Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Muscle Clean x 3 reps + Tall Clean x 3 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 75%
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 80%
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 85-88%
If you feel good and the weight is moving well, then continue to a heavy single resting 2 minutes between attempts, no more then 5 attempts.
Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy single on your back squat and then . . .
Four sets of:
Pause Back Squat x 3 reps @ 3111
Rest 2-3 minutes
135/95 lbs Hang Squat Clean
Ring Dips
115/75 lbs Hang Squat Clean
Ring Dips
95/65 lbs Hang Squat Clean
Stationary Dips
Compare to September 15th, 2015.
Masters Athletes – Want to be featured on the Invictus Blog or Social Media? Tag us on Instagram (@CrossFitInvictus) in your photos and videos for a chance to be featured and to share your awesome accomplishments with the Invictus community!
A. 65/85/95
B. 125 did not finish back was really sore so had to go easy
C. 125 stayed really light
D. 8:30 scaled RD/band
A. 30,40,50
B1. 67,5kg / B2. 72,5kg / B3. 77,5
C. 80×3, 90×3, 100×3
D. 8min – had to run 30m back and forth between stations
A. 95 & 105
B. 185/195/215
C. 135/185/225/275/315/335/355(Superset Strict HSPU 7 sets of 5)
4×3 @ 315
D. 5:35
Beast! Great time Art.
Thanks Joe
B-190, 205, 215
C-225 each round, didn’t go over 225 as heavier weight on my back irritates my shoulder. I had to keep 225 Little higher up neck to keep shoulder irritation away.
E-45 min later added
4 rounds-3 MU and 10 GHD
A. 95,105,115
B. 190,205,215×2,225,230,235
C. Up to 315, failed@335, then 185,205,225×2
A – 125/135/145. Really like the tall cleans. Can’t get lazy at all.
B – My Oly coach called an audible. 7×2+2 Cleans plus Jerk. up to 200#. Then 5×3 Clean pulls @90%.
C – Skipped going heavy (left adductor tendon still sore. Partially tore the right one a while back and took 8 months before I was full go. Don’t want to deal with that again). Doctor said eccentric loads should help heal it so I did the pause squats. All sets @255#.
D – First time doing this one. 8:01 Rx. Strict ring dips.
A. 85#
B. 105# 115# then stopped shoulder was really sore from yesterday.
C. 205# New PR by 5 🙂
185# for sets- My husband helped me today and really pushed me on the squats. What a difference that made. 🙂
D. Shoulders were not having cleans and dips so I rowed 30 minutes – 6481 meters.
Then rolled out and stretched. For some reason my shoulders are really beat up, might need to rest them for a few days.
Have a good night all.
Congrats on the back squat PR!!
2:05 better than 9/15.
Only had time for A & B
A. worked up to 145
B. 170-180-190, + 195, 205 for singles
Made the last qualifiers for Wodapalooza and another team championship in Brazil…yesterday and today
Made max Snatch yesterday – 57.5kg and max C&J – 70kg today.
A) All at 53#
B) 93-98-108 then 113-118-118 Finally! Felt like it was a good place to stop for today : )
C) up to 175# a lot more solid today than in past then 4 x 3 @ 125#
D) Probably should have skipped today…ring dips nothing like on Friday…so slow
M and a done. A started at 30 then did 40 kg.
B started this at 67kg, b 72 kg b3 @ 77kg.
C got up to 114kg today. Did 3 sets at 94 kg pauses.
D did rx and 9:47 , 14secs faster than last time.
Great job Quinn!
Thanks Nichole . Feeling heaps better on the jerk.
A. 65/85/95
B. 130/140/145 stayed put…jerks not cooperating
C. 240 then sets at 210
D. Skipped and did class wod
A. 75#
B. 120#/130/140 then 145/150/155/160/165….another 5# PR!! So excited 🙂
C. 205# then sets at 160#
D. 10:08; 1:24 improvement from 9/15
That’s a huge improvement on Elizabeth!
Major improvement Leticia – great work today!!!
A) 105,125,145
B) First part @ 170
Second part @ 180
Third part @ 195
C) 265, then only 3 sets @215
D) Dragging ass big time (sick, pain in my shoulder , hip, neck, back, my favorite socks were dirty, etc.) so I stood around and BS with the trainer for like 30 minutes, pretty sure that is a PR.
Hahahahaha sounds like a productive day Dave lol
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.”
Rewarding/fulfilling day
A. 40kgs
B. 82.5kgs, 87.5kgs, 95kgs. Then 100kg, 105kg, and PRed at 110kgs/242.5pds (+2.5kgs from beginning of September : )
C. Legs felt pretty weak after part B. Failed 130kgs (1 rep max is otherwise 140). Used 100kgs for the three second pause squats.
D. 11:22, strict ring dips (improvement from 13:18 in September 15 : )
Nichole-Are the pause back squats to be done at a % of our heavy single today or based upon feel?
Dean – The tempo back squats are done based upon feel, keep building in weight as long as you can maintain the prescribed tempo! Make sense? 🙂
Yes. Thank you.