115/ 135
B. 165/ 185/ 205×2/ 235 failed
C. 185/ 205/ 235×2/ 235x 2 (couldn’t with the tempo at 255)
D. 13/ 17/ 14/ 17/ 10/ 17 (DU)
E. Done
Hey Tino
Couldn’t make the times my gym was open today what would recommend do today’s training tomorrow and skip my normal rest day Thursday and finish out the week that way. Or skip tomorrow’s training and do today’s tomorrow?
I would jump in to tomorrows work as written and follow what’s programmed then you can see how you feel Thursday and maybe hit some lifting and accessory work. It really depends how you feel.
Ok sounds good only reason I thought to do today’s workout tomorrow is because Friday we usually do cleans and snatches and didn’t want to do cleans 2 days in a row. Thanks
I would recommend this Thursday: Against a 4-minute running clock… 25/18 Calorie Assault Bike 50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 75 Double-Unders 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike Max Reps of (alternate between wall ball shots and Kettlebell swings) Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of SIX (5) sets. Goal is to have around 40-60 seconds for pull-ups. E. Four sets of: 1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 followed by. . . Dumbbell Bench Press x 20 reps (LIGHT & FAST) Rest 60 seconds Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 2111 Immediately followed by. . . Kneeling Straight… Read more »
Did this yesterday
A. Done
B. 205/235/250×2/270×2
C. 285/305/315
D. RX with Zeus rope
Zeus was destroying me .. I was sprinting the 25 Cals but thought when I finished maybe I should have took it easier there and sprinted the 15 instead ?
E. Done
Good learning today on pacing for different movements. Need to get more comfortable with that heavy rope under fatigue.
A. 45,50,50,50#
65,75,80,80# tall clean
B. Done based off of 130# max
C. Done based off of 160# max, these felt really strong today!
D. Done RX except I subbed the pull-ups for dumbbell rows as I didn’t have a pull up bar nearby ?
1. 24
2. 16
3. 16
4. 16
5. 12
6. 12
Might have gone out a little too hot in the beginning, but I managed to hang on through the bike intervals at about the same pace
Good job holding that bike pace!
A1. 20Kg
A2. 40/50/60/70Kg
B. 90/97.5/105/105/111/111Kg
C. 117.5/117.5/125/125/132.5/132.5Kg
D. Rx with row and 75 DU; no AB today.
E. 30Kg/15Kg and 40Kg rows
Another consistent day! Nice work!
The clean complex and FS were tough today. My lower back was tight and the body didn’t want to cooperate. Loved the conditioning though. Good way to finish.
A1. 20/20/30/30kg
A2. 60/65/70/75kg
B. 80/85/90/90/95/100kg ?
C. 97,5/97,5/105/105/110/110kg
1-4 sets RX 75DU: 21/15/15/15 Reps
5-6 sets scaled 20 -10 cal Ass.Bike: 20/20 reps
E. Done Dumbbells 50lb (Heavy) then push ups 20 reps.
?? start time the week!
A. Done w/PVC… shoulders don’t like this but i tried it Tino!! I think my shoulder is just not tracking correctly. It seems to always want to dump forward. That used to be a problem in my snatch but if I focus I mostly can correct it. It’s a work in progress for sure, self awareness.
Tall Cleans-65lbs
B. 95/105/110/115, positioning felt good. I like the pause work, it helps me to ficus and feel things… like flaws!
D. Stayed Rx with this even though by round 3i wanted to do the calories!! 7/9/6/5/0/3 pull ups
For the press in clean and also sotts press come up to a height where you can do these pain free and correctly. The goal is to eventually do them at the bottom of your squat but there’s no shame in doing them from a comfortable safe position even if it’s above parallel.
A1: 20/30/35/40 kg A2: 50/60/70/70 kg B) Set 1: 70 kg Set 2: 75 kg Set 3-4: 80 kg Set 5-6: 85 kg (Struggled with getting enough speed on the pull during the clean). C) Set 1-2: 82kg Set 3-4: 88kg Set 5-6: 94 kg This went suprisingly easy D) Set 1: 20 Pull-ups Set 2: 18 Pull-ups During set 1 and 2 I pulled off a Noah Ohlsen and went full yolo to stay within the RX amount of Cal. All steam was gone so for the remaining of the workout I Scaled to 18 and 10 Cal AB… Read more »
It’ll all depend on how you feel. As a general rule you should be adjusting based on how your body is. If you feel off reduce the loading and volume and focus on movement quality.
A) press with empty barbell this week Tall cleans 40-50-60-60kg B) 84-90-95-95-100-100kg C) 100-100-105-105-110-110 (1 rep in the last 2 sets) Weights felt heavy today D) lol this was pure ? Did 75 du with heavier rope. It is not a zeus or sg, I’ve just ordered it from the internet, but definitely much heavier and challenging enough 25-20-9-5-0-21 pull ups The 5 round was more like an active recovery round, just moved through for the whole time. It was too much ass bike for me today. E) 2 rounds done, but then i had to sit at least a… Read more »
Considering you trained yesterday this was a damn good effort! Nice work!
A) 2 x 45 – 2 x 50lb / A2: 2 x 55 – 2 x 60lb
B) 77 – 83 – 2 x 88 – 2 x 93lb
C) 2 x 113 – 2 x 123 – 2 x 128lb
D) 13 Cal Echo Bike
50 Zeus Rope DU
8 Cal Echo Bike
Max Pu: 20 – 20 – 24 – 20 – 21 – 20
E) Three sets done
Happy Labor Day! ?
Happy Labor Day!
A1. 45# across
A2. 65/75/85/95
B. 165/180/190/205
C. 240 2×2 255 2×2 270 1×1 1×1.5
D. 4 sets
18 cal AB
10 cal AB
MAX pull ups – 16 10 11 14
Def not a complaint but today was RUFF ?
Bring on Tuesday!
A. Done with empty BB; tall cleans at 55/66/65/75
B. 115/125/130/140; jerks feel awesome. Clean feels pretty good on the way up. Receiving and standing it up feels the weakest
Did part C from Saturday due to time and equipment:
FR lunges 85/85/95#
Death march with 35s
Coming back! Excited to see you continue to get back to your best!
A) 45/65/85/95
B) 175/190/205/215
C) 250/270/285×1 then failed 2nd rep and called it
D) First three rounds 20/15 cals, last three rounds 15/15 cals: 20/15/12/13/15/13
E) Two sets done im absolutely rocked
That’s one way to start a week ????
Starting off with a ?
A1. 15/ 15/ 15/ 15 kg
A2. 25/ 25/ 28/ 30 kg
B. 37/ 40/ 43/ 43/ 46/ 46 kg
C. 47/ 47/ 50/ 50/ 53/ 53 kg
D. Against a 4-minute running clock:
15 Calorie Assault Bike
75 Double-Unders
10 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Reps of PU @ 16/ 17/ 18/ 17/ 17/ 18
E. Three sets of:
1-1-2 DB Bench Press x 8 reps @ 12.5 kg
DB Bench Press x 20 reps @ 6 kg DBs
DB Row x 8+8 reps T: 2111 @ 12.5 kg
Kneeling Straight Arm Press Downs x 20 @ 1121
A.45 65 75 85
45 95 135 155
B. 215 230 260
C. 285 305 325- that last set was ROUGH
D. Heavy du- seated banded lat pull down w black band instead of pull ups 58 55 50 62 51 57
E. Done
Rough but you made it!