September 2, 2020 – Masters Program

Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-8 minutes spending focused time rolling out the lats, t-spine, pecs and traps.

Warm-Up Flow
Three rounds of:
300 Meter Row
10 Barbell Overhead Squats (20/15 kg)
10 Burpees Over the Erg

Try to bring your grip in narrower on each set of overhead squats with the goal of getting to the same grip as you would use to jerk. Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the 90 second rest. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.

Draw out jerk footwork

Jerk warm up with 45/33 lbs barbell

Three sets of:
Split Press x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds

followed by . . .

Three sets of:
Split Jerk x 5 reps with a 3 seconds pause in the dip and a 3 second pause in the catch
Rest 60 seconds

followed by . . .

Three sets of:
Split Jerk x 3 reps @ 95/65 lbs
Rest 60 seconds

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Behind the Neck Jerk x 2 reps @ 75-80% with a 3 second pause in the receiving position

“Chop It Down”

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For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (50/35 lbs)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 to 10/9’ target)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 to 10/9’ target)
50 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35 lbs)
50 Calorie Row

For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (35/20 lbs)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/10 lbs to 9’ target)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/10 lbs to 9’ target)
50 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (35/20 lbs to 20” box)
50 Calorie Row

Time Cap: 25:00

Note: This is a workout from the Masters Fitness Collective however the weights have been adjusted. If you’d like to give this workout a go with the weights from the Masters Fitness Collective then for the 35-54 age group use 70/50 lbs dumbbell and 30/20 lbs wall ball thrown to a 10/9′ target. The 55+ age group use a 50/35 lbs dumbbell and 20/14 lbs wall ball thrown to a 10/9′ target.

Weighted Banded March x 3 minutes

and then . . .

Three sets of:
Banded Hamstring Curls

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x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Additional Optional Gymnastic Skill Session
One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull-Up x 15 reps

followed by . . .

Two sets of:
Speed Swing x 8-10 reps

followed by . . .

Two sets of:
Peek-A-Boo Swings x 5-6 reps

followed by . . .

Fifteen sets of:
Muscle-Ups x 1 rep with perfect mechanics
15 Seconds Rest

If you don’t have ring muscle-ups, then please do one of the following:
Feet on Floor
Feet on Box
Calves on Box

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September 5, 2020 3:22 pm

B BNJ = 195/205/215/225/225/225

Joe Barsi
Joe Barsi
September 3, 2020 6:16 pm

Chop it Down should have been called I got Chopped down. 23:03. Goal was 22:00. SO WHAT, NOW WHAT! 50 lb. DB and 20 lb. Wall Ball.

Keith Chrisman
Keith Chrisman
September 2, 2020 5:25 pm

C. 24:44. Used 70# DB and 30# WB

David Partridge
David Partridge
September 2, 2020 4:05 pm

M&A, W-U flow) done
A) done
B) 195
C) 20:45 40# DB

Nichole Kribs
Nichole Kribs
September 2, 2020 4:44 pm

Great job David!

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
September 2, 2020 10:36 am

A day behind
FS: all sets at 68 kg. Felt okay!
Sotts: 36 kg, +1 kg from last week.
Cleans: from 40 to 53 kg. Felt a bit slow today.
Strength 1:
12 reps for row
Red band for 20 reps for pulls
Hip Bridges with 15 kg DB for 12 reps
Strength 2:
GHD 16/17/17 (touching the floor)
Row with 15 kg DBs 22/24/24
Optional engine: 18:30 min.

September 2, 2020 8:44 am

M&A, W-U flow) done
A) done
B) 93kg, 98, 103, 108, 110 (1.1), 110 (1.1)
C) skipped
D) done
MU work) done, 10 MUs every 10 secs then 5 every 15 secs

Tom Ring
Tom Ring
September 2, 2020 7:41 am

A. 95/95/95 presses
A1. 95/95/95 pauses
A2. 115/125/135 all x3
B. 185 for all 6 sets
A little wobble not bad
C. Did 100 du’s instead of wall balls each time
443 rep out of 450 step overs and last bike sucked
D. Done and camp chair!!!!

Nichole Kribs
Nichole Kribs
September 2, 2020 8:10 am
Reply to  Tom Ring

Great sub for your knee Tom! Were the step ups okay?

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