Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
10/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
100 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
100 Foot Suitcase Carry (each arm)
10 Goblet Squats
Five sets of:
Tempo Back Squat x 2 reps @ 84% @ 32X1
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Built to Today’s Heavy Power Jerk
Followed by…
Four to Five sets of:
Power Jerk x 3-4 reps @ 80% of Today’s Heavy
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1: Strict Handstand Push Ups x 50% of Max Reps
Station 2: Double Under Variation x 60% of Max Reps
Station 3: Toes to Bar x 50% of Max Reps
You may break your reps up into multiple sets. This is an accumulated score within the minute
Two sets of:
1000 Meter Row
30 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35 lbs)
500 Meter Row
50-Foot Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
Rest 3 minutes
Athlete Notes:
Sneaking in some rowing intervals with some dumbbell movements. The first 1k row should be around what your 2-3k pace would look like. Aim for 1-2 sets on the dumbbell push press but if you have strong shoulders it’s time to show them and go unbroken. The second row, 500 meters, should be slightly faster, about :02-:05/500m, than your first 1k. As soon as you finish it, grab those dumbbells and get comfortable overhead. Make sure your t-spine is warm and ready to go because you’re going to need it for those overhead lunges. This was a skill we saw tested this past year so it’s one we want to make sure you all have in your pocket. Aim for consistent splits on the second set!
A. 280
C. 8 sp 40# and 8 ttb
Alt mins for 12
D. With 35# kb for the oh lunges
9:53 9:59
Warm up ✅
A. 340
B. Up to 295
Then 5×3/4 @235
C. Done
D. Rx 7:32 / 7:50
A. 84% Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1 (off 300#): 250#x2x5

B1. PJ: Built to 175#

B2. PJ @ 80% HS: 145#x4x5

C. 12 min EMOM: 5 SHSPUs, 60 DUs, 11 T2Bs. All sets for SHSPUs and DUs were UB. Divided T2Bs into 2 sets of 6/5 each time.

D. 11:19. Only had time for 1 set of 1000 m row, 30 DB PP @ 35#, 500 m row, 50’ OH DB Lunge.
A. 150
B. Built to 125, then 5×4 at 100
C. S1 6 HSPU, S2. 40 DBU, S3 8 T2B
D. 12:03/13:22
Great training combo today????????