Workout of the Day
Three sets for times of:
Bar Muscle-Ups x 5/3 reps
Handstand Walk x 25 meters
Alternating Pistols x 12 reps (6 reps per leg)
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets for times of:
Bar Muscle-Ups x 3/1 rep(s)
Handstand Walk x 25 meters*
Alternating Pistols x 12 reps (6 reps per leg)
Rest 90 seconds
*Wall Walks x 3 reps
Three sets for times of:
Bar Muscle-Up x 1 rep OR Chest to Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps (work on efficient rhythm)
Handstand Walk x 15 meters*
Overhead Walking Lunges x 16 reps (95/65 lbs)
Rest 90 seconds
*Wall Runs x 20 reps
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball Shots
30 Cleans
20 Muscle-Ups
20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target; 135/95 lbs
20 lbs to 9′ target; 10 lbs to 9′ target; 115/65 lbs
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A. Did some shoulder opener instead + 5m hs walk + pistols
B. 180 reps – Cleans ready at 12:12 but my abs were so exhausted that I was not able to perform transition at MUs. Quite disappointed to my MU performance today. Positive side from this session is that engine is working quite well comparing to open 14.4 🙂 Mus are rolling quite nicely nowadays when I’m fresh. Next step is to perform those well when fatigue is hitting hard to shoulders and core.
A) 1 Rd 2 B Mu’s/3wall walks/one legged box squats
B) 172 reps (3 better than 14.4) I definitely feel like my conditioning isn’t where it has been in the past but my focus has really been to gain strength. I know I can get the conditioning part back.
Did some m and a first.
Only did two rounds shoulders started to struggle 2nd round of hsw. 2:45 & 2:50. Hsw and pistols are not my thing. MU unbroken
B did 186 reps. Pretty happy, last time I did this I had bout 5 secs to do a MU, this time I had a minute and got 6 (2x3reps)
Great improvement Quinn!
Globo gym work out- no times
A. 3 sets of 3 strict pull-ups+3 strict dips x5, 400m run
B. 60 cal row, 50 incline sit ups, 40 thrusters @65, 30 cleans
A-3:23, 3:09, 3:27 subbed sc2b for bmu, avg 10 attempts at hsw each round.
B-180, t2b ate me up today-no mu rings but finished at 13:28 and exhausted so chance of MU slim. Back feeling better today, thank goodness as was miserable yesterday.
A: Skipped
B: 180reps time 13:32…no chance of doing MU…exhausted!!
A. 2:15/2:25 decided to just do two rounds to save my shoulders and hands for part b.
B. 182 reps (2 MU’s); same as Open score though I was a lot less fatigued and probably didn’t push as hard as I did in the Open. Cardio also has to improve to get more reps. Had about 1:20 left when I finished cleans, taped up and rested a bit and did one MU then rested 20 seconds and got the second MU.
A. HS walk practice. So much better than a year ago.
B. 181
C. Farmer carries.
Thanks again Nichole & CJ for the great programming, and the athletes here for support.
A. MU’s and Pistols unbroken, HSW not so much :). Struggled with it today. 5:00 a rnd.
B. 188
Post- Yoke carries, Rev Hyper, and GHDSU work.
A. 1:21/1:16/1:23 Finally able to do pistols WOW that took alot of stretching those ankles and hips- like everyday since I started Invictus! Handstand walks are much faster even had to turn and come back to get the full length. All sets unbroken. b. First time doing this workout. Little bit of a lazy one today got through 181 reps. had over a minute to do the MU but arms were fried. I have nothing to compare this to because when this workout came out I had just started doing CF. 🙂 Looking forward to a night out with my… Read more »
Those times for a are awesome. Good work Tracy
A) 6:54, 6:14, 8:45….. I need work on all three of these movements. Pretty much just stumbled my way through this part today.
B) only got through the cleans. today In the open I got 2 MU. In the open I got to the cleans in 7:01, today I got to the cleans @ 10:40. t2b and Wall balls sucked today.
Been a busy week where I was lucky to get parts of workouts in. No PRs but overall glad I could of got something in. All lifts were within 5 kg of my PRs. First event of the German Throw Down next weekend is a WL meet judged by IWF judges. Bit nervous so practice the event focusing on legit lifts(no press outs or bent elbows, etc..) and to try to figure out my opener. Hit 70,75,80kg for the snatch and 100,105,110 for C&J. Then did today’s workout. A: 2:12; 2:11; 2:42- Shoulders on HS walk were weak the last… Read more »
Ha answered my own question this is one of the open wods from 2014 and I found it. squat, power, muscle cleans are all acceptable.
Are the cleans squat cleans? or is a power clean ok?