Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three rounds of:
50 Foot Bear Crawl
30 Plank Shoulder Taps (15/side)
10 Ring Rows
10 Tempo Push-Ups @ 1111
30 Seated Knee Tucks
50 Single Unders
Three sets of:
5 Tempo Squatted Strict Muscle-up Transitions @ 2121
5 Tempo Strict Ring Muscle-Up Negatives @ 30A1
*Sub for negatives is tempo ring rows x 10 reps @ 3011
Followed by…
Three sets of:
4-8 False Grip Ring Pull-Ups + 4-5 Second Chest to Ring Hold on the last rep OR 12-15 False Grip Ring Rows
20-30 Second Bottom of Dip Hold (use low rings)
Followed by…
Three to four sets of:
1-4 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
Rest as needed between
*Sub for strict ring muscle ups is 8-10 banded pull-ups.
Three sets of:
8-10 Pop Swings
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets
Followed by…
Three sets of:
6-8 Ring Jump to Catch Position
*You can also substitute 4-5 no dip muscle ups instead. Just focus on the turnover then drop into the next swing without performing the dip.
Followed by…
Five sets of:
2 Toes to Rings
2 Ring Muscle Ups
2 Ring Dips
2 Toes to Rings
2 Ring Muscle Ups
2 Ring Dips
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (6 sets of):
Station 1: 400 Foot Shuttle Run (25 foot increments)
Station 2: 50-100 Foot Handstand Walk (25 foot increments)
Station 3: 18-20/14-16 Calorie Row
Station 4: 3 Wall Walks + Max Unbroken Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Station 5: Rest
*Sub for the wall facing handstand push-up minute is 8-10 total wall walks.
Athlete Notes:
Another Tuesday EMOM. This week we’ve got a further distance shuttle run, an aggressive handstand walk station, a row that should take around 45 to 50 seconds to complete, and another aggressive handstand push-up station. But, you get a rest minute so hopefully that’ll be enough to keep you consistent across the board for all 6 sets. Err on the side of higher numbers to start and then revert back to the lower amounts if you start bleeding over or running the risk of not making it. High heart rate gymnastics is very important so focus and be intentional today.