Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 60 seconds doing the Med Ball T-Spine Opener
and then . . .
Spend 45 seconds per side in the Twisted Cross Pec Stretch
and then . . .
Spend 45 seconds per side in the Perfect Stretch
followed by. . .
Two sets each arm of:
Viking Sloth Press x 5-7 reps
Rest as needed
Focus on mechanics and tempo, not reps. Slow and controlled on the descent, smooth and strong on the ascent. Try to feel tension through the internal obliques on the descent and engage the lats and pecs as hard as possible on the ascent. You should not be shrugging at any point during this movement.
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Behind the Neck in Receiving Position x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Snatch x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep + 1 Overhead Squat @ 3211
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep + 1 Overhead Squat
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Mid Thigh Snatch x 2 reps @ 75-80% of 1-RM
(please use blocks)
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets), complete:
4 Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift x 1 rep
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes (5 sets)
Row x 90 seconds (Max Calories)
Toes-to-Bar x 12 reps
Strict Ring Dips x 6 reps
55+: Strict Stationary Dips x 6 reps
Practice quick starts and getting off the rower quickly. Practice fast transistions to the pull-up rig. Get off the erg and get to the rig immediately.
Three sets of:
Bent-Over Barbell Row x 10 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 reps @ 2011
Rest as needed
A1) 25kg, 25kg, 25kg
A2) 40kg, 45kg, 50kg
A3) 70kg, 75kg, 75kg
A4) 80kg, 80kg
B1) 60kg, 65kg, 67kg, 67kg, 68kg, 68kg, 70kg, 70kg
B2) 150kg, 150kg
C) 36-2:25 + 36-2:25 + 34-2:30 + 34-2:27 + 32-2:40
D1) 90kg, 90kg, 90kg
D2) 80kg, 80kg, 80kg -did bench on bb, shoulder hurts with db-
A1 Kept it at 100 #’s for press behind the neck
A2 This is were is gets ugly.Tall Snatch used Weighted pvc pipe. The up and back pulling is what really keeps,me from snatching much anymore.
A3 sn bal was uglier. Could not maintain 135 so i stopped
B. Stayed at 95 pounds
C 2:35 /41 , 2:35/40 , 2:45/41, 2:37/37, 2:41/41
Dips were single reset. Another not so grwat move for me.
a day behind -delayed entry did this open Tuesday 9/5
dyn. done
viking sloth moved up to the 33 bb
A1) SP: 33 lbs,43,48
2) TS: 48 lbs 1×1 fail, 48 lbsx2 sets
3). SB: 75,,80,88x1x1 fail, 88 lbs
B1). M/T/S: 73x1x1fail,78×2 fail, 78
2). 4 stop D/L: 123 x sets
C). 1) 18 cal/2:13, 2) 18 cal/2:21, 3) 7 cal? equip issues, 4) 14 cal/2:16 5) 18 cal/ 2:16
part d doing shortly had to stop to eat 🙂
Mobility activation done
A1. 20 Kg
A2. 20-20-25 Kg (did the tall snatch wrong..)
A3. 30-40-40 Kg
A4. 40-50 Kg
B1. 20-30-30-35-40-40 Kg
B2. 70-80 Kg
C. Skipped it
D. 50Kg, 22 kg Bumbbel
A1. 75/85/95
A2. 75/85/95
A3. 115/125/135
A4. 145/155
B1. 125 for four sets/130 for four
B2. 165
C. 2:08 39 cal/2:10 37 cal/2:08 35 cal/ 2:11 35 cal/ 2:18 32 cal
D. 135 for bb row 52.5 db inc bench
Mobility Completed
A1: 45,65.75
A2: 45,55,65
A3: 55,65,75
A4: 75
B1: 45,55,65,75,75,75,75,75, first time snatching!
B2: 225,245
C: 31,31,33,31,30, sub hanging knee raises. Home gym needs mods.
D: 135,165,185 Row, 65# DB for all bench presses.
Coming off 5 months of powerlifting programming, huffed and puffed but a great first day.
Happy to have you on here David!
A1: 95 , 105, 115
A2: 75 ALL
A3: 135, 155, 165
B: @125 (4) and @130 (4) started to fail in the last 2 rounds
C: 29 – 2:25
24 – 2:30
25 – 2:29
21 – 2:31
22- 2:29
D: Had to skip – Hurricane preparation
Oh no Luis – how is everything going?
Currently doing final prep but to say the truth its scary Category 5 175 mph. Have not been with such force since 1928 it was devasting
Thoughts are with you Luis.
A1: 22# bar
A2: 35/45/45#
A3: 85/85/95#
A4: 95#
B. 78/78/80/80– wiped out and dropped bar on my plates for box set up and bar went flying. Then just went from mid thigh no blocks and had to regroup at lighter weight–73/78/78
C. Hands ripped up so did sit ups, unfortunately could not set up rower close to rings so a bit of transition time in travel
23 2:40/ 22 2:30/ 23 2:28/ 22 2:30/ 21 2:30
D. Not today
Hopefully back to regular wods again, cascade classic qualifier done.
Nice work on Part C Laura – you guys need blocks at the gym!
DMA – done
A1. 40 – 45 – 50
A2. 35 – 55 – 55
A3. 95 – 105 – 115
A4. 125 – 130
B1. 95 – 95 – 95 – 100 – 100 – 105 – 110 – 115
B2. 135 – 135
C. 3:37 – 27 cal/ 3:40 – 26 cal/ 4:20 – 25 cal/ 4:14 – 21 cal/ 4:07 – 21 cal
D. 75# and 35# DB’s
Mobility Done
A1. worked with bar only today for pop
A2. same – bar only
A3. 95/115/135
A4. 135
B1. no blocks, so from floor; 95/95/115/115/135/145/150/150
B2. 195
C. could have worked harder on the row, avg. 2:12 per round
kcal – 28/30/30/31/30
D. will have to do later.
Mobility activation done
A1. 55-65-75#
A2. 45-55-65#
A3. 105-125-135#
A4. 145-155-165(m)
B1. 125-130#
B2. 165#
C. 28, 2:12
27, 2:11
27, 2:10
26, 2:10
26, 2:09
D. 75#, 35#
Nice and consistent Cheryl, I love it!
Thank you!
Sloth Press with 2x12kg and 2x16kg KBs A1: Snatch Press 40; 45; 45kg A2: Tall Snatch- 95lbs, 95lbs, 115lbs A3: Snatch Balance + Tempo OHS- 70, 75, 80kg(m)- Struggled with this one. Kept missing 80kg forward on the snatch balance. Corrected it next one A4: Snatch Balance + OHS- 80; 85; 87.5 kg B: Using soft Rogue 20″ boxes as blocks. Didn’t realize how bouncy they were and on a60kg warm up set it bounced right into my right thumb. Pretty painful and swollen now. I was able to move it so hopefully its just jammed. Lesson learned!! B1: 70×3;… Read more »
Oh no – I hope your thumb heals up quickly!
I’ve done that before with the thumb! It’s annoying for a little while but healed up pretty quick if I recall!
DMA complete (minus Viking Sloth, did bottoms up KB Presses)
A1. 45/55/60
A2. 65/65/70
A3. 85/95/105 (right shoulder started acting up)
A4. 115/115
B1. 5 sets at 115# stopped because of shoulder.
B2. 115/115
C. Did Not Do. Did Hotshot 19 with our Labor Day Class
6 Rounds – 30 air squats/19 Pwr Clean 95#/7 Strict PU/ 400m Run. Time: 33:37
D. Did not do…
A1 & A2 – Barbell Only
A3. 95/135/165
A4. 185/205
B1. 135/145/145/155/155/165/170 (failed 2nd rep)/165
B2. 205/215
C. 30 Cals – 2:05 / 30 – 2:05 / 29 – 2:06 / 29 – 2:07 / 28 – 2:08
D. BB Row @ 95# / DB Press @ 50#
A1. 45/65/65
A2. 65/65
A3. 95/115/135
A4. 145/155
B1. 115/115/125….
B2. 205
C. 2:47/41 2:47/32 2:47/33 2:59/31 3:20/30
D. DB’s for both 45# for rows and 60# for BP
* Fell apart on C. Had to rest longer for sets 3-5 and had a hard time recovering from first 2 intervals.
Rest up and you’ll be hitting those intervals fully in no time.
Mobility done.
A1. 35/45/55
A2. 65/65/65
A3. 65/75/75
A4. 90/100
Had an injury in January and still got a bit problems with my right shoulder. It felt pretty stiff this morning, had to keep weights light.
B1. 95-100
B2. 155/155
C. 29 cal 2:14
29 cal 2:18
28 cal 2:36
28 cal 2:38
28 cal 2:30
Two first rounds ub, then t2b 9/6, dips
3/3,3/3,2/2/2. First ring dips in a wod after 6
months, felt heavy but finally my shoulder is
strong enough to do them again 🙂
D1. 110/110/110
Didn’t do bench press
What happened to the shoulder?
A.1 15kg/17kg/20kg
A.2 all at 35kg
A.3 45/48/50kg
A.4 51/52kg
B. 45/45/46/46/46/46/46/46kg
Did an online qualifier workout
AMRAP 8 min
40 Bar facing Burpees
30 OHS @55lbs
40 HSPU – OPEN standard, only got to 32…turns out it’s not a very good score ha ha
C. 26 cals – UB/ 23 cals for every other set, started to break down sets as I got more fatigued. Forgot book at gym so don’t have times, but anywhere between 2:30 and 3:15 to complete.
D. Done with light weights 75 for BB rows and 302lbs for DB bench press
DMA done
A1 65/75/75
A2 95/95/100
A3 155/165/185
A4 195/200/210 I think this may be a snatch balance pr.
B 135/145/155/155/165/175/180(f)/175(f)/175/175 these felt awesome today. Feeling much faster under the bar.
B 245/255
1) 38 cals/ub/ub 2:02
2) 38 cals/ub/ub 2:04
3) 37 cals/ub/ub 2:04
4) 36 cals/ub/ub 2:05
5) 35 cals/ub/4,2 2:08
D1 95# x 3
D2 52.5# db
Great work on your snatches today!
Haven’t posted for a while. Been doing most of the workouts and a few online Qualifiers
All at 135
B. I actually worked on split snatched here. Never done before so gave it a go. 95/115/135/155/175/185/195/205
C. 41 cal/2:08. 39/2:11. 37/2:19. 36/2:14. 37/2:15.
Died out pretty quick
D. 135/155 rows. 55# DB
Yay, glad to see you posting again Keith! And nice work on opening with 41 calories!
A. empty BB, tall snatches 95, sb+OHS to 145
B. HHSx2 @115
C. 33/32/31/30/30, 2:15/2:18/2:18/2:24/2:28