Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch
x 60 seconds per side
Butterfly Pulse x 30 seconds
and then …
Hawaiian Squats x 5 reps per side
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 30 seconds
Over/Under Barbell x 5 reps in each direction
Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
Front Squat x 4 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM Front Squat
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Clean x 2 reps
*Focus on getting the elbows down and around the barbelll
and then …
Every 2:00, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Mid-Patella Clean off Blocks x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 @ 70%
*Sets 3-4 @ 75%
*Sets 5-6 @ 80%
*Sets 7-8 @ 85%
and then …
Two sets of:
Clean Pulls x 3 reps @ 90-95%
Please focus on positioning. Here are a few things I am looking for:
*Acceleration of speed on the bar. It should reach max speed when the bar gets to your hips
*Weight moves from mid-foot to heels
*Fast elbows
Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
20/14 lbs Med Ball GHD Sit-Ups x 10 reps
Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
Toes-to-Bar x 15 reps
Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
Toes-to-Bar x 10 reps
If doing the GHD version of this workout, then females please go to a 6″” riser. Focus on driving the legs down and being explosive with them as you pull yourself up for your GHD sit-up. For those doing toes-to-bar, check out this article to practice different variations of the toes-to-bar kip.
Two-Three sets of:
Skull Crushers x 10-15 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Standing Paloff Press x 15 reps per side
Rest 30 seconds
Hi— been following program for a bit, but first time logging comments!
A. Did back squats in the morning so skipped
B. 75
B2. 95, 105, 110, 115
B3. 125
C. 16:35 did V-ups instead of T2B as shoulder acting up
D. Deferred
Yay, thanks for posting Kelly! I LOVE V-Ups as a sub for toes-to-bar!
A. 215 for all
B. 95-130 muscle cleans; 168-205 cleans; 216 clean pulls
C. 14:00 Rx
Nice work Brian!
A. 235 for all
B. 150
B2. 185-195-200-205
B3. 245
C. 14:19. Row at 1:48. Slow transitions.
A. 215 and 230. Wore metcons (no Olys) and no belt. Same for part B.
B1. 135
B2. 185-205. Done from mid-thigh because of block height.
B3. 245.
C. 14:45. First time doing med ball GHDs. Loved them, but oh boy Wednesday morning is gonna suuuuuck. Rows consistent and unspectacular.
D. Done.
Great work on your cleans!
A. 200 all 4 sets
B. 95 & 115
B2 85-125 with Cheryl. Focused on form & speed.
C. 14:40 Rows 1:58-2:09 T2Bs 10UB/10UB/8,2/4,3,1,1,1/2,2,2,1,1,1,1
T2Bs broke down on me last two sets but focused on singles without dropping
D. Shoulder mobility, crossover symmetry
Nice job Ed!!!
A. 135#
B1. 75-85-95-105 (felt my knees bend a little on the last rep)
B2. 105-112.5-120-127.5
B3. 140#
C. 17:23. Those GHDSU with the medball made me really lightheaded ?
D.skipped…dinner time
A: 265
Blocks 285
Pulls 301
C: 12:34
Got the first round in around 2:20 and got a call as I started the second row (at the fire station.) Looks fun so I’ll make it up later in the week.
DMA) done
A) 225,225,235,240
B1) 135
D) done
All done did full workout
Went light on everything
Did no time just went none stop on metcon
See how I feel tomorrow
Great Doug, please let us know how you feel tomorrow.
DMA – Complete
A.) 240 / 240 / 240 / 240
B1.) 65 / 85 / 105 / 135
B2.) 190 / 190 / 205 / 205 / 220 / 220 / 230 230
B3.) Skipped Clean Pulls due to time
C.) 2:53 / 2:57 / 3:11 / 3:26 / 2:43 – 15:10
D.) 2 sets 40# DB & 1/2″ band
Swam at the pool: 20x25m with :15 rest, 2x50m with :15 rest
DMA Done
A. 160-165-170-175#
B1. 35-55-65-75#
B2. 85-95-105-115-115-125# (only did 6 sets)
C. 13:31 Rx
D. Done
Awesome work on the metcon – did the shoulder feel okay with the weighted ghd sit-ups?
Yes I rolled the ball up and down my torso and it worked well
A. 245-275
B. 215-275
C. 14:23
Great work Keith, especially on those cleans!
Knee feeling better and strength starting to come back
A. 155
B.85-105 then 85-135 then 155
C. 15:21 Did GHD w/10# WB
A. 4 x 100 kg
B1. 2 x 60 kg and 2 x 70 kg
B2. 70/75/80/85 kg
B3. 1 x 90 and 2 x 95 kg
C. (50-54) 16:40 T2B (15/15/12-3/10-5/7-5-3)
D. 3 Sets of Bench Press x 10 @ 90 kg
Activation done
FS all sets with 60kg
Skipped the cleans
Row/Medball 10lb for me
Acc done
A. 190/195/200/205
B1. 135/155/165/170
B2. 180/185/190/195/205/205/215/220
B3. 245
C. 14:22 (GHD). I think may abs may be sore…
D. Done
Ohhhh yeah!!!

A. 155-165-170-170lb
B2. 115-165lb, first time moving some weight in a long time. Shoulder a bit achy but not much different from any other day.??
B3. 175lb
C. 13:27 didn’t know how set rower to get accurate splits on each 500m. So I just reset each rd and after workout got splits of each rd since it was reset but might not be 100% accurate since the rower keeps moving after 500m. 1:58,2:01,2:01,2:02,2:04
D. Skull crushers @25lb, paloff press red crossover symmetry band
Shoulder PT
Yay for moving some weight!
A – up to 95kg
B – 50kg
B2 – up to 85kg
C – 13:50 500m ski erg,10 unweighted Ghd’s
D – done with red band and 30kg barbell
Front squats – 225 across
Clean from blocks – 200-242
Pulls – 285