Gymnastic Skills & Drills
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle-Up Foot Tap Drill x 5-6 reps
followed by . . .
Three sets for time of:
Bar Muscle-Ups x 4-8 reps
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Three sets for time of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 4-8 reps
Double-Unders x 50 reps
followed by . . .
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest 60 seconds
followed by . . .
Three sets of:
Drop to Split x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Build in weight over the course of the 10 sets.
If you need to work on shoulder stability, then:
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Interval 1: Turkish Get Ups x 3-4 reps per side (slow and controlled)
Interval 2: Furniture Slider Alligator Walk x 45-60 seconds
For time:
10 Muscle-Ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
30 Calories of Assault Bike
For time:
8 Muscle-Ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead (105/75 lbs)
30 Calories of Assault Bike
For time:
6 Muscle-Ups/10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead (105/75 lbs)
30 Calories of Assault Bike
For time:
4 Muscle-Ups/10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65 lbs)
30 Calories of Assault Bike
Two sets of:
Bent-Over Barbell Row x 10 reps @ 21X0
Rest 45 seconds
Reverse Dumbbell Flys x 30 reps
Rest 45 seconds
4BMU & 50 DU in 4:03
A. Done
B. Worked up to 195, failed 205 twice.
C. 6:07 10 unbroken MU and 115 for STOH.
GSD Done
BMU&DU 5:00
A. TJ 95 D2S 115-135-135
B. 175-185-195-205-215-225-235-245-255-265
C. 4:30
D. Done
Travellng so I’m a day behind. No single bar for MUs so did the drills only. 5 am workout again so everything felt 20 lbs heavier.
B: 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255(m), 250, 255(m)
C: 5:00 with 30 cal row
D: 135 Rows
10/5 lb DBs. Struggled with the 10s after about 15 reps so dropped the weight down.
Gymnastics Done. 6BMUs each round. Somewhere around 4 minutes and change.
A – Done.
B – Did some jerks to 205#. Then felt like I should be doing stability work so I switched to that. Sadly, I damn near forgot how to do Turkish Get Ups and actually had to google it. Ugh. Glad I did. Felt good to do these again. I need them. Liked the Alligator Walk too.
C – 4:28. Bike took 2 damn minutes!
D – Done. 155#/15#. Had to break up second round of flys. Shoulders burning.
GS&D BMU foot tap drill only.
A1. Skipped tall jerks. Split Press 75/85/95#.
A2. 95/115/125#.
B. 95#.
C. 3:31 scaled to 95#, 10 C2B and ERG. Should have used 105#.
D. Done. BB Row 95# and reverse flys 20# DBs.
Also did 6 legless rope climbs just for fun.
8Mus/15 bike cals 3 rounds – 7:04 wheels came off
C. 10 MUs / 20 strict press @ 135# / 30 cals bike
4:16 – lost it on press after 18th rep-
strict press went away 7/4/3/2/2– had to jerk the last 2 because I kept failing
did a 5 min EMOM of 15 GHDs
A: done
B: worked up to 285# C&J
C: 3:07 – Damn did 30 cal on tower instead of AD calories. Took 1:18 for row, ad would have been sub 1. Short and sweet.
D: skip
Gymnastics skills and drills
3 rounds-
2:55. 6 MUs
A. tall jerks. 55# Drop splits 65/85/100#
B. Built to 155#
C. Well I screwed this up! I did 10 MUs/ 30 push jerks/30 calorie row ? Well the good news I did all 10 MUs under 2 minutes! 4/2/2/1/1
Time: 7:06
ugh Incould have done the shoulder to overhead UB but I thought we were doing 30 so I did 15/10/5 ugh I get so mad at myself when Indo the wrong thing!
D. Done
Hot yoga was awesome tonight!
Good Day!
Modified just about everything today, going to take these next five days to rest the bicep and shoulder.
Gymnastic skills and drills: 15 GHDs instead of 4-8 BMUs. 3:57
A. E2M 20 mins: 4 left arm only Turkish get ups, 45 secs slider alligator walks
B. 30 min EMOM:
Min 1: 15 cals AirDyne
Min 2: 10 Glute Ham Raises
Min 3: 5 box jumps 30″ (explosive, jump up, step down)
Holy legs!!! ?
C. Skipped and did more hammy stretching and mobilizing. Have a sneaking suspicion I’m going to be feeling them!
Good call Cheryl!
Rest up that shoulder Cheryl! Feel better.
Gymnastic Drill Done
3 rounds done
4/4/8 Jumping Bar MU
50/25/75-Rope broke then went through 2 others-
A. Tall Jerks #85
Drop Jerks #85
Split Jerks-105/115/125/130/135/140/145/missed 150-re-did 130/125-Only #10 under PR. I was happy with that.
Jumping Bar MU went 2′ lower than earlier
S2O Push Jerks until the last 2
Assault bike-I stayed consistent with RPM that was my goal for this WOD
Good Day!
Awesome work!!
Good work on your jerks Cheryl!
Thank you!
Invictus endurance work 5k run. 23:16
Gym done
3 rnds of 8-BMU 50 DU – 5:32
A1 – TJ @ 95 & 135
A2 – D2S @ 135/155
B. 205 to 250 up 5# each set
C. 4:37.
D. Done
Did the 5K in the same session today. Didn’t have time this morning when I have typically been running. My legs felt it in the jerks.
Fun session.
3 rds 6 bar mups/50dubs m ups unbroken 3:50
Tall 135
Jerk 275# got a little sloppy
Has cortisone injected into elbow right before training so a little sore so didn’t finish rest. Maybe tommorow
Rest up
Gymnastics Drills – BMU Foot Tap Drill – done! Did 6 BMU’s since I was going to be doing C2B in the workout. 8 C2B’s + 50 Du’s – 3:09 A. Tall Jerks – 65/75/80 Drops to Split – 65/85/95 B. 95/115/125/130/135/140/145/150/155/160/165/170/177(f) PR attempt – decided to stop here. Didn’t want to overdo it today. Wrist felt pretty good but was wondering about the upcoming S2O’s and MU’s. C. 4MU’s/20 S2O/Row (sub) 30 cal. (4:20) Finished the MU’s and picked up the bar in just over a minute. Did the S2O unbroken (plan was to break into 10’s but decided… Read more »
Great work today Barry!! Nice job on the conditioning piece!
Thanks! Today was a good day.
Gym Skill and Drills – Done
A. TJ – 75 95 115
SJ – 125 135 145
B. 125 135 145 155 165 175 180 185 190 PR!
c. 5:00 (Heels on 20 in box rings were 50 in off floor)
D. 120 Rows and crossover yellow (10)
Loving the gymnastics skills and drills thanks invictus!
What a great day Steven! Great wok on the Jerk PR and the amount of double unders in a row! Is that a PR?
Hit 50 in competition in Jan as of late yes
Gymnastics Skills & Drills: DONE
3 sets for time of the Bar MU and DU… Did 8 BMU per round… pants fell down on my 1 round of DU ????… Lost a little time with that ???? – 3:48 overall time…
Crossover Symatry: DONE
A & B: Skipped: not allowed jerk movements yet
4 sets:
6 incline dumbbell bench @ 65#
8 bench @ 180#
60 sec rest
3 sets:
20 incline DB bench @ 40#
C: DONE – 4:20…. 10 UB MU, 10/10 STO
You know … sometimes it happens … just keep going!! 🙂
Well I missed it! But hey you still crushed it! Thanks for pushing me on the WOD today… Now I just need to do the correct amount of Reps! LOL
B. Split Jerk 185,195,200,200,205,210,215,220,225,230 no misses but got sloppy towards the end
D. Done at 135 for bent over rows
Reverse Flys at 20lbs
GSD done
C2B X 8/DU 5:35
A1: 95
A2: not done-apparently completely missed this at 5 AM
B1: 95-155. Failed at 165
C: 4 MU/S2O/AB 5:00
D: 95# and 25#
GSD – Done
4:37 did 4 BMU
A1. 65,85,85
A2. 105X3
A3.built up to 165
C.7:45 failed on probably 8 MU, probably should have done a few before I started.
D. DOne
Yeah, doing 1 or 2 to prep the movement is a solid idea
Gymnastics…. Bar MU’s were not there today… Got one then mind #$%!ed myself with the drills and trying to do it an new way, was going to film it Coach, but then couldn’t even do one again, haha. Will try to get you video later Anyway did 2 strict ring MU and the DU instead of the Bar MU, 6:18 Did the shoulder stability EMOM. Used a 44 lb KB and a small plyo box for a slider (didnt really work). Forgot how much work Turkish get ups are. C) 6:58 RX. Came off the rings at 2:57. DId 5/1/2/2.… Read more »
Yes, send over the video later! Nice work on the SMU tho!
A. 6,4,4 bar mu’s 1st Rd dubs UB 8:59 did this 5min after other metcon. Overall happy
B. Later today
C. 10:30rx came off the ring MU at 8min then 15/5 shoulder to OH and then bike.
Not blazing fast but completed getting more confident with the ring MU
Awesome Tom!