Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Against a 2-minute running clock:
Max Distance Row @ 2000 meter PR Pace
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
6 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs)
6 Bar-Facing Burpees (SPRINT SPEED)
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
Rope Climbs
Rest 3 minutes and repeat the entire 8 minutes again.
Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes (10 sets):
Deadlift from 4″ Deficit x 1 rep @ 70%
Put tension into the bar and then stand with the bar as quickly as you can. This should not feel terribly heavy. You will get stronger by moving fast.
Five rounds for time of:
25/18 Calories of Assault Bike
20 GHD Sit-Ups
15 Deadlifts (255/175 lbs)
Three sets of:
Banded Hamstring Curl x 20 reps
Immediately followed by. . .
GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 20X1
(hold for a second at top position, and hold a plate across chest if possible)
Rest 90 seconds
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a great midline blaster just in time for a rest day tomorrow! Please be safe with the volume of deadlifts and GHD sit-ups. We don’t want you curled up in the fetal position because your abs and low back blow up too much. Find a consistent pace on the bike, something that puts you at around 60-90 seconds each round. Hop straight onto the GHD and try to get through these unbroken each round. Your hip flexors will likely get lit up, as well as your core, but just keep falling backwards! For the deadlifts, we’d like this to be a weight that you could do 15 reps unbroken when fresh, but understand that you will likely not do all 5 rounds unbroken. If you’re a great deadlifter, hammer these hard. If deadlifting is not your forte, be a little more conservative here but know that you’ll have to make up ground elsewhere! Have some fun, and remember, if for nothing else, GHD’s are great for beach season :).
A. 345
B. 23:38ish with abmat situps
A: 235 lbs
After A I did a 9/11 Memorial WOD
2001 m row
11 box jumps
11 thruster
11 burpee C2B
11 Power Cleans
11 KB Swings
11 T2B
11 DL
11 Push Jerks
2001 m row
Time: 27:34
Primer done, Sub’d strict pull-ups with 11.5Kg vest for rope climbs.
A. 143Kg
B. 16:24 Rx; all UB
C. Skipped and did…
Bobby’s 9/11 tribute workout – “The Man in the Red Bandana” Rx with row and 11.5Kg vest.
Primer done.
A: 245
B: 23 min
C: done no plate, after B just having arms was hard enough
“You’re fine” 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
A. 325
B. 20:36
Muscle activation: done
I did pegboard ascends : 5/5
A. 355 lbs
B: 20:23
C. Done
Pegboard ????
One Saturday rope climb, other Saturday pegboard
Training from home on Saturdays
A) Bench Press
B) today’s deadlifts at 310lbs
C) Five rounds:
25 cal bike erg
20 v ups
15 deadlifts (255lbs)
D) Three sets:
8 incline DB Bench press
20 seated band resisted rows
20 banded good mornings
Solid session with what you have access too! ????????
610m, 2+3, 5
608m, 2+1, 5
Not going to lie cleans and burpees were not speedey ????♂️
A. 132.5kg
B. 19:42 goal was sub 20, ghd’s 10/5/5 after 2 rounds and deadlifts 10/5 felt strong just gasy
C. Done
Let’s make them speedy next time then?!?
Did the 9/11 tribute workout I created last year..
“The Man in the Red Bandana”
In a 20/14lb weighted vest
For Time:
Cash in: 2001 Meter Bike Erg
3 Rounds for Time:
9 Devils Press (55)
11 DB Thrusters
24 DB Facing Burpees
Followed By…
78 Push Ups
343 Air Squats
Cash Out: 2001 Meter Bike Erg
I was just trying to remember your 9/11 workout.
Did you better your time from last year?
Technically no but last year my vest broke on the first round of Burpee’s this year I made sure to have one I was slightly over two minutes slower so I will take that as a win
Ok next year you have to post this workout in advance bc I like it and want to do it
Totally agree this should be the 9/11 Hero WOD going forward.
Haha I’ll be sure to put it up for you next year
Thanks for pulling this one out. I did it today Rx with row (51:13); after doing A and B. Great programming on this Hero WOD.
Thanks man! With the row that’s brutal!! Nice work!
Thanks. The cash out row was the tough one.
Primer done A) 125kg from 5cm deficit, but for 10’ (20 sets) done B) RX done, but not really for time (24:43) tho Took it easy, but wanted to finish the RX regardless. For movement quality. GHD all ub, dl 8-7 reps all the way C) done Yesterday took a rest day and ended up eating way too much shitty food on the couch, just couldn’t get my body and mind into the proper mood. Will probably do some running or outdoor training during the weekend, we’ll see. Today felt good tho, hopefully didn’t blow up too much the lower… Read more »
Lets get your nutrition and recovery in line this weekend so you’re feeling good going into the new week!
Thankfully almost nothing left at home, so won’t be too much cheating from now on