One set of:
T-Spine Series
followed by …
Two sets of:
Band Pull Apart Series
Overhead x 15 reps
Horizontal x 15 reps
Three sets of:
Tall Jerk x 3 reps (draw out footwork)
Rest as needed
followed by …
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes, complete:
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 75%
Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy single on your back squat and then . . .
Four sets of:
Pause Back Squat x 3 reps @ 3111
Rest 2-3 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Toes-to-Bar
Rest 2 minutes then repeat for a total of four sets.
Start each set with where you left off for a total number of rounds.
40-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs; Rope Climb x 2 ascents
60+: 95/65 lbs; Rope Climb x 1 ascent
For completion:
50 Tuck Ups
15 Dragon Flag negatives
30 Hollow Body Crunches
15 Tuck-up to V-up Complex
30 Alternating Single Leg Cross Toes-to-bar
50 Tuck Ups
Mobility done
A. Stayed light for the jerk bit left shoulder didn’t like so I stopped
B. Got to 75kgs on single back squat, happy with that. 4 sets of 3 reps @575kgs
C. Skipped this as short on time & shoulders unhappy
D. Tried my best… found it all tough, in particular I sucked at dragon flag negatives (felt funky in my lower back)… better next time I hope!
Mob done
A. Done at 115
B. Up to 175, then 135/145/155/165(2)
Morning session C. 10S2O @ 115 Rope climbs X 2 10T2B 4+10 Came in late with limited time, didn’t mobilize, just went into this WOD. As you can see it didn’t go well, was tough. A. Tall Jerks done EMOM for 15 min @ 155 done Afternoon session Got sucked into doing CF main site workout with Andy Huebner 40 min AMRAP 500M row 100 DUBS 6+500+69 most DU I’ve ever done in a WOD! Calves are tight, hope I can walk in the morning. B. Built to 275 today, calves tight so stopped going up. Pause back squats @… Read more »
Positive – most DU you’ve done!!
Mobility done.
A – Jerks 185# all sets. Then dropped to 135 to start working other foot forward. Gonna switch back now that my groin is better.
B – 330# then 4×3 tempo at 275#. Not as heavy as last week.
C – 7+8. Subbed 10 GHD situps for T2B. Left shoulder gets grumpy sometimes on T2B. Wanted to give it a break.
D – Done. Rough, especially after doing the GHDs in part C.
Happy to hear the groin is feeling better!
I did my warmup routine and exercises for Dynamic Mobility & Activation
A. Split jerk work with 55 kg. Happy with my progress.
B. Worked up to 115 kg (my new PR)…then 85*3 + 88*3 + 90*3 + 92*3…OK
C. Complete 5 rounds and 9 S2OH. It was fun but 61 kg is pretty heavy for me 🙂
D. Like this exercises but it was tough 🙂 …I missed last 50 tuck ups.
Great work Simon!
Mobility Done
A. Split Jerk-115/120-felt good today
B. worked up to 180…2-145 2/150-felt good
C. 5+11-DId 2 rope climbs-wore slippery shoes made a difference-
Just could not get T2B today-Ugh
D. Done a little-50 GHD
Happy Friday!
Mob Done
A. Did strict press 5×95/5×115/5×135/5×145/5×155/5×165/5×170/5×175
B. Built 335 on box squats
C. 8 + 10 w legless but subbed 105 strict press for 135 S2OH
Solid Al!!!
Mobility done
A.165# split jerk
B. Built to 285# box squat
C. 8+10; These got tricky with the legless rope climbs, trying to pace yourself, and knowing when you can climb the rope and when you can’t! Them legless got hard!
D. Done….these were challenging!
Great work Cheryl!! 8 legless rope climbs is awesome!
Thanks! Not sure I would have gotten 8 if I had done this alone! Al and I were able to push one another on this one!
A: 230#
B: 315# on pause triples. back felt tight tonight
C: 10 reps shy of 8 rounds
Solid improvement Brent.
Mobility done.
A. Jerk work then 195 EMOM.
B. Worked up to 305 heavy.
Then 265 pause squats.
C. 6 rounds plus 10.
A1) 3sx33lbsx3sx3rps 2) SJ: used 98 stayed with pretty fatigued today lol B1) 285 PR ! didnt think at all this would happen hips felt beat up but Ill take it 🙂 2) Pause Sqt: 185x3rp(60%) felt I could go a little more so I went to 200lbs (70%) for last 3s C) I completed alost two rounds legless ( 1 hand tap away I failed 🙁 ) so I did the last three sets with both feet … Need more work and to figure out how to gain strain in the hands to get these done . 🙂 did… Read more »
coach Nicole
I missed thursday wod its bothering me should I make it up tom or wait til sunday?
Congratulations Lise!!! That is so awesome!!!
You missed the running session? Just wait until Sunday and do it then! 🙂
thank you Coach Nicole! 🙂
Ok I will do that then..thank you
I need your email to send you the video I thought i had it but i I do not.
have a great night! Xo
thank you! <3
A. 205
B. 355 then 4×3@295
C. Didn’t do this right. Did 1 rd then rested 2:00. So 4rds
D. Done
I started to do that too until I saw Al and Cheryl keep going…
Warm up done.
A.155# sj
B. 265# heavy today, 225# on sets
C. 43, 31, 26, 27
D. Done
Mobility Done
A1. 95,95,95
A2. 140
B. 185,225,245,275,295 then Pauses at 185
C. 5 rounds +10
D. Done
Mobility done
A. 180
B. 280, then 215
C. 5+1 – got all climbs legless again, which I was very happy with. Still a little scared to jump right up and go when tired – I rest a bit before climbing. They are coming along and the confidence is growing though.
D. Done – wow.
Awesome Joe!!!
Split Jerk 225 x15
AB work
Sweet Pete!!!!!!
Mob done
A. 205
B. 385 then Pause squats at 285
C. 6+10. Forearms enjoyed this. 🙂
D. Done
Rev Hyper/ Iron Scap/ OHS work
Mobility completed
C)5+7. Performed legless rope climbs starting from my knees since our rope is shorter than 15′.
D)Completed. This took a few minutes to work through.
Mobility done
C. 6rds rx was 3 TTB away from 2 rds the first 3min. This was fun except the rope I picked was newer and slippery. Went UB on the S2O.
Will do the lifts at home later and the ability work.
Mobility done
A1) Tall jerks, 95, 115, 135
A2) 185 for 8 sets, 190 for 7 sets
B) worked up to 250, then did 225×3, 230×3 for 3 sets.
C) read this wrong, kept starting over… 1rd + 10, 1rd + 5, 1rd +6, 1rd + 6 (didn’t quite make it all the way up the rope on the last round, maybe 6 inches from the top, The Legless climbs crushed me)
D) took a while but done. Those Alt, single leg cross T2B were kinda cool