Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes with a LAX ball to your pecs
and then …
Banded Lat Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Banded Tricep Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up Series x 10 reps in each plane
and finish with …
Plank with Forward Reach x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Reach x 10 reps
Plank with Forward Taps x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Taps x 10 reps
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands
Four sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Jerk Dip + Jerk x 1 rep @ 75-80%
And then . . .
Three sets of:
Jerk Recovery x 1 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets to a heavy.
Four sets of:
Posted Single Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps per leg @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds
DB Reverse Flies x 8-10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Minute 1 – 3 275/185 lbs Deadlifts + 6 Lateral Burpees over the Barbell
Minute 2 – 30 Double-Unders + 1 Rope Climb
Minute 3 – 10 Toes-to-Bar
and then …
Three rounds for time:
3 Deadlifts
6 Lateral Burpees over the Barbell
30 Double-Unders
1 Rope Climb
10 Toes-to-Bar
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Minute 1 – 3 255/155 lbs lbs Deadlifts + 6 Lateral Burpees over the Barbell
Minute 2 – 30 Double-Unders + 1 Rope Climb
Minute 3 – 8 Toes-to-Bar
and then …
Three rounds for time:
3 Deadlifts
6 Lateral Burpees over the Barbell
30 Double-Unders
1 Rope Climb
8 Toes-to-Bar
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Minute 1 – 3 225/135 lbs Deadlifts + 6 Lateral Burpees over the Barbell
Minute 2 – 30 Double-Unders + 1 Rope Climb
Minute 3 – 6 Toes-to-Bar
and then …
Three rounds for time:
3 Deadlifts
6 Lateral Burpees over the Barbell
30 Double-Unders
1 Rope Climb
6 Toes-to-Bar
Optional Gymnastics Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Muscle-Up Squatted Transitions
x 7 reps @ 2121
Interval 2 – Ring Muscle-Up Negatives x 7 reps @ 50A1
55+: Ring Muscle-Up Negatives x 3 reps @ 50A1 and you may use assistance if needed
Rest 60 seconds, then. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Strict Muscle-Up x 1-4 reps
*If you do not have a Strict Ring Muscle-Up then please complete:
Strict Ring Pull-Ups to Sternum x 1-4 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Head-Butt Push-Ups x 15 reps
Interval 2 – False Grip Static Hang x 20-25 seconds
A1. 95#
A2. 205# across all 15
A3. Not an option for me
B. Done with 35# DB
C. 4:39. Was a fun little burner that allowed you to push the pace.
Optional piece will have to try and fit in later.
3.39 mile run
A: complete
C: 7:51 on the 3rds for time. But did a rope pull vs rope climb due to gym set up today.
A1 Done
A2 50 Kg
A3 75 Kg
A4 11 x 75 Kg and 4 x 80 Kg
A5 110 Kg I am getting more confident at Jerk Recovery
B Crazy to do the WOD but I ran out of time.
C Karate Class later on
52 male. Did everything. 165# on jerks. 9:30 Rx on 3RFT metcon. Great muscle up drills! Thanks!
Awesome Cyril!
THANKS Nichole!
did EMOM only getting closer but I have never had something linger so long. Would of liked to do the 3 rounds for time but think it would of been a mistake.
Make sure you get a full rest day in!
Only time for part C today EMOM
3 DL 225 + 6 lateral Burpees over barbell
30 DU + 5 Ring Rows
6 GHDs
For Time 3 rounds 5:46
Fast on the 3 rounds Ed!
DMA+ Warm Up ✅
A-skipped my left trap is sore from yesterday:)
B: 2X #26 KBs
C: done ✅ #175 DL (took it easy on my back and trap
3rds for time:
D) did some ring muscle practice ??? Got four three false grip one neutral grip.
Shoulder PT
A. Skipped
B. 35# KBs posted SL deads, 2-1/2# reverse flies
C. 4:23 modified
3 deads + 6 candlestick burpees (1st time doing traditional deads, felt good)
30 DUs + 7 Ring rows in place of RC
10 GHDs in place of T2B
More shoulder PT then last piece with head butt push-ups and false grip hangs
*right QL/glute med unhappy tonight …I probably just overdid the posterior chain yesterday and then fired it up on the single leg deads.
Let me know how it feels today!
Thanks! Still bothersome today but noticing it starting to improve tonight!
That workout was hard! I’m doing NZ Masters weightlifting Comp in December so following a slightly different programme but doing the Invictus Metcon.
Did the Emom but only managed 2 rounds instead of 3 at the end. Thanks Nichole ?
Ohhhhhh awesome to hear you are doing NZ Masters WL!!! So very cool Debbie!
A1. Jerk Balance 115-135
A2. 185 (3), 195 (3), 200 (3), 205(6)
A3. Skipped. No equipment
B. 53# KBs for Posted DLs; 15# reverse flys
C. Done Rx for 21 minutes; skipped final three rounds – out of time.
A. JB 65/85 Then 115-135
B. B. 20#db
C. Ran out of time at end of 21 min. 155# d
A1. 35lb
A2. 35lb
A3. 85lb
B. 35lb KBs, (this was too heavy on my right leg, left leg was fine) 2.5lb DB reverse flies
C. 4:13 modified
Backwards burpees
GHD’s for T2B
Shoulder PT
Overdid it today??♀️ Trying to be smarter.
That is why I like single leg work – it can expose imbalances and provides opportunity to improve on those imbalances. Make sure you default your weight to the weaker leg.
Will do!
And rest today!
On it ???
DMA done
A1) 65/75/85/95
A2) 135
A3) 135/145/155
B) Posted 1 Leg DL @ 16kg KBs/Reverse Flyes @30 lb DBs
C) EMOM: 20-25 sec/30-35 sec (rope climbs are getting better)/15-20 sec
3 RFT: 6:13
No optional session for me today. The EMOM/RFT wiped me out pretty good
Just time for C
C. Paced EMOM. all UB. Then 5:27.
Nice job on UB T2B!
DMA – done A1. – done A2. bar – 55 – 75 – 95 A3. 12 rounds @ 145 and 3 rounds @ 150 I was off on these today. Not sure why. Bar felt heavy and I ended up pressing out the bar on too many. Took a break here and then continued later in the day. A4. – did not do – B. SL deadlifts – 2 sets using 12 Kg Kettlebells and 2 using 16 Kg Kb. Reverse Flys – 7 lb. – 10 lb. for the rest of the sets C. Done Deadlifts and Burpees –… Read more »
Good work on your double-unders!
DMA: Complete A1.) Complete – Foot work & Jump and Lands A2.) 115 / 115 / 125 / 125 – Jerk Balance A3.) 190 for all sets. – Jerk Dip + Jerk (felt heavy) A4.) Don’t have equipment for Jerk Recovery so skipped B.) 25# DBs x 8 (Posted Single Leg DLs) & 15# DBs x 10 (DB Rev Flys) C1.) Subbed 4 Towel Pullups for Rope Climb :20 / :45 / :17 :20 / :26 / :17 :21 / :27 / :18 :20 / :24 / :15 :20 / :28 / :19 :20 / :30 / :18 :20 /… Read more »
A1. 95/115/135/135
A2. 190(3)/195(5)/200(5)/205(2)
B. Done
C. Nursing my legs one more day from the weekend, so did 185 DL. Also, no rope today so did 3 strict pull-ups. Emom done. 3 RFT at 7:12. All dubs UB, which is great for me. T2b UB through 5 rounds, then broken into 2 sets, then totally fell apart. Was doing quick singles in the last 2 sets. Would love to be able to hit those UB all 10 rounds. I’m getting there – will keep plugging away.
A1. 135/165/185/205
A2. 185×7, 195×8
A3. up to 255
B. Skipped for time
C. Done Rx + 5:37
Great work Michael!
A. Jerk balances: 65-75-85-95
Jerk dip+Jerk 115 all sets, shoulders on fire!
Skipped Jerk recovery
B. Posted sldl with 35s flies with 10s
C. Out of time
A. Stayed at 135 for jerks bc I haven’t solutes jerked ina while. Was only doing power for last few weeks.
B. Held two 26lb KBs for DLs and 15’s for flies.
C. Completed as Rx. Then 6:19. All DUs and T2B unbroken. Time wasted dealing with massive amounts of sweat. So gross here.
I need to work on MUs but think I’m done for the day. Still pretty beat up from Nicole and feeling low back after this morning. Not sure if it’s from the new single leg RDLs or the DLs in the workout…. ?
Oh yes, give your back a little rest! I just drafted up a blog post on my top 3 favorite holistic remedies for back pain!