Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5-8 minutes rolling out your Quads and IT Bands
and then …
Two sets of:
Bird Dogs x 8-10 reps
Deep Squat Progression
x 5 reps
Scap Push-Ups x 10 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Leg Lift Over Object x 5 passes each direction (sit with your back against the wall and legs straight. Place a small object, about 6′ high, on the floor. Keeping your leg straight, lift the leg and clear the object)
Copenhagen Side Plank with Hip Abduction
x 5-8 reps
Wall Slides x 10 reps
Back Squat:
* Set 1 – 3 reps @ 78%
* Set 2 – 2 reps @ 83%
* Set 3 – 1 rep @ 88%
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 93%
* Set 5 – 1 rep @ 98%
* Set 6 – 1 rep @ 101+%
Rest as needed, but at least 3 minutes between sets of singles.
* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
* Set 2 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
* Set 3 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 2 rep
* Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Set 5 – Test 1-RM
* Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight
Rest as needed, but at least 3 minutes between sets.
As many reps as possible in 3 minutes:
Row x 18/15 calories
Burpees over the Erg x 15 reps
Toes-to-Bar x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for four sets.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes:
Row x 15/12 calories
Burpees over the Erg x 12 reps (you may step over the erg)
Toes-to-Bar x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for four sets.
This is a retest from August 17, 2018 so make a note of how many toes-to-bar you need to get to beat your previous score.
Three-Four sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 8-10 reps @ 2112
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm DB Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps @ 2112
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Four sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Sandbag Squats x 20 reps
Rest 3 minutes
35-49: 120/100 lbs
50-54: 100/80 lbs
55-59: 80/60 lbs
60+: 60/40 lbs
This is a retest from August 17, 2018 so check your records to see what your times were for the 4 sets.
Poor timing for tests with a Anniversary trip London, but did what I could in the hotel gym on Sunday and Monday without shoes, etc.
A. Up to 335 (current 1rm 345, lifetime 355) felt good without a belt and shoes
B. 170, missed 175 (post surgery pr, lifetime 185)
C. 26/22/20/18 – improved each round from 17 Aug (6/2/2/4)
D. Done
A. BS / WU= 135X3, 185X2, 225X2, 275X2
WORK = 315X3, 335X2, 355X1,375X1, 395X1, 415X1 (PR BY15 LBS)
B. PRESS = 95X5, 155X3, 165X2, 185X1, 200X1 F, 200X1 (PR)
C. 3 ON 3 OFF FOR 4 RDS.
A. Worked up to 360 new PR had more left at least 10 lbs
B skipped for Tim
C. 13 13 12 13 =51 1st time doing this one not sure what happened last time
D. Skip time
Grip still trashed from yesterday day off did grip stuff all yesterday
A: 405# most I’ve squatted in a while.
B: Skip
C: 40/30 TTB – only had time for 2 rounds because of some other work I had to do. 2 rounds went well. TTB were getting harder in round 2 for sure.
B. Up to 90#, F at 95 2# below pr.
C. 12/12/9/7– a few more than last time, rowing felt better TTB did not
DMA done
A. Skipped since still undecided about WZA and didn’t want to be sore
B. Up to 100#
Really tired today, slept awful last night. Decided to call it a day as I felt pretty useless in the gym
DMA done A) 190/205/215/227.5/240/255 (10 lbs more than what I started this cycle with). Feeling much stronger on high bar/full depth now and I’m just happy to see weights going back up at my much lighter bodyweight B) 67.5/100/115/127.5/135/145 (again, 10 lbs more than what I started with. Good stuff) C) 68 total toes to bar (21/17/15/15). Last time I only got 54 total (15/12/13/15). Very happy with a 14 rep improvement Skipped D and optional to get some extra rest for the first two Wodapalooza workouts tomorrow. Going to do 2/3 in the morning and then come back a… Read more »
A: Back squats: Knees and groin haven’t been feeling super great lately so wasn’t concerned with hitting a pr. 250# is prev pr. Stopped at 245#. B: Got a strict press PR. 108# Up a whopping 1# from 107# ??? I was bracing so hard that my abs were sore afterwards! Metcon: I’ve been doing partner/team metcons with my class on fridays. Its a bonding fun time for us. Here’s what we had. Teams of 3 One person working at a time 100 cal row 100 hpc’s 95/135 100 cal bike 200 ab mat situps 200 double unders 100 push… Read more »
DMA – done
A. 205 – 215 – 230 – 240 – 253 – 264 Depth? (PR 3 lb.)
B. 60 – 75 – 95 – 100 – 105 – 110 – 115 – 120 f – 120 f – 118 (PR 1 lb.)
C. Aug. 17 16 + 17 + 14 + 15 = 62
Oct. 5 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80
D. Accessory
SADR – 25 lb. – 30 lb. – 30 lb. – 35 lb. (all sets – 10 R’s)
BBGB – 135 lb. (all sets) 10 R’s
A. Extra care for Back Squat due last section injury. So I did 5×70/5×80/5×90/3×100/3×110/3×120 78% 1RM/2×127 83% 1 RM and stopped here because I felt a bit of pain. All Kg
B. 38/57/64/70/76 Last PR/80 kg new PR
C. Today: 23/18/16/13 Last time: 13/11/11/11
A. 275, 295, 315, 325, 335, 345 (10# PR)
B. 85, 125, 140, 150, 155, 162, 165 (5# PR)
C. Today: 25, 18, 16, 14. Last time: 21, 16, 15, 14.
Abs completely fried from GHDs on Tuesday with class and V-ups Wed. Final two rounds today were actually all singles. All row + burpees rounds were under 1:45 total.
D. BB Glute Bridges 205; DB Bent over Rows 80#
BW press. Wow!
Thanks Markus! It helps to be too skinny. 🙂
DMA: done
A. 157#-202# new pr
B. 41#-85# new pr
C. only got 2 rds in and had to change it up a bit, not enough room to pull the rower out for “over the erg burpees” so I just had to row then do burpees.
D. done: 4 sets: low rows 35# db & 2 blue bands for the glute bridges
Newbie here: I have a few questions:
1. Is this an example of the wall slide? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoC1P-Aoywk
2. For Section D what is @2112?
Hi Jeanette – check https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=GaP20t6ZOfU
thank you! What is 2112 in section D
@2112 is the tempo. 2 seconds down/lowering, 1 second at bottom, 1 second up and 2 second hold at the top.
A. Got to 240, been working off 250 -275 this. Y me but hammy only 90% and some back fatigue
B. Same 1 rm 100…failed 105
C. 13/12/11/10
Better than 8/17 : 11/12/9/9
D. Done
A. Still working on mechanics and getting back into squatting. Did sets of 3-4 reps at about 70%
B. 110. Old PR from about 3 years ago is 112 so I’m pretty happy with this.
C. Didn’t look back till after.
Today: 28/23/16/18. 85 total
Last time: 21/21/19/18. 79 total
Burpees got me today. Lost a lot of time on them. Was actually happy with rows since they haven’t been great lately.
D. 125 and 40
Warm up ✅ A). Sets @ 155×3, 165×2, then x1 @ 185,195, 200, 205, 210! Major Pr! My non pregnant and belted pr was 205. Most I’ve lifted pregnant is 195. Felt amazing, like I may have even had more in the tank but didn’t want to push too far right now!!! B). Also a 5# pr, 45-65-75-85-90-95. Previous 1rm was 90#. Thanks for the awesome training!!! C). T2b are no longer an option, tried to do some and they felt bad. Decided to skip this altogether since I couldn’t do it like I did it last time. Tested wodapolooza… Read more »
SCOTTISH THROWDOWN prep @ CrossFit Glasgow:
A. Power-Clean + Clean: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 (event 3 is a squat-ladder)
B. strict Press:
2×40/50 and
1×60/65/70/73/76/78 (1/3 kg PR).
Mobility completed.
A)205#/220/232.5/247.5/260/270 5# PR
B)75#/112.5/127.5/142.5/150 5# PR
C)19/15/14/11 I am not sure why but the last time I did this conditioning at the 55+ so my # are not accurate but last time I got 19/18/17/18
D)Skipped. Will complete this afternoon before coaching.
Pressed for time today with coaching 6AM and an early work requirement. Only had time for A and C.
A. 3 at 220 (78%), 2 at 230 (83%), singles at 245 (88%), 260 (93%), 275 (98%), fail at 280 (102%).
C. TTB: 17, 14, 12, 13. Since I was short of time, I rested 2 minutes between rounds rather than 3 minutes. Rows all between :45 and :50. Burpees around :45 to :55.
C. Modified, 25,25,25,25
15 cal a$$ bike, no arms, legs only
15 box jumps 20”
max GHD sit-ups, one hand touch floor
(Capped GHD @25 per round)
2 mile recovery run, 15:11
(4x800m out & back)