Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
12 Alternating Bowler’s Squats
12 Alternating Cossack Squats
12 Band Pull-Throughs
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk
*Sets 1-2 – 65-70%
*Sets 3-4 – 70-75%
*Sets 5-6 – 75-80%
*Sets 7-8 – 80-85%
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets) of:
400 Meter Run
10 Power Clean & Jerks @ 60-70% of 1-RM of 1-RM C&J
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (3 sets):
Minute 1 – L-Seated Dumbbell Press x 10 reps @ 20X1
Minute 2 – Dumbbell Push Press x 15 reps @ 10X1
Minute 3 – Hollow Hold or Rock x 35-45 seconds
Minute 4 – Band Pull-Aparts x 30-40 seconds
For time:
100 Meter Overhead Double Kettlebell Carry (24/16 kg)
400 Meter Farmer’s Carry
100 Meter Overhead Double Kettlebell Carry
A) done
B) 115/125/130/140
C) skipped bc class needed all the vara-will do tonight
D) done w 20lbs DBs 30 secs on rocks and band
E) 7:10 done with 12kg KBs. Holy shoulder burn!!!
A: done.
B: 45, 47.5, 50, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60, 62kg
C: done. Between 2:55-3:10 each round.
D: done. 14kg dbs
E: done.
A. Done
B. 225×2/245×2/265×2/275×2
C. Done at 210. Heat made it extra spicy did 10/10/8/4/7.
D. Done.
E. 13:48 also spicy.
A. Done
B. 155/160/170/175/180/185/195/205
C. with 155 lbs
D. Done with DB 30 lb for L sit DB press and 40 lb for DB Push press
E. Not for time: done
B: Up to 295#, 305 missed the full clean
C: Done w/ 205#, oof. Times were ~2:45/2:53/3:11/3:30/3:22. Runs 1:38 – 1:48
D: Done
?‍♂️ ?
A. Done
B. 85/90/95/100/105/107.5/110/112.5Kg
C. Done Rx with 85Kg; relatively fast singles; this was a tough one.
D. Done
E. 10:37 Rx.
Good job staying consistent even with that quick turnaround after each set!
B. 165 185 195 205 felt good
C. Done with 155, around 3:40 each time
Out of time
Great workout thanks Tino!
A) Partially done
B) Up to 140lb
C) 105lb – 2:36, 2:37, 2:38, 2:43, 2:38
D) Done
Also….is tomorrow a joke….?? Jeezus
Fun one tomorrow! 🙂
A. Done
B. 165/ 175/ 185/ 185/ 195/ 200/ 200/ 215x
D. Done
C & E will be done on Thursday, gym was packed and had to leave early ?
Should have jumped into the class workout!
Did the assault bike for two minutes instead of running because my Achilles hurts .
Quads were on fire . Average 30 seconds of rest .
Hope your Achilles heals up soon!
A. Done
B. 185/200/215/225/235/245 and called it.
C. Used increasing barbell loads – 155 ub in 2:51; 165/175/185/185 in various rep schemes to test. Final 4 rounds done between 3:11 and 3:43.
D. Done, used 35# dbs for press, subbed single arm high pulls for push press.
E. Did shoulder stability work and added 400m farmers after.
Good days learning on the barbell work. What was best?
My cycling has always been a challenge area but I liked going 3 touch and go and then fast singles. Good to feel it out.
A. Done
B. 135,145,155,165,175,185,195,205 (missed 2nd clean). Went barefoot for these no belt no knee sleeves no wrist bands head bands bench press suit or anything.
C. 165lb. Did 3 rounds under 4 mins. Took 2 mins to gather myself and did 1 more round without the clock. Brutally hot here in Indiana.
D and E no go. But did 6 rounds of 10 t2b, 20 sit-ups at my own pace. Just starting to get back into higher volume. I’ve had a lot of stuff going on in my life in the last 6 months.
Stay safe in that Indiana heat! Plenty of electrolytes and extra salt in your food!
A. Done
B. 170/175/180/185/190/195/200/205
C. 155 (65%) all rounds ~ 3:00
D. 35lb DBs for Press; 44lb KBs for Push Press
E. 10:33 w/24kg
A. Done Partially
B. HPC+PC+J Based on C&J% 170/175/185/190/195/205/210/217#
C. Trueform/155#(60.7%) 2:57/2:57/2:54/2:56/4:00(5th set Started @ 16:20 Cause I was about to quit ,but decided to finish it?)
D. Done
E. 7:28 with 20 kg
Damn this would have been ? on the trueform. We’re you able to hold 400s?
Nice work!
A. Done
B. 195/210/225/240#
C. 3:15/2:55/2:55/2:58/2:58 at 180#
D. Done with 35# DB
E. 8:53 24kg Ouch….
Found your groove after the first set! Solid push!
A) Done
B) 175/190/195/205/215/225/235
C) 2:51/ 2:54/ 2:57/ 3:05/ 3:27
D) Done- L-seated DB press @30/ DB push press @50
E) Around 8:45ish
A. Done
B. 135/140/145/150/155/160/170/180
C. .15 instead of .25
2:15ish avg
D. Done
E. Done
Brain is somewhere else when I’m training, coming off the rails.
A) done
B) up to 270
C) due to a longer run I just did 5 RFT: 25:46
500+ meter run, only loop I have
Barbell @ 185
Fastest I cycled the bar was sub 1:30
D) dumbbells at 15
E) 53s the entire time: 9:58 (All walking)
Still put in the work. Still learned. Onward!
Thanks Coach
A. Done
B. 210,220,230,240,250,260,270,275
C. Done @175
3:08, 3:02, 3:00, 3:02, 3:07
D. 2 sets
Love the consistency!
Forgot to post about yesterday, not a lot of time so it was rushed. Combining yesterday + today: Yesterday – Primer done. FS done, 115/155/175/165. Felt heavy. Snatch complex up to 103. Failed the last one. WOD: Given lack of time (and proficiency with these movements haha), just moved through this, alternating between ski erg, assault runner, and bike erg (AB was not available), doing a few SHSPU and then the rest seated DB press (#30lbs down to #20lbs as the rounds went up), 4 MUs instead. Did 3 rounds without the rest, didn’t keep track of time but I… Read more »
Nice work over the last two days. Looks like you’ve accumulated some volume yesterday then got some good deep learning on the barbell today.