Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
PVC Front Rack Stretch by Coach TJ (move your hands around to see where you are tight and then complete 5 reps in a seated position, then 5 reps in a prone position)
followed by …
Band Distracted Ankle Mobility x 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
and then …
For 6 minutes, at an easy pace, complete:
Assault Bike x 15 calories
Over/Under Barbell
x 5 reps each side
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 5 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Clean Lift Off + Power Clean + Clean @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
Spend 10 minutes warming up your deadlift to the weight you will be using in the workout.
“Invictus Masters Version of CrossFit Games Event 2”
Five rounds for time:
1 Legless Rope Climb (15 ft)
5 Deadlifts (315/195 lbs)
Five rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb (15 ft)
5 Deadlifts (255/175 lbs)
Four rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb (15 ft)
5 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Please scale the load if needed! This is a heavy load and so we want to make sure you are being safe with this workout. If the load exceeds 75% of your 1-RM then please reduce the weight.
Three sets of:
Chest-Supported Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Bent-Over Reverse Dumbbell Flyes x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 30 seconds
Athlete Notes:
Lots of pulling today! As the note says, please adjust the load if the deadlift is too heavy for you. At Games the loads were higher but the majority of athletes didn’t finish in the time cap. So let’s be safe here and get a good training session in! Also, be mindful that a heavy deadlift can take a lot out of you so adjust based on how you feel. We also adjust the height requirement of the rope since most home gyms or affiliates don’t have a rope set up at 20 ft.
For the 35-49 age group, this workout comes down to how well you can execute your legless rope climb. For the 50+ age group this workout comes down to how well you can move the barbell! For both groups, set up your deadlift bar a few feet from your rope so that your ‘walk/jog’ to the rope can be your rest. This workout isn’t about fast transitions as it is about executing each movement well. Make sure your rope climb counts! Keep chalk close to you so that you can chalk up from the deadlift to the rope if needed. Remember – be safe!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Engine Accessory Option
Three sets of:
4 Minute Row
4 Minute Assault Bike
Rest 60 seconds
*Goal is to perform all at approximately 70-80% of your Maximum Heart Rate. Record total calories for each of the three sets.