Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Roll to Candlestick x 8-10 reps
Minute 3 – Crossover Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 8 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Muscle-Ups x 2-4 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Ring Dips x 2-4 reps
Choose a rep scheme that will allow you to be consistent every minute.
Ten sets of:
Sumo Deadlift x 1 reps @ 75% @ 11X2*
Rest 30 seconds
*If you do not know your 1-RM Sumo Deadlift then use your 1-RM Conventional Deadlift.
Every 90 seconds, for 27 minutes
Interval 1 – Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16 reps
Interval 2 – Double Unders x 30 reps + Toes to Bar x 6 reps
Interval 3 – Burpee Box Jump Overs x 6 reps + Push Press x 6 reps
24″/20″; 135/95 lbs
55+: 24″/20″, step ups allowed; 115/75 lbs
Three sets of:
Bamboo Press x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Supine Grip Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Front Facing Chinese Plank Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Mobility – Done. Looked like a fool trying that shoulder opener thingy on the box. Gave up on the box and went to the wall instead after a couple crashes. Candlesticks are good now. A – Did 4 strict MUs on the minute. Worked false grip, tight elbows, and fast turns. B – 315#. C – Oh, my redline thanks you for the extra 30 seconds rest! I felt way better after this one this week. I did the lunges at 115# though to keep from aggravating groin tendon. D – 35#KBs banded on a 25# training bar. 135# for… Read more »
Mob and Act done
A. Done w/ one MU each round
B. 205
C. Done w/ front squats instead of lunges. Liked the combo of movements.
Skipped Wednesday, did this Thursday.
M/A Done
A: 6×2 had a hard time with keeping false grip
B: 285#
C: RX made every set. 90 seconds made a big difference from last week’s 60 seconds.
D: Done. 135# for the sups,
M/A done
A. RIng Dips 3-4 (blk band)
B. 190#
C. 65#, singles x 60 (bad ankle and I’m still trying to get my DU down!). Had to scale last 2 rounds to 12 lunges and and 4 t2b.
D. Bamboo press 15# each side, row 55# (still lots of elbow pain)
A. 2/min
B. 315 lbs
C. Dropped to 12 lunges/round on round three – took extra 90 second rest after third round – would i be better off scaling reps and keeping up on the 90 sec or just go rx reps and taking more rest?
MOB done
A) Worked with some new progressions
B) Sumo DL @ 11X2 (165#)
C) Done @ 75# like last time…quite a bit of rest this time around
D) Bamboo Press with 2×18# kbs on a 5# bar…with the press added it was interesting to see where in the movement the stabilization became harder.
Supine Bent Rows x 10 @ 65# (kept this strict); wasn’t able to get in the Chinese Planks…had to teach.
A. MU Progression Work
B. 10 X 1 @ 143 Kg
C. Rx
A. 2 per round except round 3, only one
B. Built but kept light due to strained lower back from weekend comp
C. Only 4 rounds….had to stop to coach
D. Will try to make up later this week
Mobility done
5×5 Back squats.
A. 4/3/3/3/3/4
B. skipped
C. Done at 95# and 12 lunges/round
D. Out of time
A. Done with just one MU per minute; shoulders and wrist tired/hurting a little
B. 185#
C. Done Rx; another ‘fun’ one 🙂
D. Hope to do tomorrow
Mob done
A. Worked on transitions /ring dips and false grip PU
B. 250 switched to DL knees were getting sore
C. Done. scaled w/75lbs.
D. ran out of time
A-No MU rings subbed 8 C2B each round
B-325 each set
C-Struggled with lunges, Zeus rope DU.
D-Skipped, one of those non-motivational days but made it through most.
Mobility and activation done
A. 4/4/3/4/3/3
B. 335# (added in a MU swing + MU in between pulls. I wanted to work on aggressive feet thru swing)
C. Done. With the added 30 secs I was able to keep The first two at 30-35 secs with the third at 35-40. This was fun. Enjoyed the variety of movements.
D. Done
Post – Rev Hyper, GHD sit-ups and then Iron Scap.
Love the added skill work!
Planning on doing this workout tomorrow.
Mobility Complete
A. 3,3,4,4,2,2
B. 110kg on 1-5, 120 on 5-10
C. Done, had to decrease lunges, had some weird sharp pain in the hernia area. All dubs were u.b. fun but lunges were the hardest for sure.
D. No time
A. 6×3 reps each. Trying to smooth out the linking.
B. 10×1 @275#
C. Finished 12 intervals & the back got real tight, so I called it a day. Sumo DL isn’t my friend.
A. 2/3 UB per round
B. 315
C. Done. All the unilateral training this cycle is paying off.
D. Skipped
Yay, happy to hear that Perry!
A. done 4 unbroken reps per. that was better than expected
B. 10 sets at 325#
C. done
D. done
A did 3 for 5 and 1 @4 reps. Felt pretty good, finally think I’m getting the shoulders open to let me through.
B did 100kg for 3 sets then 105 kg for last 7 singles.
C did this at 47.5kg . This wod was better with couple extra reps on each thing but longer to do. Felt ok. Long way from rx tho. Du round was giving me enough rest to stay at 47.5, last round was tough
D did this superset for 2sets bamboo press is a goodie.
A: 3 UB each Rd
B: 140kg
C: RX- DU took about 25 sec. BJ Rds too about 35-40 sec. Lunges avg 40-50 sec/Rd. My legs are done so that was challenging but very do-able. Didn’t do last weeks but I could only imagine!