Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – T-Spine Pulse x 8 reps
Minute 2 – Russian Baby Makers x 8 reps
Minute 3 – Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds
followed by …
Two sets of:
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
Shoulder Pass Thrus at Bottom of Squat x 10 reps
followed by …
Two sets:
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
This is the same sequence as last week. Your goal should be to increase the loads this week now that you are more familiar with the movements.
Two sets of:
45/33 lbs Bar Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat x 5 reps
Followed by….
Two sets of:
65/45 lbs Bar Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat x 5 reps
Followed by …
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat with Pause) x 4 reps
(perform the push press, descend to the bottom of OHS and hold for 2 seconds, then come up and repeat for four reps)
Build over the course of the three sets.
Followed by…
Six sets of:
3-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee + Snatch @ 68-73%
(pause for 2 seconds each at 2″ off the floor, mid-patella and mid-thigh, then stand it up and descend back to 2″ below the knee and pause for 2 seconds before snatching from there, drop the barbell, set-up properly and perform a full snatch with a 2 second pause in the receiving position)
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Shoulder Press x 5 reps @ 2111
(sit on a bench without back support, and overhead press as much as you can for 5 reps)
Rest 2-3 minutes
*Same as last week, try to increase the load used
Against a 3 minute clock, complete:
400 Meter Run
Power Cleans x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes. Complete five sets.
40-49: 185/125 lbs
50-54: 155/115 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 8-10 reps @ 11X1
Rest 60 seconds
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Mob done
A. Barbell section done, then missed next ohs squat part, last snatch part at 70×2 sets, then 78 for rest
B. 65/70/70/70/75(3)
C. Not time
DM&A. Done
A. SPP+OHS 135-155-165. Did 5 reps. 10lbs more than last week.
3stop HSDL+Snatch 115-135-145-155×3 Forgot to hold 2sec in bottom.Next time
B. 115-125-135-145-150 Up 5-10lbs from last week.
C. 15-15DL-14-13-12 Did this during class so I had to Deadlift one rd. Just did what I could.
D. Done
A: OHS complex 70-80-90kg
B: 70-75-80-82.5-85-87.5kg/192lb
D: 400/185
400 1:36-1:43-1:48-155-2:03
PC 13-10-10-10-12
Happy with the result. Set a target of 10 PC per round with the focus on quality. Looking back I should have pushed harder… Next time.
Nice work Bill, great training session today!
Mobility- challenging for my tight shoulders! Guess that’s why we do it. A. I’m trying to build as if I’m a new lifter on the snatch. Was doing the split snatch due to shoulder mobility. 45lb bar only done 65lb done Every two for 6 min 75,85×3 felt good, worked on speed under the bar and OHS hold. Six sets of 45lb bar x3, 65,75, 85 B.90,95,100,105 C. 1:48/12, 1:59/10, 2:07/10, 2:11/10, 2:13/10. All sets done with 135lbs Tried to keep my rep count the same even though I had less and less time to cycle the reps! D. Glute… Read more »
DMA done. Shoulder feeling much better. Not 100%.
A1-A3. Up to 85#.
A4. 75/75/80/85/90/95#.
B. 40# DBs.
C. Subbed row 500 meters. Ran 12 miles between Saturday and Sunday. So, no running today.
PC @ 135#. Got 2-4 reps in 4 rounds. Ran out of time.
D. Skipped.
So glad to hear about your shoulder!
And 12 miles? For fun??
Typically, I try to run a 5K on Saturdays and a 10K on Sundays. But I ran a 12K charity run this weekend. Running is not fun, but I get it done. And I run the SF half-marathon Super Bowl Sunday.
Mobility done.
A1 – SnPP+OHS 125/135/145 (+10 across)
A2 – 3-stop complex 2 sets each at 125/135/145 (+10)
B – 120/125/130/135/140(3) (+5, +5, +5, +10, +15). Felt strong today.
C – 1:35/9, 1:35/10, 1:34/9, 1:38/8, 1:39/8. All sets at 185# (82%).
D – Tomorrow. Out of time.
A. did most of warm up
OHS x 4 w pause and press 155/165/175
snatch complex 65/75/85/95/105×2
B. 105/115/135/145/150
C. did 25 cals on schwinn then 16/16/17/17/18 @115 wanted to keep form very strict
D. huh?
I feel like you need to work the “D”…Al!
ISince I dont work the D, as a rule, I appreciate it when you, Ed and Cheryl do.
Missing out on so much fun with Part D!
I will talk to my boss, see if I can get more time for lunch
I will talk to your boss for you
Al!!! That is looking great and your speed under the bar looks awesome! How is the knee coming along?
DMA done
A1: done. A2: done
A3: 85,90,95
A4: 85 x 2 sets, 90 x 2 sets, 95 x 1 set p, 100 x 1 set
B: did not do
C: 2:00/8, 1:54/9, 2:00/8, 2:00/9, 2:05/8
D: 135 bridge, 80# row
Mobility done
A1. 90/100/110#
A2. 105-110-115-120-125-130# (79%)
B. 90-95-100-105# (all 5 reps and 3# heavier)
C. 17/17/16/15/16 reps. Runs were: 1:32, 1:40, 1:42, 1:48, 1:44. First run was a little too fast; adjusted after that.
D. 165# Glute bridges; 135# landline rows
Solid work on that conditioning Cheryl!! And your snatches look really, really good!!!
Thanks Nichole! It wasn’t so bad during the actual 400m and power cleans part as it was the moment the 3 mins of work ended and you are trying to breathe again and slow that heart rate back down! Anyhow, we were very thankful for the 3 minute rests…2 minutes would have been a train wreck!
Inv Running. 10×100 m and 5 x 200m
Mob done. DB Z Press w/ 50’s
A. WU press and OHS Done
Set 3 w/ 115/135/155
Halting Snatch 135x 3, 145, 155×2
B. 95/115/135/145/then 150×4.
C. 11/12/12/15/15
D. Done 185 for bridges and bar +85 for Landmine rows.
Dyn/mob Done
Db z press+ 30 lbsx5rpsx2s
A1) 33lbsx5x2s
2) 45lbsX5 x2s
3) 55lbs
4) 75,80,80,85×3
B) 30lbs
C) 6rps, 10rps,6rps,7rps,9rps
D) GB/155lbs, LMR/60lbs ea
Have everyone is healthy and happy!
Nice work Lise!
Tracy you are the best!!! God bless you, I struggle and get down on myself and you always pull me thru!! thank you!! wish you all the best in your endeavors ..your such a great role model! XoXoXo
You are doing awesome! Keep it up. Thanks! We all have days when we get down. Just remember it isn’t a sprint its a marathon and it’s all good!
I kinda feel like this was Wednesday training on a Monday! LOL, that WOD was a killer.
A. Kept all this on the lighter side.
Snatch press + o-head squat: 135/155/185
3 pos. Complex: 135/135/155/165/175/185
B. Seated press…did these behind the neck
Again, lighter: 95/105/105/115/115
C. 185, we’ll see how shoulder feels tomorrow!? 15/12/12/11/12
Great job today Andy!
Great work Andy! How is the shoulder feeling today?
Mobility done
A1. Done
A2. Done
A3. 75 85 95
A4. 85 95 95 105 110 115
B. 45 lb DBs x 3 sets
C. 2:15/10 2:06/10 2:03/10 2:08/10 2:13/10 (115#)
D. Done
A) worked up to 135# on the E2MOM… and worked up to 175# (75%) on the 6 sets… tweaked my knee on the snatches…
B) DONE w/ 45#
C) knee was killing me so I did a 500 meter row with the 185 power cleans…. only did 3 rounds then had to quit… 9/10/11/skipped/skipped
Feel better
Thanks buddy… by the way – you are an animal! ?
Oh no! What happened to you knee?
Not sure…. just sore AF…. but maybe I’ll ease up on the leg stuff and see what happens…
Mobility – done. Z press with 35# DB
A1. Completed
A2. Completed
A3. 85/95/105 (10# heavier on each set from last week)
A4. 95/95/100/100/105/110
B. Seated Press – 75/80/82/82/82
C. Used 125# on the Power Cleans (85% of 1RM) Was getting to the bar at about 2:05.
6 reps/7/8/8/9
D. Bridges – done using 125#. Landmines completed using 25# plate on bar
Mobility completed. Z presses done with 35# DB.
C)10/12/12/12/12. PC done at 155#. Runs completed between 1:20-1:25.
Dang man you are FAST
JeEzus Dean, that is damn fast man, nicely done
Thanks Dave and Pete. My speed and endurance are my saving grace in CF. Even doing the PC at 155 is still 80% of my 1RM. My only choices are to get stronger which has been a slow steady climb or get older where the weights are more manageable for me. I’m afraid the later will occur first.
A. 90-105-110, Snatch complex @ 90
B. 75-85-90-95-100 (x4, failed last rep)
C. 10 PC per round
Nichole are we starting a new cycle or still going from the August cycle?
We are going to continue with much of the same template over the course of the next 8 weeks – building on overall strength, oly technique, overhead endurance improvement and aerobic capacity work. However, we are going to start a deadlift cycle and do some longer emoms (think 30 minutes) as well as progress some of the gymnastics. I want to now build volume with everyones gymnastics.
Dynamic mobility and activation done
A2. Done
A3. 95/105/110
Snatch complex: 85/85/90/90/90/90#
B. 30#
C. Runs between 1:35-1:44. 8/9/7/7/8
D. Done
Tired. Good day!
So fast!
Not much time today. Off to the first hockey (Capitals) game of the season so only had an hour at lunch.
A: SPP+OHS – 135; 155; 165
SDL+ Snatch Complex – 140; 145; 150; 155; 160; 165
B: only time for 3 sets – 105; 115; 125 2 ne treatment of dry needling and My shoulder still feels amazing! No pain at all!
FUN!!! And so happy your shoulder has been feeling good!