Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Against a 2-minute running clock:
Max Distance Row @ 2000 meter PR Pace
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
12 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
12 Bar-Facing Burpees (SPRINT SPEED)
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3 minutes and repeat the entire 8 minutes again.
*Compare results to August 21. Goal is to beat your previous score!
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 sets):
Deadlift from 4″ Deficit x 1 rep @ 70%
Put tension into the bar and then stand with the bar as quickly as you can. This should not feel terribly heavy. You will get stronger by moving fast.
Four sets for times of:
100 Double-Unders
50/30 Calorie Bike Erg or Row
25 GHD Sit Ups
12 Power Cleans (185/115 lbs)
Rest 4 minutes
Three sets:
60 second Wall-Sit
30 second Sandbag Squat (150/100 lbs)
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (150/100 lbs)
60 second Wall-Sit
Rest 90 seconds
Athlete Notes:
The classic Saturday repeater workout. Volume accumulation, intensity, and ability to recover are all things that we’re training with this session! Go hard on the first set, and then see how well you can recover and repeat that effort. When we break things into sets with a decent amount of rest, it’s a great way to work on some intensity, while still accumulating the volume of a “longer” workout. All of these movements should be able to be completed unbroken, with the caveat being the power cleans…you may choose to break them, but if you were fresh, you should be able to do 12 unbroken at the weight you choose. Keep the intensity high here and earn tomorrow’s rest day!
B. With row and 155#
Around 7:37-8:02 per round
Pc 4-4-4
Primer done
A. 143Kg
B. Rx w/ row. All UB except PC, did fast singles. Fast singles are much faster for me w/o blowing up by going UB.
Lost focus on the second one and transitions got sloppy.
C. Done Rx w/ 70Kg SB
Cleaned those transitions up and finished off strong!
Was pissed at myself for being complacent after rnd 2. My time should’ve gone the other way and been below 5:00.
A 617m, 1+13, 5 (from seated to 12″)
614m, 1+14, 5
B. 135kg went up by 2.5kg from last week as we had the same % last week
C. 6:30, 6:48, 7:17, 7:03
Total 39:38
Used bike erg, triped once on set 3 and 4 (didn’t stop which im happy about), ghds in 3-4 sets after 1st round. Cleans smooth singles.
D. No time just stretched
Enjoy your weekend!
Primer done
A) 130kg RX deficit, felt solid
B) bike erg cals, every 10’ RX done
Rounds were between 6-7’, 3×4 reps at the clean
Couldn’t really push it, movements and weights felt everything but good and smooth, so happy just to finish anyhow
C) nope
Long but solid week! Time to rest, recover and enjoy your weekend!