Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
If you are not familiar with the value of knee height during bar muscle-ups, please watch this video.
Three sets of:
Air Chair Swing x 5 reps
*These can be singles or done consecutively.
Rest 15 seconds
Swinging Knees-To-Bar x 1.1.1
Rest 60 seconds
Followed by. . .
Two sets of:
Deep Bar Dips x 6-8 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Arch Under Bar Jump to Support x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Followed by. . .
Every 20 seconds, for 3 minutes (9 sets) of:
Bar Muscle-Up x 1 rep
*Be dynamic and finish each rep with as little dip as possible.
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Power Snatch x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 80%
*Sets 5-6 = @ 85%
*Sets 7-8 = @ 90%
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Biceps Curls (pronated grip) x 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Supine GHD Hold x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Ten sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Move during your 60 second rest – stay in the seat, but just row lightly to flush your legs.
Three sets of:
Prone Chinese Planks x 30 seconds
(load these heavy to make the 30 seconds challenging – you can load with either a dip belt or plates on your low back and butt)
Rest 60 seconds
150-Foot Suitcase Carry (each arm)
(keep your shoulders squared over your hips – no leaning)
Rest 60 seconds
C. 55.7, 55.8, 55.7, 55.7, 55.7, 55.8, 55.8, 55.8, 55.7, 55.6 (1:51.4 avg /500m)
Warmup done-ish
Ring mu every 15 sec for 4 min
8 ring mu in 60 sec
A. 2@125 2@135 2@145 2@155 2@160 2@165 tough, missed one forward @165
B. 30# db / done
C. 46.2 46.7 46.7 47.8 48.0 47.6 48.1 47.0 48.0 47.8
D. 45# for the planks
Great workout thanks!
Warm Up: Done
A. Up to 180 lbs… 190 lbs failed to time
B. Done
C. 53.2/53.4/52.1/54.0/53.4/53.0/55.1/56.6/59.3/59.7
D. Done
Warm-Up done
A: up to 72kg
B: done
C: all < 50, avg. 48,7, 1:37,4 pace
D: done
Gymnastics done.
A: up to 110#
B: done
C: 56, 54, 55, 56, 55, 56, 56, 57, 56, 56
Average 1:52
D: done.
Gymnastics: done
A: Up to 235#, 245(f)
C: All between 44 and 45 sec, you go I go with Bryan
A. 105/105/115/115/120/125/130/130
Snatched felt good tonight. However 130 was definitely not a power haha
B. Done
C. You go I go with a partner. Done in 18:35. Averaged 1:53-1:55 splits every round.
D. Done
A. Up to 115
B. Done
C. 52,53,53,53,53,54,54,53,54,55
D. Later
Rough day: ran about five miles from school to Home Depot because of some car trouble.?? Cardio✅
PS up to 200
Bis: 35
Called it a day.
Warmup done.
A. 155/165/165/175/175/185/185/200 – felt snappy today.
B. Curls w 15#/GHD holds done
C. 45.2/43.1/43.7/45/45.5/45.6/46.1/46/45.5/44.9
D. Done, planks w 95#/suitcase carries w 80#
Warmup done.
A. 165,175,185,195×1,205×1.
B. Done. 35,40,40.
C. :53.3, :53.1, :53.4, :52.1, :52.2, :52.3, :51.6, :51.0, :51.0, :49.7
D. Done.
A. 40/45/50/55/60/60/65/70Kg
B. Done. 17.5Kg DB
C. Subd 200m run sprints; no rower.
D. Done
Did Wednesday’s workout yesterday
A. Built to 180#
B. 16:55 RX. So humid
Gymnastics done. Those deep bar dips are hard.
A. 125, 130, 135×2, 140×2, 145#, 150(only a snatch pull)
C. :51, :53, :54, :55, :54, :56, :55, :54, :54, :53
Talk yourself out of that 150?!
As the bar was going up, my brain was like “sike!”
Mu work done, rock back on the dips was hard going!
A. 63, 68, 72.5, 77kg
B. Done with 15kg
C. Done see pic
Think I got the wrong idea of the row didn’t go max out, wanted to stay consistent
D. Done
Consistent! Nice work!
Gymnastics done
A) 135, 145, 155, 160
C) 47.9, 47.9, 47.9, 48.0, 48.0, 47.9, 48.1, 48.0, 47.9, 48.0 (tried to stay at a 1:36/500m pace)
B) done
D) done
Great job keeping these consistent!
A. Did first 5 sets with a hang power snatch + power snatch. (95-125)
Power snatch x 1 rep (130-135) felt awesome today since 135 is my PR and it was good!
B. Done
C. Slowest 0:53 and fastest 0:52. All faster then last time and we only did 8 sets so yay! Tried to stay a pace around 1:45 split
D. Did core work from Wednesday
Awesome day of lifting!!
Gymnastic warmup done- unable to rock back on deep bar dips so just did a bar mu and then 8 dips on the bar. Had a much better time catching the bar below my belly button on the bar mu’s this week, pretended that I was pulling the bar into my hip on the back swing.
A. 140x1x2, 150x1x2, 160x1x2, 170x1x2
B. Done
C. :48, :49, :56, :49, :51, :51, :52, :50, :50, :50. These rowing workouts always test my mental toughness.
D. Done
Always testing those capabilities both physically and mentally!
Gymnastics done
A) 145/155/165/175#
B) Done
C) 46.1/46.8/46.1/46.3/45.5/46/46.5/46.3/46.5/46.1
D) Done
Gymnastic feelt good to day
C.Fastest 44.3 slowest 46.8
should be 42…:)
Yes i agree but thats the reason im back ?
Gym done ?
A/felt good so upgrade the loads a bit
60/60/65/65/70/70/72,5/75kg (100%)
Felt consistant but hard to hold the pace on 5 last sets
Thanks… have a nice week end see you Monday… or maybe tomorrow…