Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Left)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes. Move from one movement immediately to the next.
Four sets of:
Pause Deadlift x 10 reps @ 62.5%
(pause for 2-3 seconds at mid-patella, then continue to pull to full hip extension)
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Single-Arm Shoulder Press x 6 reps
Rest as needed
Immediately followed by…
Three sets of:
Strict Stationary Dips x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
Back Squat x 10 reps @ 72.5%
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 6 minutes, for 36 minutes (6 sets):
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
20/15 Calorie Row
10 Snatches (95/65 lbs)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
*Goal is to complete each set within 4 minutes.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
GHD Weighted Hip Extension x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Barbell Good Morning x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Banded March x 3 Minutes
Rest as needed
Running Endurance Option
Six sets of:
Run 1000 Meters @ 80-85% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Rest 2 minutes
Rowing Endurance Option
Five sets of:
Row 250 Meters @ 90% effort
Row 250 Meters @ 95% effort
Row 250 Meters @ 100% effort
Row 250 Meters @ 90% effort
Row 250 Meters @ 85% effort
Rest 2 minutes
Did just primary Conditioning to save body for comp this weekend.
Skipping set 5 was best move to be able to get most out of round 6 otherwise 5 & 6 would’ve been incomplete rounds. Worst part was going from thrusters to rower. As bad as it was hope we do this one again
B. DL 131kg
C: press with 65lbs 25-22-20 on ring dips
D: squats at 123kg
PC: 4:40,5:30, then scaled to 17 cals on AB and row and managed about 5:25 per round.
My legs were tied and was very hard to push on the bike.
Good humbling day for me.
Monday bike work: 2:52/2:52/2:53/2:57/2:55/2:55
Hey what happened on set 4? #slacker
3:52 / 3:58 / 3:49 / 4:14 / 4:27 / 4:18
This was so tough mentally after round 3. Especially when my partner dropped out after 3 rounds.
You’re partner needs a kick up the ass…joking not joking 🙂
Solid push today Tom!
He then proceeded to film me on his Insta Story with “encouraging” words. I was too deep in the pain cave to care ha.
A. Done
B. Pause deads @135
C. Single arm db presses @30
Jumped into the class wod to sweat a bit. That was enough for my body today
Time for some well earned rest today!
B. 190
C. 35 & 9-10-9
D. 155
Primary strength
A. Done
B. 195
C. 35# and 13/15/15
D. 195
This was very tiring today
Primary conditioning
Done with rowing for AB (class on bikes):
I was tired from the lifting when I started so I’m pretty happy with the consistency
Nice work adjusting! Did you perform the i servals without the bike at the start?
I swapped AB for another row set.
15 cal row
15 thrusters
15 cal row
10 snatch
10 burpee over
B. 305, felt good. Used straps, double OH
C. 45-50-50, 18-13-12
D. Only did 1×10@305. Ran out of time and knee/calve bothering near end of set.
Ran out of time, and energy, and feeling some nervy stuff going on into my toes. But I pushed hard on those 3 sets and happy with my effort.
Nervey stuff on your toes?! That doesn’t sound great. Has that happened before?
Somewhat, yes. It’s the same issue from the other week. It’s doing MUCH better now. Just inflammation/congestion around the knee joint and ankle partially entrapping a nerve or at least putting some unwanted pressure on it. I am working on it, and doing lots of stretching/mobility and seeing my Chiro. Going to book with Physio soon for some IMS which should clear it up I think.
Be safe dude. Hopefully once the inflammation goes down you will be good to go!
PM Session:
Three Sets Of:
Back Squat x 6 reps @ 72.5%
Rest 2 minutes
All sets at 265 (74%)
6 sets for time of:
40 Calorie Assaut Bike
Rest :30
20 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 1:00
Times include 30 second rest. Probably babied the first 3 sets a little bit. Kept the RPMs between 60-70 the whole time.
Nice work Lucas! Don’t be scared to trust your fitness and maker these hurt a little
Running Endurance Option (AM)
*Sets 1/3/5 were all uphill as you can tell by my splits ?. Had do be on post this morning.
Strength (PM)
A) Complete
B) 285 (55%, 60% broke me off last week at 10)
C) 50; 15/15/15
D) 280
Primary Conditioning
Scaled to:
15 Cal AB
10 Thrusters
15 Cal Row
10 Snatch
10 BFB
Rest 2min
Wow ☠️ Doing one giant afternoon session bc I was on post this morning and condo right after Strength was absolute murder. Cudos do you one sessioners.
Looks like you’ve earned that rest day! Just make sure when you have to hit a longer session you keep up the quality of work rather than try for quantity.
Will do! Felt like based off the comments on how gnarly today’s was that if I skipped it I’d be cheating on the fam here haha. But I did tell myself if I hit the 6min cap at any round that I’d call it to keep myself in check on quality! So, happy that I made all 6 under 6
Haha well as long as you feel like you got something out of it! ???
Wow you really went for it today good job
A. Done
B. 330lbs
C. 60lbs for all s arm db press
D. 290 for all four sets
Primary conditioning
3:59/4:20/4:40/5:01/6:09 (9 burpees left)/ 6:18 (8 snatches + 10 burpees remaining)
*this was the hardest thing ive done in a while. That hurt…so bad.
Noted…I’ll be sure to program it again 🙂
I mean…it was the easiest workout ever, you dont need to program it again. ?
Primary strength
A) done at 270
B) done with 60lbs
C) 15/12/12
D) done at 260 this got me today that was hard
Strength accessory
A) done with 45lbs
B) done good mornings at 185
Good day today!
A. done
B. 260#
C. 55#, 20/21/22
D. 250#
Primary Conditioning
I scaled to this;
15 cal bike
10 Thruster
15 cal row
10 Snatch
10 Bar facing burp
My quads gave out and those nasty 10 burpees at the end hit me hard. Took me 5:35.
Decided not to finish, had no gas in the tank. Trying to listen to my body and just have a strength day. I’ll do my SAO later tonight.
Thanks Tino
Listening to your body ??
Time to recover tonight and tomorrow it’s been a fun (but tough) 3 days ?
Been short on time this week due to exams and coaching/clients. But have been training. Monday: Snatch / Acc. Work Tuesday : Power Clean / Jerk / Crossover Symmetry I haven’t done conditioning in about a week or more so I tried my best to keep intensity but slowly coming back into it 3 Sets 15 Calorie AB 12 Thrusters 15 Calorie Row 8 Snatches 10 Bar-Facing Burpees Rest 2 Mins 1. 3:59 2. 4:27 3. 4:51 Still have a tiny bit of capacity left in me. I haven’t been motivated to train because of the injuries but today I… Read more »
Pumped to see this post! Thanks for the update. I hope that things quieten down and stress levels decrease so you can get back to pushing and having fun.
Solid work today!
Day after the program so yesterday session :
b. P.C 95kg
C. Worked UP to 105kg Power Jerk+Jerk and 119 for Jerks
P.C With Row:
Round 1 : 3:05
Round 2: 3:20
Round 3: 3:26
Round 4: 3:48 All BMU Unbroken. Row was Tough
Nice work Amit!
thanks 🙂
A. Done
B. 125kg (60%)
C. 32kg dips 11-11-10
D. 115kg (67.5%)
Pm session
Did 5 sets, first rx then 10 thrusters
That last interval got you!
I know should have pushed harder
Primary strength session
Did everything by feel focusing more on technique. Coming back slowly.
Primary conditioning session
Did two rounds Rx, then scaled down the third to 15 Cal on both concepts. Fourth round I tried to go back to 20 cals and died. Incredibly thrusters were the best part haha
Engine is getting back little by little.
Great training day today!
Some good learning today on the conditioning Eric. I like that you play with different approaches and adjust to get the most out of the workout. I don’t necessarily believe that using that test or any test should determine your pace on the bike. I believe it’s inportant for an athlete to understand where to push and where to back off. There are so many factors that can play into your pace. Fatigue from the previous movements, was it quad dominant or posterior chain, is the next movement a skill you’re comfortable with or one that causes issues all of… Read more »
A. Done
B. Did Banded deadlifts @ 205# + 110# band tension
C. 50# db, next heaviest I have is 70#
D. 295 for all 4×10
S2-later in the afternoon
B. Pause deadlifts: 181
C. Shoulder Press: 45s x 2 sets/50 x 1 set Dips: 14/14/14
D. Back Squats: 195#..last three reps were tough!
Thats all for today! We are officially adopting Jazmin today and I’m super excited!
Congrats!!!! Awesome news!!
A) Done
B) 270
C) 65, then 15×3 on the dips
D) 275
Condo: Not sure if it was the humidity or if I was just being soft today, but this one put me in another dimension. 3:40/4:00/4:11/4:11/4:38/4:45. Wanted to die somewhere around the 4th set.
Thought about doing the SAO but then I just sat outside with the hose running on my head for 10 minutes
5.26 last set was just finish this haha
Yeah that was a disaster – kudos to anyone getting all 6 under 4 minutes
Yeah after the 4 sets. It went from hard to I wanna die hahah
You guys were moving today!! Great push!!
I think no one outside of about 20 guys in the world can do all 6 under 4 min
Love those first 4 Siggi!
Yeah thx I hope this we got are OK. Haha.
Just after set 4 it was just awful.
I went full out on the bike. On those sets. And on 5 sets. Decided to hold a steady pace and it was worse then just rip of the banded fast haha
I have to stop reading these since i’m one day behind. ??♂️
It’s motivation to beat his times