Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Partner Assisted Front Rack Stretch x 3-5 pulses per side
and then …
Three sets of:
Psoas Pulse x 8-10 pulses
Butterfly Stretch x 30 seconds
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
and then …
One set of:
Banded Clam Shell
x 10 per side
Take 12-15 minutes to build up to a heavy Dead Stop Front Squat.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Clean x 2 reps
(pause in the receiving position for 2-3 seconds)
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Power Clean + Clean
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
55/35 lb Dumbbell Man-Makers
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
35/25 lb Dumbbell Man-Makers
Man-Maker = DBs to ground, push-up, left arm row, right arm row, power clean, push press.
*Goal is 30 reps
Three sets of:
Banded Hip Bridges x 30 reps (make these fast)
Rest 45 seconds
Straight Leg Sit Up x 15 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Today just practiced the Cascade classics workouts–mostly the DBall and holding KB in different positions
DMA done.
A. 175#. 185#(f)
Continuing to stay light due to shoulder.
B1. 115#.
B2. 135#.
C. 22 @ 35#.
D. Done.
Any improvements with the shoulder Rodney?
It seems to have hit a point where it’s only somewhat bothersome post workout. Once activated, mobilized and warm, works fairly well.
Lets continue to keep an eye on it. Write down the movements you did the day before when you start feeling pain so we can isolate the movements that bother it.
A. 275#
B1. Talls 135/145/155
B2. 165/175/185/195/205/215
C. 22 + 1 Fail (lockout). Limiting factor was shoulders burning out.
D. Done
A. skipped
B.did talls at 75 and 95 but I did actually catch in squat w no pain
PCx2 95/115/135/145/155/175/185 no pain
C. Did 2rounds:
40 cals schwinn
30 GHDs
D. done
Fun workout Al!
I tried to do something that was about 6 min and spared the knee and hands (torn from yesterday)
DMA done
A. 205#
B1. 85-95-105#
B2. 125-135-145-155-165-175#
C. DB man makers were hurting my shoulder so subbed out with:
3 rounds for time:
30 GHD situps
30 cal row
D. Done
Seriously Cherly?! That is AMAZING!!
Thanks Nichole!
A: 330#
TC: 195#
PC-C: 295# – Finishing set
C: 27 – omg moment hit me at 12. I knew i was falling behind. Grip was going fast.
D: done. rough
Strong Brent!
Mobility done.
A. Worked up to 245.
B. Tall cleans 115, 125, 135.
Power and clean 165, 170, 175, 185, 190, 195.
C. Tried the Bergeron Beep test. EMOM of 7 thrusters, 7 PUS, 7 burpees. Got 6 minutes. Should have kept going… Need to try it again.
D. Bridges and straight leg situps.
Dyn/Mon all done
A) 135& 165 warm upx5 rps
185,195,205, and 215
stopped bc I felt tired, didnt have it in me today
C) 30 rps had to use 30 lbs (no 25 lbs) did 33 res ( his was tough-love it)
B1) t/c 83.88.93
2) pc+clns 103,125,130×2,135x2fail,130×2 ..frustating!
D) done
hope every is healthy and happy!
DMA done
A. #140
B1. 85/95/105
B2. 115/115/125/135/140 failEd 145×2
21 rx arms!
Mile run
Cut the Grass
I’m ready to get back at it
Cracked me up on cut the grass.?
Hahaha awesome Pete!
Mob done
A. 305
B1- 205/210/215
B2- 225×2/235/245/255×2
C. 21. RX. Whew!
D. Done.
DMA – Done
A. 205
B. Tall Clean 95/115/125
PC + C 125 135 145 155 165 165
C. 22 with 35# DB’s
D. Done
DMA done
A. 245# dead stop
B. Tall 135/155/175
Power+clean up to 245#
C. 21 MM with 50# db was harder than it looked
D. Done
Nice work Jeff!
Dynamic Mobility – done
A. Dead Stop Front Squat – worked up to 155#
B. Tall Cleans – 85/105/125
Power Clean + Clean 105/115/125/135/140/145
C. Manmakers – 21reps – thought I would easily make 20 and that 24 or 25 would be possible about half way through, but then time just disappeared on me. Row became the challenge for me in these.
D. Done
Activation and mobility done
A. 165# not sure what I did the last time we did these
B. Tall cleans: 85/95/105
Cleans: 115/120/125/ 125/125/125. Was not feeling good on these worked with A coach to improve technique. That helped.
Man makers: 20 reps @ 35#
D. Done.
Feeling like flat soda today. Balancing work and training takes time to adapt to.
For sure Tracy. Don’t get too down on yourself when you feel like energy is low – there is so much balancing going on and some days you will feel like a million bucks, others not so much.
Thanks Nichole! I will stay the course.. Ups and downs.
I thought man makers were ful clean hen press hmmm?
I did these as a full clean and press ??
Oh no – you can power them!
C. Did e3mom x18min
3 ohs from floor
135,155,175,195,215,220 no misses pc from 175 up
Then did the 6min AMRAP of 45# man makers got 19.
45s are the heaviest we have
Is it Thursday yet???
Mobility done
A. 240#
B1. 115/125/135
B2. 155/175/185/195/205/215
C. 21 reps with 50# DB’s. That lit up my shoulders! Was kind of fun actually.
D. Done
lol I LOVE it!
Dynamic Mobility & Activation: DONE A) WOW!! Um…. Totally awkward for my knees…. Was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do this correctly since I seem to have some pretty bad arthritis since after surgery which makes it hard for me to “fire” up from a full squat…. Managed to work up to 205# B) again – sorry – a lot of of “firsts” this week… Lol… Did full cleans all day today!! ???? worked only at 135 for the tall cleans and then worked up to 225 for the Pwr Cleans & Cleans…. C) DONE – got 27 w… Read more »
Whoo hoo this is huge for you!!
i am almost a big boy again! 😉
Great work Jon!! How are your knees feeling today?
Not too too bad…. a bit “crunchy” but all in all – pretty good… guessing i need to mobilize more often than i currently do! LOL…. I just wish I could hire someone to do that for me 5 times a week 😉
DMA done
A: 175#
B1: 95,105,115
B2: 115,125,135,145,155,165
D: done
D: done