September 19, 2022 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Foot Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (each arm)
100 Foot Suitcase Carry (each arm)
100 Foot Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Carry (each arm)

Followed by…

Three sets of:
30 Second Banded Monster Walk
20 Banded Good Mornings
10 Goblet Squats

Back Squat
Sets 1-3: 3 reps @ 88-92%
Set 4: MAX reps @ 82%
Rest 2 minutes between sets

*Set terminates when you cannot maintain quality form, fail the rep, or have to take more than 1 breath at the top of each rep.

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets of):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps
Set 1: 74%
Set 2: 79%
Set 3: 83%
Set 4: 86%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets of):
Snatch x 1 rep
Set 1: 89%
Set 2: 92%
Set 3: 95%

Five rounds of:
7 Deadlifts (315/225 lbs)
14 Single Dumbbell Step Ups (50/35 lbs)
21/17 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike

Three sets of:
8-10 Right Leg Box Step Ups
Rest 30-45 seconds
8-10 Left Leg Box Step Ups
Rest 90 seconds

Athlete Notes:
Another classic triplet is headed your way, this time with a heavy barbell! We’re looking for this deadlift to be something that you’ll complete in 1-2 sets on each round. As you start to get tired you might break it 4-3, but if you’re having to pull all singles with poor form from the get go, please customize to a weight that you can handle. The step ups should be unbroken, and hold the dumbbell however you’d like. When you get to the bike, this can be a bit of a trap. What we’re looking for here is a sustainable pace for the first 4 rounds, something you can go right back to the barbell and pull on the deadlifts. Then, everyone’s favorite, you get to sprint to the finish with everything left in the tank on that 5th round!

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Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
September 20, 2022 5:21 pm

A. 285, 270×6
B. 115-165
C. With 235 and 45# db, 20’ box

Alex González
Alex González
September 19, 2022 6:50 pm

Warm up: done
A: I only have 370 lbs and I did 4 reps in each sets
Then 360 lbs x 8 reps
B: 155/165/170/ and 175 failed
Then I work in technique until 170 lbs
C: 17:35
D: done

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
September 19, 2022 11:27 am

A1. Back Squat (off 300#): 262×3, 266×3, 269#x3
A2. ME Back Squat @ 82%: 245#x5
B1. Hang Snatch: 115×2, 122×2, 128×2, 133#x2
B2. Snatch: 138, 142, 147 (Snatches felt good today).

C. 16:43. 5 RFT. 7 DLs @ 185#, 14 Single DB Step-ups (50#; 24”), 17 Cal Echo Bike.

James Wozniak
James Wozniak
September 19, 2022 10:16 am

Warm up ✅
A. 355/365/370 then 335 x7
B1. 165/175/185/195
B2. 200-215
C. 12:40 Rx. Looked easier on paper.
D. Done

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