Three sets of:
Handstand Kick Up to Wall x 10 reps
Three sets of:
Wall Handstand Thigh Taps
x 16-20 reps
followed by . . .
Three sets of:
Handstand Walk x 10-30′
Rest as needed
*Use assistance if needed
Six sets of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 85%-88%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
For time:
50 Box Jumps (24/20″)
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 lb.)
25 Ring Dips
50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 lb.)
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Box Jumps (24/20″)
For time:
40 Box Jumps (24/20″)
20 Toes-to-Bars
40 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 lb.)
20 Ring Dips
40 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 lb.)
20 Toes-to-Bars
40 Box Jumps (24/20″)
For time:
40 Step-Overs (24/20″)
20 Toes-to-Bars
40 Wall-Ball Shots (14/10 lb.)
20 Bar Dips
40 Wall-Ball Shots (14/10 lb.)
20 Toes-to-Bars
40 Step Overs (24/20″)
hi there….. i am also a newbie….. Training myself out of Australia, just wanting to know how other Aussies do their training, a day behind or a week behind due to the time difference….
Welcome fellow newb! I follow a day behind even though I’m in NY. 4am start to a lot of training days and allows me time to prep.
Yep 4am starts here too…. I’ve done a day behind for the last week, gives me time to write it up and get my head around it. Thanks
A. HS work and walks done.
B. 315/325/335/345/345
C. 20 minutes.
Late nights/early mornings. Yea Holiday.
A. Skipped in favor of DMA to strained shoulder. 🙁
B. 165/170/175/180/185#.
C. 15:40. Subbed GHDs instead of T2B.
10K tomorrow.
Team WOD today-Fun one-4 people to a team
6 min heavy 3rep bench-Did #110
6 min heavy 5 Rep DL did #195-Stayed lighter today
5 Rnds for Time Follow the leader 1 Person at each station
200 M run-
10 Dips
250 M row
10 Pull-ups-All 5 rounds all Unbroken! YAY!
Mile run for cool down…
A. Done
B. went with 3 sec pause in rock bottom of squat (205#)
C. Body beat up – been follow programing of chris speller – Not use the that volume.
i Believe that this Master’s Program is going to really help my gymnastics movements
It will definitely help your gymnastics!
Been crossfiting 4 years and still don’t have a muscle-up, strict handstand push-up and can’t walk on hand. Spent too much time just doing ” Woos”.
A) gymnastics -all done..I REALLY love this stuff.
Travis makes everything look easy..I wasnt as graceful but its still fun! 🙂
B) b/s: 230x2x2s,235x2x1s,240x3x3s
C) Rx’d 15;52
Hope everyone is healthy and happy -enjoy your Labor day weekend! XO
Did GG Event 8, 9&10, 11
Event 8: 8:30 (no MU misses)
Event 9/10: wore weighted vest. Did 3×100 no time clock :(. Carried 100# for 2×100. Worked on lifting weight up.
Event 11 4:58 row 2:10, UB OHS.
A. Omitted this section. Still dealing with a wrist issue. Really enjoy working on HS so disappointed to miss out.
B. Squat – 185 (4 sets), 190 (2 sets)
C. WOD – 15:55
WBS – 20’s first times through/10’s second time
T2B – 5’s (1st)/5+5+5+3+2 (2nd)
Dips – 10+5+5
Hope the wrist gets better soon!
A) done, got 25 to 30 feet on all the walks.
B) 225×2, 245 X2, 255×2, 255×1 (failed the second), 225×6, 225×6
C) 25:28 only ate about 1600 calories yesterday, feeling it on the metcon big time.
Sort that nutrition Dave!
A. HSW practice, several 10 to 20 feet walks.
B. Back squat 6X5 @ 70% 185. Still working back up to heaver percentages. It wasn’t feeling light but wasn’t feeling heavy either.
C. 15:19
14:32 20lb ball 100 step ups instead of jumps ankle problem
Redid wod from yesterday did it wrong
8:04 used right weight this time very bad at math
Class wod after
A. Done
B. 265
C. 15:07
A – Done. HS Walks getting better slowly.
B – 305#
C – 14:48 (subbed GHD sit-ups for T2B).
A: Done- HS Walks 30ft/rd UB
B: Its starting to get heavy. Tough but solid squatting day!
BS- 8@205; 8@220; 6@255; 6@270
FS- 5@200; 5@215; 5@230; 5@245
C: 14:52- Legs and shoulders are smoked!
Fun day of training. Y’all have a nice holiday weekend.
Hello all. I am that new guy. I have not done CrossFit for a while, so I will be scaling (a lot). I hope to be killing it like those I see posting soon. If I could train with a group, I would, but it is often just me, alone in the gym at the oddest of hours after mostly 12 hour workdays on rotating shifts.
If anyone has faced similar obstacles, please share your strategies for staying consistent!
Welcome Brett! We all understand the struggles you are having! It is no doubt challenging especially the training alone. The good news is once you find your routine and get comfortable with the volume, intensity and movements you will take off . And… You will no longer feel alone because you have all of us and the awesome coaches at Invictus. Just hang in there for a while it gets easier and the rewards are well worth it! Post on the Blog so you get to know everyone and check out the FB page too. We have lots of fun!
Thanks Tracy. I have a tongue twister for you: “Consistent Contributors Create Cooperative Environments” 10RFT!
How do I find/join the FB page? All I found in a search was you doing some amazing flips!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/743166425784015/ I think that’s the group. It is a closed group so you will be added ? That is a tongue twister!!!
I set goals to keep me motivated. Long, medium and short term. Short might be just for the work that day. Enjoy the process more than the results. You have to be self motivated.
1st goal – stay consistent through month 1 w/o injury
Welcome Brett! I’ve had experience of both training alone and training in a group. Both have advantages and disadvantages. For me I love the process. Being fit and training is part of who I am. Motivation will get you started then habit will keep you going. Ease yourself back in and don’t put to much pressure on yourself. Enjoy and trust the process!
welcome Brett! I did 12-16 and at timess over 24 hours its darn hard on the body ..what I found was for me training before my tour gave me better energy but when I got stuck I didnt want to miss so I went after …feel it out to see what works out best in your schedule. I packed all my meals and one or two exra and winged it on days I got stuck .. its a lot of work at first but then it get so routine. stick with it you’ll see it gets easier ..hope this helps… Read more »
A. Done
B. 6×3@305
C. 14:46
A) Done….. HS walks 30 ft UNBK
B) did squats yesterday so mobilized today
C) done 15:12….. First time ding full depth wall balls since before surgery… Had to scale box jumps to box step ups… Wall balls felt great so long as I could set my feet and control my squat on the way down… ???
Good to see you’re back squatting!
A. Done all HS walks 30 feet UN
Have a nice Holiday! ?
A. As Rx
B. 6 Rds @360×3
C. I own a gym, so Saturdays I WOD with the class. Its my only real opportunity to do so.
Holleyman 27:00 w/ 25# ball and strict hspu and 225# cleans
Same here I really enjoy my Saturday’s with my members