Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
If you are not familiar with proper hand placement for handstand work, please watch this video.
Spend 2 minutes working on a Static Handstand Hold.
Followed by. . .
Three sets of:
Freestanding Handstand Marching x 40 reps
Rest 30 seconds, then. . .
Handstand Walk x 20 steps
*Mark where your toe starts and where your last step lands. The goal is to establish a consistent distance throughout your three sets. Once the third set is complete, measure the distance of your average distance for competitive reference. Knowing the average length of your steps can help you strategize your breaks during competition to avoid extreme fatigue and over-craning of the neck to find the end of a rep.
Rest 30 seconds, and then. . .
Tempo Handstand Push-Up with 8″/4″ Deficit x 5 reps @ 52X1
Rest 60 seconds
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Front Squat + Jerk
Build to todays heaviest Front Squat + Jerk.
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps for time of:
135/95 lb Thrusters
Bar Muscle-Ups
Time Cap = 6 Minutes
When the running clock reaches 7:00…
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
95/65 lb Thrusters
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Minute 1 – V-Up x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Hollow Rock Hold x 30 seconds
Minute 3 – Russian Twists x 30 seconds
A. 275. Missed jerk on 285. Lil off today.
B. 7:40. TH UB. BMU: 5/4/3, 3/3/3, 1/1/2/2. Rest till 9:00.
C. 9:58. C2Bs off.
A. 165-195lbs, 5lbs more then last week. Super happy to hit this cause it’s my 1rm clean and jerk.
B. Did a different WOD with a training buddy.
20min Amrap
12 box jump overs (20”)
10 pistols
8 deadlifts @155
11 +9
Legs gone hahaha but fun workout
C. Core work done ✅
A. up to 205
B. 39 reps in 6 min, ring mu
completed the 12/9/6 in 9:18
I think last time was over 10min, so that’s progress
thrusters ub, mu mostly singles
C. 6:53 thrusters ub, ctb singles
last time I think was around 7:30, so another improvement
D. Done, russian twists with 6# wall ball
Great workout thanks!
Gymnastics done
A) 60, 70, 80, 90 fail jerk
B) 06:00 time cap 12, 9 reps RX
C) 7:44 RX
D) Not done
A) 185 lbs – felt tired
b) 42 reps time capped – really hard for me always thrusters at this weight but especially today.
C) 7:05 Rx
D) done
Really pleased with ththe Fran actually – All things considered. After I time capped out I finished the 12/9/6 then rested a minute. Not sure how that helped or hurt. I appreciate the community and ??♂️ work tino, And thrusters for that matter ?
Warm Up: Done
I´ll continue working in my static handstand hold
A. 235 lbs
B. Cap+4
C. 6:56
D. Done
Gymnastics: worked on freestanding
A: 295#, 315(f-jerk)
B: 4:54. Thrusters ub, bmu 6-3-3/3-3-3/3-2-1
C: 5:57. Thrusters ub, c2b 6-5-5-5/2s and 3s/2-singles
A. Up to 165
B. Subbed CtB. 4:58 all thrusters UB
C. Subbed regular PU. 5:46 all thrusters UB
A. 325
B. 4:53 – probably paced a bit to much
C. 5:26
D. Done
Gymnastics warmup done- was able to do the freestanding marches and walks unbroken. I’m getting better at being upside down each week. Tempo deficits as RX, kipped up each time. A. Up to 245, did the front squat on 255 but my gut said not to even attempt the jerk. B. 5:24 (5:41 last time). Unbroken thrusters, broken bar muscle ups. Although I cycled the thrusters way faster today, it may have come at the cost of longer breaks during the BMU’s. Still a 17 second improvement. At 7:00: C. 5:46RX (6:18 last time)broke once during the set of 21… Read more »
A. Up to 220lb
C&D. Joined in on Connor’s workouts today at Point Loma ?
A) done
B) up to 315, just jerked 335 no squat
C) 3:38/4:40ish I think
Gymnastics done.
A. 185/215/235/255/275
B. 5:21
C. Skipped – head was killing me going into B, decided not to push it.
D. Done
Hydrate and look after yourself! Hope you feel better!
Gymnastics done
A) 185/215/235/255/275
B) 4:34/5:00
4:45/4:56 last time. Honestly I didn’t think the times were going to be that close. Really lacked that killer 5th gear today. I could feel I was resting too long on C2B.
D) Done
Still pretty solid considering your head wasn’t in it ??♂️
A. 225/245/255/265 miss/260#
B. 50 reps Rx (Better than last time)
C. 7:52 Rx (Bettet than last time)
D. Done
You’re definitely “better than last time” 🙂
A. 90/95/100/105/110
B. 5:16. Subd RMU, no bar to do BMU
C. 3:58
D. Done
Because Fran isn’t bad enough, we add a heavier more evil version. ???
Embrace the suck!
Well said and well done
Warm up ✔
A.) Made 175# and failed 185# jerk twice
B.)I waited for a few minutes to kinda simulate a comp were I will have to be standing there waiting after warming up and let me tell you the first 12 thrusters hit me hard.
95# thrusters
C.) 21-15-9
65# thrusters
6:57 got a blister on my right hand and I had to go to singles because I don’t want to rip even though I’m wearing grips. I guess I use too much chalk.
D.)ouch every time.
Glad you were smart with your blister! Hope you had a great birthday!
I’ve been so rushed in the am lately- trained super early but just now remembering
A) made up the hang clean-clean-jerk from Mon- up to 170. Felt pretty good but I lost my power at 175 for some reason
B) 5:58 – bar MU were 6,4,3
C) 5:02 Rx
D) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your day has been great!
Awesome work Jessica!! Seems like you’ve got a little better 🙂
I guess! Haha who knew?! I’m excited abt this!
A) up to 287 f at 307
B) Fran lung 1 time, then another, ??
3:43 (UB trusters) bonked on the last set of BMU, (had to rest about 10 second in between the last reps)
C) 4:24 (UB trusters, was absolutely trashed after the first set of 11 C2B) just held on (11/10)(9/6)(9) C2B
August 15th, b) 3:56, c) 4:48
Awesome push dude! You were moving today ?
Gymnastics done.
A: up to 140#
B: 4:17. Done with 5/3/1 bar mu.
C: 5:21. Pull-ups.
D: done