Gymnastics Skills & Drills
Two sets of:
Donkey Kicks to Box
x 15 reps
followed by . . .
Two sets of:
Nose to Wall Split Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Handstand Walk x 20-40′
*Use assistance if needed or cut the distance down
60+: Skip
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 88-90%
For time:
30 Calorie Row
30 Wallballs (20 lbs/14 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
30 Deadlifts (185 lbs/135 lbs)
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
30 Deadlifts
30 Toes to Bar
30 Wallballs
30 Calorie Row
30 Calorie Row
30 Wallballs (20 lbs/14 lbs)
30 Knees-to-Midline
30 Deadlifts (155 lbs/105 lbs)
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (Option to step over)
30 Deadlifts
30 Knees-to-Midline
30 Wallballs
30 Calorie Row
Optional Session
Five sets of:
Run x 6 minutes
2 Minutes Rest
A: Modified back squats to
5 reps every 2 mins
Felt the best since back injury
B: changed row for 500m run and did it with a few friends
18:15 that run gave me a real wake up call
That is music to my ears – I know how difficult it can be coming back from back surgery!
HS work done.
A. 315
Did the hand stand work and then 3 x 40′ average about 20 secs
A. 5 x 5 45/65/75//85/95 kind of as a test to see how my knee feels tomorrow- no pain at all during the sets- here is a thrilling video of that hair raising 5 x 95 set
B. I subbed KB for wall balls/ did 40 reps of deads at 135 for 30×185 to not load knee too much and 60 cals on bike instead of 30 bbjo. 18:49
did yesterday’s D. since I skipped yesterday
welcome back!
Thx Pete!
This IS THRILLING news!! So happy for you Al!!
Finally joined back up after my trip. Looking forward to all the training.
M and a dne
Hsw all 30′ feet, felt,pretty good.
Did deads as i squatted yesterday worked up to 90%. 125kg 3 singles
10emom of bmu x 2 reps
B this was a struggle. As we have just got an airbike decided to do airbike for 2nd cal row. 20:38
A) #315 for all
B) 18:21
15-mile bike ride in the AM and ran a 5K in the PM. Both with my kids. So I’ll do today’s workout on Sunday. 🙂
assisted handstand walk 30 feet and 23 feet
B) 29:31
very disappointed in that one
Looking back on the workout, what do you think you could have done differently?
I have problems with longer wods with say 30 K2E – 30 what ever and the total volume. Some of my workouts i hit a wall and seems that i can’t recover.
This is good to know. When you attack those workouts, go out a little slower then you would normally go at it and ramp up to the meat of the workout – see how you do with that approach.
You guys are the best. Never had a response from a group like this. Thanks for the help.
Gym all done the walks werent pretty but I got it done ..I didnt have any help so I did the best I could and I still LOVE the gymnastic work you guys put up! 🙂
A) 1st -4th 230×2,5th set -240×2
B) 18:42 ( i felt wiped out by the time I got on that rower… LOL great challenge!
optional session:
1x 800
hope everyone is healthy and happy!
A. Only managed 83%, these felt pretty heavy.
B. 23:42 Did T2B and 175 for deadlifts.
Comp Class-
10 EMOM HSPU did 2 each round…Felt good
100 Thrusters for time…Was capped 30 min -Went RX #95
Didn’t finish…Mental game today-
Still great workout.
Due to work I did 3 class WOD’s this week.
Pushed hard…
Looking forward to next week.
Bummed I am missing Backsquats this cycle.
Have a great weekend!
Gymnastics done
HS Walks 50′ UB each rd :21; 18; :15 sec
A: Hatch W5-D1
BS: 8@205; 6@240; 4@270; 4@285
FS: 5@200; 4@230; 3@245; 3@260
B: Ouch 16:08
Then did Leg lifts from yesterday . Double ouch!!
Hatch squat is good , my front squat increased by 5 kg. Was stoked.
Gymnastics done. A – up to 305 then backed off. Couldn’t get loose in time before class and shut it down to be safe. Did 6 sets of 5-second pause doubles at 225# to get some mobility going. B – Class WOD. 9/11 Tribute WOD variation: Teams of 2: Run 2001m then 2 rounds of: 11 Box Jumps (30″) 11 Thrusters (125#) 11 Burpee C2B pullups 11 Power Cleans (170#) 11 Strict HSPUs 11 KB Swings (70#) 11 T2B 11 Deadlifts (170#) 11 Push Jerk (115#) then 2001m row. Finished in 30:02. Run was 8:15 (6:30 mile pace). Row at… Read more »
Good call Mike!
Gymnastics skills and drill completed. Handstand walks done at 25′ ub.
Y’all have a great weekend.
Solid HS Walks Dean!
Gymnastics Skills and Drills
Done as RX w/ 40′ UB HSW
A. 370#x2 across
For B. With Class – our 9/11 Tribute WOD: