Mobility & Activation
10 Slow and Controlled Deep Squat Progressions
10 Slow and Controlled Kettlebell Ankle Pulse (per side)
and then …
Two sets of:
30 Seconds Banded Monster Walks (forward)
30 Seconds Banded Monster Walks (backward)
30 Seconds Lateral Banded Walk (right)
30 Seconds Lateral Banded Walk (left)
30 Seconds Band Resisted Walking Plank (right)
30 Seconds Band Resisted Walking Plank (left)
(Place a band on the rig close to the floor. Loop the band around your waist and assume a plank position. Walk as far away from the rig as possible while assuming a good plank position.)
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (12 sets):
Dead Stop Front Squat x 3 reps @ 70% of last week’s 1-RM
If you aren’t able to set up for dead stop front squat then substitute with pause front squats (2 second pause at the bottom of the squat).
Two sets of:
45/33 lbs Tall Clean + Front Squat + Jerk x 5 reps
Followed by….
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk @ 65%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
3-Stop Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Jerk @ 65-70%
(pause for 2 seconds each at 2″ off the floor, mid-patella and mid-thigh, then stand it up and descend back to 2″ below the knee and pause for 2 seconds before cleaning from there, drop the barbell, set-up properly and perform a full clean with a 2 second pause in the receiving position)
Three sets for times of:
25/20 Calories of Assault Bike
Rope Climb Variation
12 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 2 minutes
35-49: 2 Legless Rope Climbs
50-54: Legless Rope Climb + Rope Climb
55+: 2 Rope Climbs; Step-Overs okay
It’s go time! Push the pace on every set. Be effecient with your rope climbs. Please check out these articles that review different techniques to make your rope climbs as effecient as possible:
Legless Rope Climb:
Rope Climbs:
Scaling Options:
If you do not have access to a rope then please substitute 3 towel pull-ups for every rope climb.
Three sets of:
Hanging Knee Raise x 10-12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Weighted Russian Twists x 10-12 reps each side
Rest 30 seconds
Flutter Kicks x 30 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
Optional Additional Engine Accessory Work
Five sets for times of:
20/15 Calorie Ski Erg or Row Sprint
Rest 30 seconds
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg or Assault Bike Sprint
Rest 30 seconds
20/15 Calorie Row Sprint or Burpee
Rest 30 seconds
20/15 Calorie Assault Runner or 200 Meter Run
Rest 90 seconds
Note your times per set, and then total time for the duration of the workout.
B: worked up to 225
C: 2:48-2:49 on the dot. Subbed 5 strict MU for 2 rope climbs.
FS @ 185
Cleans 185
2nd Cleans 200
Wods 1= 3:52. 2= 4:00. 3= 3:35 … did 5 Muscle ups instead Rope climbs (dont have)
A) 145
B) 145 both
C) 3:19 and 3:16. Got dizzy didn’t do the third. First wod in a year so took it slow
D) done
A. 225- 275. Last 2 sets were rough
B1. 205-215
B2. 215-225
C. 2:47/2:56/2:56
Warm up done
A. 205 for sets
B. done
B1. 165
B. 175
C. 2:35/2:48/3:06 all legless rope climbs
I was tired today. Volume got me!
Great job with those legless rope climbs!
A day behind…
A. Nasal breathing done
C. Did metcon first, 15:56.
B1. snatch PP to pause OHS to 4@95
B2. halting snatch complex at 90-95#
Another fun day!
Warm up done
A. 155 for sets had to change to standing w/:02 pause ( watch video )
B. First 2 sets done
B1. Unable to complete rt elbow wouldn’t close
B. Nope
C. 2:42/2:39/2:30
D. Done
M&A) done
A) done @83kg (mis-added, should have been 86kg)
B) TC+FS+J: done
HHC+HS+J: done @ 76kg
HCDL+HC+C+J: 82kg-94kg
C) skipped!
D) done