Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Forearm Roll Out x 30 seconds
Minute 3 – Crossover Symmetry Pull-Down Drill x 6 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1 – Bar Muscle Ups x 2-5 reps*
Minute 2 – Wall Runs x 20 reps
*Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups can be used for a modification
Set 1 x 3 reps @ 40%
Set 2 x 3 reps @ 50%
Set 3 x 2 reps @ 60%
Set 4 x 1 rep @ 70%
Set 5 x 1 rep @ 80%
Set 6 x 1 rep @ 90%
Set 7 x 1 rep @ 95-97%
Set 8 x 1 rep @ 100%+
If it went up easy and you are confident that you will make the next lift then attempt set 9.
Set 9 x 1 rep @ 100%+
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Row 500 Meters
Double Unders x 30 reps
Burpee Box Jump Overs x 12 reps
40-54: 24″/20″
55+: 24″/20″, step ups allowed
Three sets of:
Bamboo Press x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Supine Grip Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Wall Walks x 2-3 reps
Rest 60 seconds
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Mobility and Activation
B.BMU 4/4/5 Wall Runs 20/20/20
C.worked up to 450
D. 3:39/3:30/3:34/3:44/3:42
E. Done- rows at 135
A. Done
B. Done with 5BMU
C. No Deadlifting tonight
D. Completed each round between 3:55 and 4:00.
E. Completely missed this part.
A. Done
B. Done
C. up to 160kg. DL which was strong for me is really low level right now.
D. Times between 3:00-3:40. Again had to move 30m from rower to box jumps
E. Done
A. Done
B. Done but struggled with bar MU – better than the other day though.
C. Only up to 255 – which was very tough. Max is 285. Feel like I’ve lost strength in my DL. Also, my hammies are very sore from Monday – may have contributed to not a good DL day.
D. Group wod. EMOM 8 C2B min 1, 40 DU min 2.
E. Done w/20# kb on 15# bar. BOR w/ 65.
3 sets: 15 reverse hyper (50#), 15 GHD sit-ups
A. Done: Hurt wrists to kick up into handstand so subbed out with band shoulder distraction.
B. subbed out movements with 40 Sec hollow rock and seated DB alternating press 25#.
C. 145-180-215-255-285-320-340-360 (5# PR)- 370# (15# PR)
D. 3:15 (rower malfunction); 3:03, 3:01, 3:02, 3:02 (subbed burpee box jump overs with weighted 30# KBs step ups….letting wrists and knee heal up!)
Fantastic Cherly – 370 lbs is AMAZING!
Thanks Nichole! I think all the accessory work is working!
A. Did a ton of mobility; shoulders are super sore
B. Done (just one BMU to protect sore shoulders)
C. Up to 240#; no PR today
D. 3:35/3:39/3:45/3:44/3:42 Rx
E. Will try to do tomorrow
A – Done
B – Done (MUs sets of 5s UB)
C – 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 385, 401(PR+6) Form started to get a little shaky on last one so I took the PR and ran.
D – 2:59, 3:04, 3:09, 3:13, 3:10 (averaged 25 seconds per round faster than last time!)
E – Bamboo press with Earthquake Bar and 35# KBs on each side; Rows at 135.
F – Took kids to Dairy Queen after CF Kids class and celebrated deadlift PR by dominating a large hot fudge sundae in 3:32 (PR). No brain freeze either!
On D- wanted to compare as well, do you recall date we last did these?
September 16
Solid work Mike, especially on that hot fudge sundae!
Thanks Nichole!
M&B Done
B-4bmu, 20 wr
C-455 new PR +20
D-Class Wod
10 amrap
15 c2b
15 #50 DB Thrusters
2 min rest
800 m run
4:07 legs done
Great work Joe!
Thanks Nicole.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 165,205,245,295,325,365,395,415pr
E.1 pood on ea side,135,2 reps
Solid Jay!
A. Mobility done
B. 5 B MU’s/ 20 WWalks for 3 sets
C. These were not good today… not sure if it was a mental thing or what. Only got to 255# which was a far cry from my PR of 285#
D. 3:35 – 3:40- 3:25 – 3:27 3:16 ( I figured out how to be more efficient on the bb box jump overs on the sets 3-4 -5. wish I would have done it on my first two sets. Next time.
E. Bamboo presses with 25# on each side/supine rows with 65# wall walks 3 reps.
A) Done
B) 2 B Mu’s/20 Reps (blue band on MU’s)
C) Matched my last PR @ 220#
D) 3:43-3:45-3:46-3:50-3:49
E) only time for 2 sets 2 x 18# KBS on press (struggled with these today); 2 wall walks
A. done,
B. done
C. worked up to 365, which was ugly so I stopped there
D. done
E. skipped
A. Done
B. 3 Bar MU each round
C. I went until 120kg (90%)
D. Done
E. Done
A. Done.
B. Done. BMUs will need more work this winter.
C. 185/215/255/315/345/385/405/425/435 PR/450 fail
D. 3:23/3:12/3:11/3:26/3:13
E. Skipped.
Solid work Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
B)Completed with x3 bar mu/x20 wall runs
C)#5 PR at 330. Hamstrings and back still tight and tender from Monday
D)2:58/2:58/2:55/2:53/2:45 had to sub a 500M run instead of row as all the rowers were being used by the class.
E)BP with 26#KB/SGBOR with 95#/x3 WW
Feeling under the weather as I have been fighting the crud the last few days and am looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.
Great job Dean!
Thank you Nichole.
I was not able to perform workout, had very busy day at work and at customer site. Going to do this one tomorrow morning.
A) done
B) struggle city on bar muscle ups today, was only getting one per minute (think I dented my sternum …. damn bar keeps getting in the way).
C) 160 to 360, went for 380…that wasn’t happening today
D) 3:37, 3:38, 3:39, 3:47, 3:54
E) bamboo press :used 45# bar, with 24 #kbs for one set of 10, then had to drop to 18# kbs after (and broke at 8 on third set). Wow those are hard
Rows at 135
Wall walks 3,3,2
“Be aggressive… B-E Aggressive”
B. Completed
C. Final round of 167.5kgs (+5kgs PR from November 2014). Failed 170kgs twice.
D. 3:30, 3:42, 3:58, 4:15, 4:02
E. Used 12kgs kettlebells for press, 40kgs for rows, 3 reps of wall walks.
Great job on the PR Jem!
A: COSA & Stickmobility
B: Skipped
C: 70-177,5kg
D: 3:30/3:28/3:34/3:30/3:25
E: Skipped