Primary Training Session
Aerobic Primer @ 80-85%
Three Sets of:
Max Height Box Jump x 3 reps
Rest as needed
*These should be caught above parallel focusing on soft athletic landing. Step down safely after each rep
Followed by…
Four sets of
5 Seated Box Jump
5 Broad Jump
15 second Assault Bike Sprint
Rest 60 seconds
Build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
Compare results with August 10, 2020.
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Balance
x 2 reps
Building in weight, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
(Halting Snatch Deadlift + Mid Hang Snatch) x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2: @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 3-4: @ 75% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 5-6: @ 80% of 1-RM Snatch
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Calorie Assault Bike
Dumbbell Thruster (50/35lb.)
At the 15 minute mark. . .
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Calorie Assault Bike
Wall Ball Shot (30/20lb..)
Three sets of:
Seated Piked Double Leg Lifts x 10/15/20 reps
Tuck-Up to V-Up Complex x 5/10/15 reps
Side Hand Plank w/ Hip Circles x 5/10/15 reps
Superman Open/Close x 10/15/20
Rest 2 minutes
Strength Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 10 Front-Racked Double Kettlbell Squats (HEAVY)
Minute 2 – 15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
Two sets of:
Banded Good Mornings x 40 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Banded Hamstring Curls x 30 reps
Rest 30 seconds
One set of:
3 Minutes of Banded March
Engine Accessory Option
Every 6 minutes for 36 minutes (6 sets)
30/22 Calorie Assault Bike
20 D-Ball Bearhug Squats (150-200/100-150lb.)
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
10 D-Ball Bearhug Squats (150-200/100-150lb.)
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
Running Endurance Option
Six sets for times of:
Run 400 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile Pace
Run 400 Meters @ 100% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 2-3 minutes
Your rest period should be sufficient enough to keep your paces, so take your full three minutes of rest unless you know you’re capable of maintaining your paces.
Rowing Endurance Option
Eight sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters @ 90-95% of your 500m PR pace
Row 250 Meters @ 55-60% of your 500m PR pace
Row 250 Meters @ 95-100% of your 500m PR pace
Rest 2-3 minutes
A. 175 (hit 185 last time, but failed my attempts at 190 and then failed 185)
B. 85/95/105/115/125
C. 90/95/100/100/105/105
D. 7:08/6:43 all unbroken
E. Done
Strength accessory
A. 24 kg
B. Done
C. Done
Are you sandbagging the first portions again??? 🙂
PM Session: A. Build to today’s heavy complex of… 1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Front Squats – 285 For the Pause Front Squat, slow 3 second descent, 3 second pause, then up as quickly as you can; then immediately after, two front squats with no tempo. These felt really good – might have had 295 in me, but decided to call it after a solid 285 B. Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes (7 sets): Hang Snatch x 1 rep *Sets 1-2: @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch – 155 *Sets 3-4: @ 75% of 1-RM Snatch –… Read more »
Two solid sessions to start the week!
I’m back! Haha Labor Day weekend I sprained my ankle playing water slide flip cup..? so I took a few days off and last week just did a couple of the endurance pieces to move. Just got back from vacation last night but ready to start fresh! Ankle feels great, just going to keep the lifting lighter this week to be safe. A.) worked up to 245# B.) 65/75/85/95/105 C.) went off my hang snatch instead of my full 120/120/130/130/135/140 D.) Really happy with how consistent I was. 7:29 T2B 16/5, 9/6, 9 Thrusters UB 7:39 Same reps for the… Read more »
Oh jeez! Glad you’re ok and it wasn’t to serious!! Be safe and move well. Then increase intensity and load toward the end of the week??
Pts. Warm up + plyo work done. A. Dead stop front squat build to 115kg B. 40kg C. Halting Snatch dl + hang snatch Set 1-2 @ 60kg Set 3+4 @ 65kg Set 5+6 @ 70kg D. Times 9:05 – 9:40 Kept the bike at a steady pace and pushed on the other 2 movements. I got faster on the wb compared to the thrusters but the bike was slower in rhe second round. I think the toes to bar were about the same. Kept the rest times short and was still able to keep nice sets. Felt my legs… Read more »
Good job staying checked in and managing your work rest periods. Productive start to the week!
– warm up with jumps, ab, done.
– DSFS up to 130k. Cool with my knees between competitions. Next comp in 10 days.
– snatch balance done.
– snatch complex done
– wod 1 : 8’21. Thrusters 13-8, 15, 9. Ttb 13-8, 10-5, 9.
– wod 2 : 7’51. Ttb as 1st wod. Wall ball 13-8, ub and ub.
– Core tomorrow
You can definitely push a little harder in that first one 🙂
Yes you right. I was really easy on this triplet. I had to push thrusters and AB. Legs were in fire for 15 cal…
11 am
Wod qualifica Fall series
750 m row
10 Devil Press 22.5 kg
20 DB Front Squat
500 m row
10 Devil Press
20 DB Front Squat
250 m row
10 Devil Press
20 DB Front Squat
Time 11’34”
4 pm
Squat 130 kg ( agosto 125 kg)
40-45-50-55-60 kg
68-70-73-75-78-80 kg
7 pm
Ttbar Unbroken
DB 12-9/9-6/9
All Unbroken
More qualifiers!! This may be effecting your strength…to much conditioning and a lot of volume Michele! Be smart!
italian showdown has been canceled.
tomorrow only Primary Training Session
What’s the fall series?
fall series is in December, it was the first competition in Italy
Warm up – done
A. got 215# (in august I got 205#)
B.Snatch balance started @65# finished @105#
C.Snatch complex – no fails , no P.Snatch lol
1-2 = 90#
3-4 = 95# 100#
5-6 = 105# 110#
D. First set 8:50 all UB
Second set – 9:37 all UB
These were a lot harder than I expected 🙂
E. Done
Strength: A (I did go very heavy on the emom) , B & C
Looks like you had a fun start to the week!!
A 155kg B 40/60/80/100/120kg C 100/110/120kg Getting more and more feeling for knees coming back and dropping faster. D 6;32 Ttb unbroken Thrusters 11/10 8/7 9 Came to hot out of the gate on the first round 7:15 Bike slowed down, i manage to come out hot and the first round feels fine but than i drop off… Ttb 12/9 15 9 started breaking those to maybe hold off the fatique Wall balls 12/9 9/6 9 Have the feeling i can be much faster if i can just control that bike overall and keep the heartrate lower getting off that… Read more »
Slow the first bike a touch to 95% effort then dig in on the 15??
Will try! First set i can easily get out an big effort and then the watts just drop in set 2.
Maybe more air bike intervals? Or row bike ski intervals?
No harm in hitting the mixed modal and aerobic gymnastic work. Next cycle it m might be an idea to follow the rowing or running to build a little base going into the 2021 season
Separate warm up done.
SAO KB work. 20kg Squats, 24kg Swings. Will try to go up on squats next time.
8:33 – UB thrusters, T2B 16-5, 8-7, 9. Kinda wanted to call it there but got back on the bike.
11:43 – drop off on the bike and wall balls fell apart. T2B consistent : 11-10, 8-7, 9.
Banded Accessory work and core work done.
My gym did Murph on Saturday for 09/11 since we couldn’t do it over Memorial Day. Nice little PR at 35:44. Little sore today but still able to move and train. Back on program.
AM Session:
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) for times:
21 Double Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lb DBs)
21 Calories on Machine
15 Double Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lb DBs)
15 Calories on Machine
9 Double Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lb DBs)
9 Calories on Machine
Set 1: Assault Bike Calories – 5:07
Set 2: Row Calories – 5:22
Set 3: Ski-Erg Calories – 5:20
Don’t have 2 kettlebells so did double DB squats instead. Still felt like a solid session.