Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-10 minutes rolling out your traps and pecs.
and then …
CrossOver Symmetry
Rows x 10 reps
Reverse Flies x 10 reps
Pull-Downs x 10 reps
Victory x 10 reps
90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Cross Body Pull x 10 reps per side
(Stand to the side of the rig. With the arm furthest from the rig, pull the band across the body while keeping the elbow close to the rib cage. Finish with the elbow at your side and wrist in line with the elbow)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Strict Press x 3-4 reps @ 80-90%
Barbell Warm-Up/Prep
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 Muscle Snatches
5 Overhead Squats
5 Hang Power Snatches
5 Hang Squat Snatches
5 Power Snatches
(unweighted barbell)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch @ 65-75% of 1-RM Snatch
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lb.)
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb.)
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
20 Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups OR 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Shoulder to Overhead (105/75 lb.)
Time cap: 22:00
I hope you all are as excited about this workout as I am! We are building your pull-up endurance each week but, with that being said, if you feel like you are going to rip at all during the workout then please stop immediately. It is nnot worth it!
Your run is your ‘reset’ in this workout. Stay focused during your run but go at a pace that will allow you to run right up to the pull-up bar and you go straight into your pull-ups. For the majority of you I’d suggest breaking early on the pull-ups. You could go 10/10 or 12/8 if you are confident with your pull-up endurance or start with 10/5/5 or 5/5/5/5. How you break up your pull-ups will be up to you but trust us when we say to break early.
Choose what type of burpee you’ll employ on the workout. Will it be the all out style where you drop to the floor, pop up and immediately jump over the barbell? Will it be a slightly slower burpee to regulate your heart rate where you drop to the floor, take a step up and then jump over the bar? Or will it be a measured burpee where you step up and walk to the bar to jump over? It depends on what type of athlete you are and how comfortable you feel with each type of burpee so practice the different styles before you go to see which option best fits you.
Take the barbell from tthe floor for your shoulder to overhead. Please reduce the load if you’ll need to do the reps in more than three sets.
Three sets of:
Side Plank Bounces x 30 seconds each side
Rest 30 seconds
Plank Hold x 60 seconds (add weight if you’d like)
Rest 60 seconds
Additional Optional Row/Bike Erg Session
Six sets of:
Row/Bike Erg x 4 Minutes
Rest 60 seconds
A. 105,105,105,105,110,110
Felt great!
B. 135/140/140/145/145/150
Felt Great!
C. 13:44
CTB & STO unbroken
Did for rds of 4 min rowing this morning and 2 rds of Monday engine workout mid afternoon before workout.
Wahoo!! So glad things were feeling great today!
A. 135/135/145×2/140/140/140
Felt heavy today
B. 125/125/135/135/135/135
Did not feel heavy
C. 15:46 running slowed me down
CTB. 10/5&5//6,3,2 I can’t count
Needs to be faster on burpees
STO 10/6,4/10
D. Done ✅
Great work on your presses Tom!