Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Banded Scarecrow x 2 minutes
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Forward Arm Swings x 10 reps
Reverse Arm Swings x 10 reps
Bear Hug Arm Swings x 10 reps
Over and Back Arm Swings x 10 reps
Every 10 seconds, for 60 seconds (6 sets) of:
Cast Swing x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
Every 20 seconds, for 2 minutes (6 sets) of:
Cast Swing + Rowing Muscle-Up Lifter Swing x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
Every 20 seconds, for 2 minutes (6 sets) of:
Cast Swing + Pop Shove Swing x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of:
Ring Muscle-Up x 2 reps
60+ or anyone who does not have a muscle-up:
Banded Muscle-Up x 2 reps
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
3 Front Squats + Jerk @ 80-85% of 1-RM C&J
As many rounds and reps as possible in 45 minutes:
Run 300 Meters
Sandbag Carry x 80 meters
Sandbag Squats x 10 reps
Ski Erg x 12 calories
Sled Push x 80 meters
Strict Pull-Ups x 12/10 reps
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Russian Twists x 24 reps (use a 20-30 lbs DB)
Remember, the purpose of this is to move for 45 minutes and learn how to exert different percentages of effort for different types of workouts. Learn what pace you need to have in order to stay moving for the 45 minutes.
B: FS+Jerk- 205; 210; 215; 220; 225; 230
C: 4 rds + 10 sandbag squats- run was 400m, prowler+90lbs, used a heavy bag as the sandbag about 60lbs
Did this Thursday.
A) No bar muscle up work today. My hands and shoulders have not fully recovered from all the bar muscle ups I did Monday
C) Did this as a partner Wod with my friend. today was just about moving.
We ran together and then alternated the other movements.
No sand bag so Subbed a 30lbs medball carry for sandbag carry and 35lbs goblet squats. We turned the rower up on its side and made our own ski erg.
I think we got 7 rounds. This was just what I needed today.
Wednesday off did this on Thursday.
Mob done
A. Done on bar (no rings) as best I could not sure it had the effect. Did Banded MU.
B. 60/61/62/63/64/65kg
C. Skipped. Usually do some pull up work but has a slight tear so stopped.
D. Bench Press up to a heavy single
5 x 60/65kg
3 x 70/75/75kg
1 x 80/85kg
Done on Thursday.
Mobility and Crossover Symmetry done.
A. Done
B. Stayed light here. Not feeling great this morning. All at 175#
C. 3 Rounds + sandbag squats. Few things: 1. I ran 400m. 2. Sled was 140# on rubber mats. Very sticky. 3. 100#D-Ball was my sandbag. 4. 25# plate for russian twists.
Mobility done.
A – Done. My efforts don’t look like the tutorial videos, but we’re working on it.
B – 185-205
C – Just under 5 rounds. 70# sandbag, 225# sled, 25# DB. Swapped rower for ski erg.
Only had time for part C today. 4 rounds plus
45 min of FUN with Cheryl & Al
Yesterday’s program: Openers & Activation – done A. Tall Snatch 2×3 @ 33# / 2×2 @ 45# – done B. 3-stop halting snatch DL + snatch from 2″ below knee + snatch – done @ 55# across all sets C. AB 20 cal, 3 RC, 30 thrusters 75#, 3 RC, AB 20 cal – 9:18 Rx (broke thrusters 6-6-6-4-4-4 but took only short breaks) D. 150 ft Farmers Carry – did these with the Rogue farmers carry handles. First time I’ve done these, so wasn’t sure on the weight. Put 2 25# plates on each for the first set, which… Read more »
Awesome Silke – so glad you got to use them!
Did the workout out of order, Al only had an hour to train so we did the 45 minute WOD first… Oh my gosh after that we were kind of wiped out! Hot Kona day!
C. Not sure how you wanted us to count Russian twists, I counted 1 left, 1 right as 1 rep???
4 rounds + 1 Russian twist
A. Done
B. 145-185# (only did Split jerk, 1st time I’ve jerked in a long while)
That was the correct way to count Cheryl!
DMA completed
A. Completed. Last 2 sets of the 2 MU every :30 sec were challenging.
B. Did not do because of time.
C. Completed 4 Rounds plus 300m run. Used a 80# DBell for sandbag carry and squats. Used sled inside on mats with 2-25# plates (75# sled push).
A: lots of practice, really liked the banded exercise, need to practice but a good fundamental drill.
B: work sets 165, 165, 165, 175, 175, 185, legs felt wonderful….not.
C: 4+ sets, 100 pound sand bag carry, I used a 75 pound curl bar for the squats, did battle ropes for 12 calories measured on motifit, for the ski erg, for sled push ( mine shipped today) I did level 25 on the Kaiser bike standing up for 20 calories, all else as prescribed!
Love battle ropes – great sub!
A. Complete
B. 245×3. 255×3
C. Sand bag was 100# D ball. Sled was 180# + sled. 30# Russian twist UB. St PU all 8/4
5 rounds + run + sand bag carry.
Hi guys – sorry I have been quiet lately. Back to posting. 🙂 Ease off week after Team Series. DMA, then I had: A. DL @ 75% (215) 4 rounds of: B1. RDL x 12 as heavy as possible (AHAP) B2. bent over rows x 9 AHAP B3. Front rack lunge x 6 AHAP C. 6 rounds: 150m row 20 db snatches @ 35# A. Worked at 215. Easy work. 🙂 B1. worked at 185. Probably could have gone a bit heavier, but it’s my hook grip that limits this movement – my thumbs get crushed! B2. worked at… Read more »
Yay!! So happy to see you back! Great work on your db snatches!
Thanks, Nichole!
A. MU drills/strict & regular reps
B. 175/185
C. Darkhorse rowing drills, then 6x500m r4 1:49/1:47/1:45/1:43/1:41/1:39
DM&A DONE A. DONE – not a good day for MU for me, it’s like I forgot how to do again. Missed on a couple but did 2 per 20 seconds for 6 rounds. B. 165# C. 5 rounds plus the run. Not sure all my distances were correct (80m and 300m, they were close and don’t have a sandbag used a heavy cement ball @ 50#). I just wanted to keep moving for the 45 minutes. Took me a couple rounds to remember what was next. First time on ski, probably didn’t do it right, took around 1m for… Read more »
A) mu drills done…still no mu
B) 112# (my hand position from fs to jerk was awkward, never increased weight bc I was pushing the bar out rather than dropping under)
C)4 rounds- is a prowler and sled push the same thing? Used the soul-sucking prowler, no ski erg so rowed instead
Yep, prowler works!!
Long Wednesday for me 🙂 Mobility ad activation OK A. Muscle up…I go to basic. Made all this swings but after that I just start with some drills. I must be consistent and I will did it again B. 55 kg and last two with 60 kg…OK C. I did 4 rounds and 11 pull up in 5th Row 20 kcal 40 kg Sandbag Carry x 80 meters 40 kg Sandbag Squats x 10 reps Ski Erg x 12 calories Sled with 100 kg Push x 80 meters Strict Pull-Ups x 12 reps Assault Bike x 20 calories Russian Twists… Read more »
Sleep well!
Thank You 🙂
Mobility done
A. Done
B. Done at 185/190/195/195/200/200
C. Did 4+ rounds. Moved slow and steady – had to transition in and out of the gym, so that slowed it down a bit. 70# or so boxing heavy bag for the walks and squats, 225# sled, 25# twists
Wow. I Have been increasing my volume each week doing some extra stuff at my local box or running to get my knee back to running shape. I knew this 45 min (keep moving was gonna be hell. Did
4 rounds with 50lb sand bag +25lb plate 7 in total. Pull ups are what got me. I used a homemade ski erg 20 pulls. and row instead of bike
All done.
pull ups got me the worst as well.
home made ski erg? Upside down rower?
A: Did 25 Ring MU’s
B: 90KG
C: Had to change it, because having no ski erg and sled
400m run
80m sandbag carry 45KG
10 sandbag squads 45KG
12 cal row
20 walking lunges with 2* 16KG KB’s
12 strict pull ups
20 cal air bike
24 russian twists with 16KG KB
3 full rounds and 400m run
Recovery will focus on legs tomorrow 😀
Dynamic done – love the band stretching
A. only have a bar, no rings, so did the best I can. MU’s are much more consistent; really better and bringing knees up and pulling through bar; also did some band strict MU’s – as Travis demonstrated – to just work on grouping those muscles together.
B. Bad day, wrist was tight and popped; only able to do 165 today.
C. 6 rounds – done on the final whistle. This was tough, but I was proud that I was able to keep going especially through the runs.
Good work today Michael!