September 23, 2015 – Masters Off-Season

Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Narrow Grip Strict Pull ups x 5-8 reps
Minute 3 – Reverse Flys x 10 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Minute 1 – Muscle-Up x 3 reps @ low swing, medium swing or high swing depending on what you need to work on  + Low Ring Transition x 3 reps
Minute 2 – Weighted V-Ups x 15 reps
Minute 3 – Ring Dips x 8-10 reps (work on rhythm and effeciency)*

Ring Dips x 4-5/3-4 reps; if you can’t stabilize the rings then stationary dips x 8-10 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (12 sets):
Sumo Deadlift x 2 reps @ 70%

*If you do not know your 1-RM Sumo Deadlift then use your 1-RM Conventional Deadlift.

Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes
Min 1 – Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges x 12 reps (6 reps per leg)
Min 2 – Double Unders x 30 reps + Chest to Bar Pull-Ups x 6 reps
Min 3 – Burpee Box Jump Overs x 4 reps + Push Press x 6 reps

40-54: 24″/20″; 135/95 lbs
55+: 24″/20″, step ups allowed; Chin Over the bar Pull Ups x 6 reps; 115/75 lbs

Three sets of:
Dumbbell Skull Crushers x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Ring Push-Ups x 15 reps @ 1111
Rest as needed
Suitcase Carry x 50 meters each side
Rest as needed


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Dutch Orange
Dutch Orange
September 25, 2015 8:16 pm

Mobility etc: Done plus some ankle mobility

A: Done worked on butterfly ring dips (ref:
B: 275#

C: Fell behind the pace at minute 12. Completed 7 rounds instead of 8. Did lunges and PP with bar from the floor. Some logistical challenges doing this during class hours but I could not have kept the pace either way. I was shut/sick after 15 minutes.
D: Done: used a 96# barbell for the suitcase carry. Grip gave out in the 3rd round and had to break it up.

Patrick Gelinas
Patrick Gelinas
September 24, 2015 7:18 pm

Mob & Act done
Had to skip A & D in order to get B & C completed.
B. 205#
C. Man, was this tough! I struggled to stay on pace, particularly through the last 4 rounds.

September 24, 2015 10:14 am

5X5 Back Squats; have been missing some squat days so trying to do some catch up.
A. 3 false grip kipping MU, 14#, 8 strict RD
B. 215
C. 3 rounds of 10 lunges, 30DU & 6 C2B, 4 BBJO & 4PP. Remaining rounds varied, lunges from 6 to 8, 20 to 30DU & 3 to 4 C2B, 4 BBJO & 3 to 4 PP. Missed a set in there somewhere as I finished a minute early. 105# on the barbell.
D. Done

Quinn Longman
Quinn Longman
September 24, 2015 9:24 am

M and a done.
A did high swing and opening the shoulders
Ring trans with band and 6 strict dips.
B sumo at 98kg
C felt like I was beating the flu out of me, this wod was hard and I didn’t even rx it
Started at 50 kg then dropped to 40 after three rounds. Finished it and with weight change still very hard
Skipped d

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
September 24, 2015 9:21 am

M&A done
A. Done
B. 270
C. Done-skipped last 4sets of lunges
D. 30# db, 2kb

Loretta Scott (45-49 So Cal)
Loretta Scott (45-49 So Cal)
September 24, 2015 7:44 am

Switched the rest days this week, so did this on Thursday.
M/A done
A. done v-ups w/10# wb; still trying to learn to kip those ring dips!
B. 175#
C. RX but stopped after 6 rds…WOW! That one was rough!
D. done w/15# db for crushers; 53# db for suitcase carries; 10 ring pu

Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
September 23, 2015 8:26 pm

Mobility done.
A – done.
B – 300#. Felt pretty good.
C – Wow. Trying to stay ahead of the clock on this felt like I was being chased down by The Terminator. The bad – had to take 30-60 seconds extra rest between final 3 sets. The good – did all sets unbroken. But this wore me out.
D – Done. 35# DBSC. Suitcase 70# KB.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 24, 2015 6:50 am

That is great Mike!!

Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
September 24, 2015 7:47 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thanks Nichole! How come I didn’t feel great at the end of that one? 🙂

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
September 23, 2015 7:58 pm

A. MU transitions, 10# ball and RD w/band (not able to swing on rings – shoulder too sore, time to got back to dr.)
B. 235#
C. Scaled w/ 75# and 3 CTB
D. 20#DB, 15 pu, 70# SC carry

Tracy OConnell (40-44)
Tracy OConnell (40-44)
September 24, 2015 3:31 am
Reply to  Litsa Olsson

Oh no! I hope your shoulder feels better. I know this pain all to well. I have shoulder issues too.

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
September 25, 2015 9:05 pm

Thank you Tracy. It has been ongoing Dr always suggest rest but that’s not a good option. Hope your shoulder gets better!

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
September 23, 2015 7:53 pm

A. Done with stationary dips
B. 175#
C. Done! Yay! Rx, unbroken and so hard!
D. Done with 15# DB and 2 pood

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 24, 2015 6:50 am

Great work Leticia!!

Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
September 23, 2015 7:03 pm

Mobility and activation done(love the shoulder opener)
A. MU/V-ups (10# ball)/ dips x 10 done
B. Used 315#(have not done Sumo much)
C. Fun EMOM, challenging mentally to keep moving on the minute, especially from the push press to the lunges. Held the pacing thru 6 Rnds then just finished out the last two.
D. Done
Also did Iron Scap and some post Rev Hyper work.

September 23, 2015 6:55 pm

A) Couldn’t get on high rings today…did the transitions on low rings. 8# MB for weighted V-ups. 8 rings dips
B) 155# Sumo D.L
C) Modified to 75# barbell
D) 15# DB’s, ring push-up done, 44# KB for suitcase carries (curious how these will feel tomorrow)

Joe L M48
Joe L M48
September 23, 2015 6:54 pm

Box Wod today.
Worked up to 185×3 push press
25min amrap
15 c&j 135
15 burp over bar
Airdyne 30 cal
3 rounds 45 reps
D-35 db for skull crushers
32kb for suitcase walks

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
September 23, 2015 6:20 pm

MOB donee
A. Big swings + straight arm mu transitions; 14# med ball; butterfly ring dips
B. 265 for 1st 6 sets and 275# for last 6 sets
C. Done Rx: finished in 0:18-0:19 for lunges, 0:22-0:23 for du + c2b, 0:16-0:18 for bbxjo+pp
D. DB crushers 20#DBs, ring push-ups with turnout at top, 70# KB suitcase carries

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 24, 2015 6:51 am

Solid work Cheryl!!!

Tracy OConnell (40-44)
Tracy OConnell (40-44)
September 23, 2015 5:58 pm

A. Done 14 # med ball for the V ups. and big swings with the straight arm pull on the MU. I also worked on the kip for the ring dips… but that just is harder for me than strict! B. Done with 200# c. done- RX Good one! Someone please teach me how to butterfly! Anyone want to post a video as to how to get these started. ??? I actually tried a few today after watching Caps do them… but then I went back to kipping. They seem so much more efficient! I was able to complete all… Read more »

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
September 23, 2015 9:29 pm

I so need to figure out butterfly chest to bars too!!

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 24, 2015 6:51 am

Great request – I will work on this!

Jon Caps (40-44 Mid Atlantic)
Jon Caps (40-44 Mid Atlantic)
September 23, 2015 4:41 pm

A) done
B) done with 335#
C) done – had to do box step overs
D) done

Perry Siplon (50 5'9" 163)
Perry Siplon (50 5'9" 163)
September 23, 2015 3:24 pm

A. Done. Full MUs, 20# V-ups, kipping ring dips.
B. EMOM 8, regular DLx2 at 345 (81%)
C. Done, scaled push press to 3 reps for all, lunges to 8 for last 3 sets.
D. Suitcase carries w/32kg

September 23, 2015 2:12 pm

Mob and Act done
A. Done
B. 200 – that was different! I think I’ll be feeling that the next few days.
C. Did our group wod – was a better choice for knees.
2RFT: row 1,000/50ttb/50DU/5 rope climbs
D. 15# dbs, 15 ring push ups, 70# kb

Corey Perry
Corey Perry
September 23, 2015 2:12 pm

M&A – Done A: Done with 20lb Med Ball and 10 dips- Dips still aren’t clicking as it feels like a semi strict dip vs a good explosive kip. Silly Question on the swings. If we don’t use a falls grip for MUs do you want us to try it for the low, mid or high swings? B: 130kg for all. No sumo DL 1 RM so used traditional C&D didn’t do a,s this is the second night I was at the gym until 10:30 PM to get some work in after coaching instead I did Greek Throwdown Qualifier 2:… Read more »

September 23, 2015 2:13 pm
Reply to  Corey Perry

I felt the same on dips but I noticed the more fatigued I became the more I forced myself to at least try to kip. I think it’s a timing thing for me.

Corey Perry
Corey Perry
September 23, 2015 3:06 pm
Reply to  Elissa

Its timing for me also.

Paul Farthing (45/5'7"/175)
Paul Farthing (45/5'7"/175)
September 23, 2015 12:51 pm

M&A Done
A. High swing/20lb V up/10 ring dips
B. 120kg
C. Relieved to see everyone else found this hard. Managed 5 rnds with 60kg but fell off the timing. Long hard look in the mirror required!

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
September 23, 2015 12:42 pm

Running a day behind – traveled for work all day yesterday, so had to make it my rest day. Did yesterday’s today:
A. 135# all sets
B. Worked up to 185#
C. Worked up to 280# (PR)
D. First Crush Games (Miami) wod was released, which I am doing next weekend. So practiced that instead.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 23, 2015 1:33 pm

Great work Joe!!

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
September 23, 2015 4:25 pm
Reply to  Nichole DeHart


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