Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 60 seconds
Ankle Pulse x 15 reps per side
and then . . .
Followed by . . .
Finishing with. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Behind the Neck in Receiving Position x 1 rep
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Snatch x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Work up to a heavy snatch balance.
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Snatch Lift-Off + Snatch from Mid-Patella
You will perform a snatch lift-off, then hold at mid-patella for 2 seconds, then snatch. Focus on pushing through the legs and pulling the barbell to your hips!
Five sets for times of:
Assualt Bike x 20/15 calories
Ring Dips x 15/10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Five sets for times of:
Assualt Bike x 20/15 calories
Stationary Dips x 15/10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
*Try to keep all of your times consistent. These are sprint sets so they should be 95+% effort.
Compare to August 14th, 2017.
Max reps in 60 seconds:
Supine Barbell Skull Crushers
A. 22# bar
35/55 for tall
Up to 115 for balance
B. 75/80:85/90/90/95
C. Did a lot of ring dips on Saturday, so subbed out 12 pull-ups instead of ring dips 1:29/1:25/1:24/1:26/1:30–bike slowed down
Tweaked my knee last week skipping, today is the best it has felt so could actually do snatching, still a bit conservative
DMA complete
A1. 35/45/50
A2. 50/65/65
A3. Stayed at 95. Right Shoulder a little mad
B. 95/105/115/125×4. Stayed at 125 to work on technique and cues that CJ gave me from weekend. Felt good.
C. 4 rounds 15 cal row (worked on speed starts on rower instead of bike) 10 dips, 5 SHSPU.
Time wasn’t kept (got caught up in helping coach G2OH tech while training, still on a high from the weekend and shared my gained knowledge).
Love this 🙂 How is the shoulder feeling this morning?
Mobilized, a lot, and it warmed up while working out. Feels better this afternoon. Just a little hot spot.
Thanks, Nichole !
A/B – Subbed in Muscle Snatch up to 115, Snatch Pull + Power Snatch to 135. Testing shoulder. Feeling ok but still don’t trust it.
C – Wowwww. Blown away by these results. Didn’t see this coming:
8/14: 1:06, 1:24, 1:28, 1:45, 1:48
9/25: 0:49, 0:49, 1:09, 1:26, 1:32
Still went off the cliff at round 4 but wow did those first two rounds feel strong. I no longer fear the Assault Bike. I still don’t enjoy it though. 🙂
D – Done. 34 reps.
Awesome Mike!! Look at those numbers – incredible improvement!!
First Comment since back from the dead…3months ago…
A.30/40/45kg, 45/50/55kg, 50/60/65/70/75kg – didn’t want to go too heavy and then sacrifice speed and positioning. I focussed on catching low.
B.50/52/55/57/60/62/65/67kg – as soon as I go heavier I end up in a power version??? Not sure how to improve it. Should I just stay light and ALWAYS focus on catching in full squat? (Read Furstration!)
C.2:10/2:20/2:23/2:32-No dips left!
D. Not done
Yay, welcome back Ed!!
Yep, I want you always receiving the bar in a full squat. Can you film next week for me?
I’ll post some movements on the group tonight…yip…good to be back! Thx??
DM&A A.1 65# – 85# – 105# A.2 75# – 95# – 115# That was tough! B. 135# – 165# – 185# – 205# – 225# The gym was packed tonight and all the racks taken, so had to do the snatch balance from the floor (power clean and then pass it from front to back rack). Felt strong today! C. “WZA Online Qualifier” Wod # 4 (TC 20mins) 2 RFT 40 Cal Row 40 T2B 40 OHS (95/65) = 13:38 Wod # 5 Find 1RM Hang Snatch = 210# D. Kettlebell Z-Press 8-7-6-6-5 (53# KBs) Glad to be back… Read more »
DMA completed, especially great drills for me as a beginner, I tend to hip hinge.
Snatch Press 105 up 10
Tall snatch 85 up 10
Snatch balance 85, 95 fail, fell forward
B: all sets at 75#
C: skipped, jaw, hence breathing issues, did a 2k row at 8:20 pace.
D: 45# bar, 44 reps.
Last weeks front squats did pull stitches out. In breathing out to tighten up, stitches were into tied to the cheeks and I popped most of them. Waiting for Oral surgeons decision to restitch after having it opened up and cleaned locally Friday.
Oh your poor jaw – please let us know what they decide to do!
Glad you are enjoying the DMA portion!
Did a WOD for a comp coming soon.
10 min AMRAP
21 cal ROW/21 pull-up
15 cal row/15 C2B
9 cal row/9 Strict pull-up
Got through a round then trough 3 Stict pull-up. Lots of pulling
C. Came out too hot and died in later rounds
A. Empty BB, 95# tall snatches, snatch balance to 155
B. 115
C. 1:24/1:29/1:33/1:40/1:49 vs. 1:34/1:43/1:53/1:56/1:57 on 8/14
Great improvement Perry!!
Thanks Nichole!
PM session WZA #3- Only did 3 rds and shut it down. 2 rds took 9:02.
Today I completed Event 3 & 4 for the Team Series.
Event 3: 12 minute cap
50 synchronized wall balls
30 cleans (135/95)
50 synchronized wall balls
20 cleans (185/135)
50 synchronized wall balls
10 cleans (225/155)
We got 25 wall balls into the third set.
I missed my first 3 cleans at 135 until I got my head straight. Then got 5 or 6 and made sure I power cleaned them. (Legs were done)
Event 4: for time
100 calorie row, 100 toes to bar.
Time 9:45. We paced the row way too much.
A1. built up to 75#
A2. 115#
A3. Built up to 165#, PR for me.
B. did 115# across the 8 sets
C. 1:22 rings UB, 1:26 rings in sets of 5, 1:24, 1:29, 1:48 (after first set did all rings in sets of 5.
D. 23
Awesome job on the PR Chris!
It has been a hell of a past few weeks, and I am glad to finally be back to normal. The kids are back in school, I am back at work and back to training (training had consisted of tree trunk cleans, misc. debris carries, etc.). Mobility done A1. 95# A2. 115# A3. Up to 200# (unexpected PR today) B. 115/125/135/145/155/165/175/185(f) C. 1:27/1:40/1:58/2:11/2:20 – my conditioning is definitely not there – first 2 rounds were OK, but then went to crap. Strength was there today – the break helped heal my joints I think, but definitely hurt my wind. I… Read more »
Storm clean up is no fun!
So happy to see you back to some normalcy! And congrats on the PR!
DMA – done A1. 55 – 60 – 65 (5# heavier than last week) A2. 45 – 55 – 65 (5# heavier than last week) A3. 105 – 120 – 135 – 145 – 155 (fail) – 155 (#5 PR) Very happy with this! B. 75 – 85 – 95 – 100 – 105 – 110 – 115 – 120 (#10 heavier than last week from below knee). Tall snatches I suspect have helped with these. C. Changed this up a bit. Did 5 sets of 10 stationary dips followed by 5 push-ups. I have been easing back into dips… Read more »
Great adjustment to the conditioning Barry and congrats on the PR!!
Dynamic Done
A1. 65 -2/75 -1
A2. 95
A3. 135/145/155/165/175 – felt good and hit 185
B. 95/95/110/115/125/135/145/155
C. No bike so rowed, avg. 1:12-1:14 per round
D. used 45 lb. bar – 33 reps.
Mobility and Activation completed. Love it. A1. I made up to 40 kg (PR). I think I have more but my ankle mobility is bad. I think to put something under my heel. Is this cheat? A2. 39 kg; OK A3. I work up to 65 kg. I will put some video on FB B. work up to 55 kg; miss some rep but on the end I was happy. I feel confidence on the end and my groin pain is OK with snatch 🙂 I will put some video on FB C. 1:40 / 1:36 / 1:42 / 1:40… Read more »
Hungry for more, or food? Heat work on part C!
Thank You Rob. I need more food 🙂
Your lifts are improving so much Simon! Just make sure you are wearing lifting shoes and doing some focused mobility for your ankles!
Thank You Nichole. I’m wearing lifting shoes but still need some cm 🙂 I will do more on my mobility
Mobility completed
C)2:01/1:57/1:56/1:56/2:03 So much better than last time by an average of :15-:20 per round.
D)29 reps
Awesome Dean. Both consistent and faster!
Thanks Rob! Assault Bike is coming around as that is where I picked up most of my time.
Fantastic Dean!!
WZA 2: 140 reps. That escalated quickly! 4 reps short of the 6th round. I pretty much gave up haha. Oh well, next time…
Great job! That was soul sucking.
Thanks! And there’s another week yet ;-( all submitted for The first two weeks though.
A1 95×1 x 3 sets
A2 115/125/135f/125
A3 155/165/185/195/205(f)/195(f)
B1 135/155/155f/155f/155f/135/135 155/155/155/155/155/155/155
I missed a bunch of these until I realized my hamstrings weren’t engaged. Once I made the fix I hit 7 in a row. Did extra sets to drill the technique.
C. 1:12/1:11/1:10/1:18/1:18
D. 33 reps
Easy consistent!
Thanks Rob.
Great realization Pierre!! Hamstrings engaged make a HUGE difference!
A. wasn’t feeling the snatch balances today so did not try to increase 93-98-103-103-103
B. 93-93-98-98-103-108-108
C. If by consistent you meant consistently slower each round, then I did it right 😉 just died on those dips, tried kipping and made it harder ha ha
Here is a blog post to help with kipping ring dips: https://invictusfitness.com/blog/standard-kipping-ring-dips/