Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 60 seconds in a Butterfly Stretch
and then …
Two sets of:
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 60 seconds per side
Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps
and then …
One set of:
External Hip Rotation Drill
x 60 seconds per side
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Clean from Mid-Thigh x 2 reps @ 65-70%
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Clean from Mid-Thigh x 1 rep @ 70-75%
(please use blocks)
Focus on driving through the legs and proper technique. Work on scooping under the barbell into a power position, then drive.
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets), complete:
4 Stop Halting Clean Deadlift x 1 rep @ 90%
(use straps)
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Three sets of:
Super Slow Front Squats x 4 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Strict Pull-Ups x 6-10 reps
Rest 3 minutes
The intention here is to be super slow on the way down and super slow on the way up. The goal is to have 25 seconds under tension, around 12 seconds down and 12 seconds up. Do not stand all the way up but go up only 3/4 of the way and then pull yourself right back into your next squat. You can thank Kristin Holte for this! 🙂
Four-Five sets of (depending on the time you have):
Row 250 meters @ 2000 meter PR pace
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Reverse Sled Drag x 50 meters (heavy but shouldn’t have to stop)
Rest 3 minutes
If you are profecient with handstand push-ups, then you can add a slight deficit.
55-59: 6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
60+: Elevated Foot Handstand Push-Ups x 5-8 reps
Three sets of:
JM Press x 6 reps
Rest as needed
Banded Pull-Downs x 30 reps
Rest as needed
A few days behind… Did the mobility but not the bridges because I don’t know what they are. A. Did 125 and 145. I assumed they were squat cleans. Used blocks. A Deadlift 195. B. Um. Tried 75 pounds and failed…just got 3 sets. Then 65 for 4 and then 3. Kind of hard. Pull-ups were 6-8-10 Felt a shoulder twinge in the first set. C. Rowed at about 1.55 per 500. Can’t do strict HSPU at the moment. Did 6+4 / 8+2 / 8+2 Kipping. Was trying to figure out the best hand position. 100 on the sled which… Read more »
WZA Online Qualifier Event # 6
For Time (Time Cap = 30 Mins)
90 DUs
70 Wall Balls
50 Deadlifts (185)
30 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Deadlifts (185)
70 Wall Balls
90 DUs
=26:15 RX ?
THAT WAS ROUGH! This workout made it into my top 10 list of worst wods I’ve ever done. Not a fantastic score but 1) I was able to finish it under the time cap, and 2) I did 30 Ring Muscle Ups at 225 bodyweight and felt smooth. The chipper hits you at the back end after the 30 RMU. Nasty!
Did our class WOD today
Shoulder press 95×4, 115×4
“FRAN” 3:16 @75lb Thrusters, all Thrusters & pull-ups UB
Awesome Ed!!
A1 – 165, 175, 185
A2 – 195, 205, 210
A3 – 255 (102%)
B – It buuuurns. Awesome in a really nasty way. 95# was plenty. Pullups: 10, 8 w/30#, 8 w/50#
C – Four sets. About 3:00-3:05 each. Deficit of about 2-3″. Sled approx. 210#
D – Ran out of time. Will do tomorrow.
A. 108
B. 55#, maybe a fast 12 sec up/down, 8 pull-ups
C. Attempted some of Saturday wod:
Part 1: 8:10, subbed DU with 25 KB swing instead, jumping still bothering knee
Part 2: don’t know what happened, did 2 rounds then had to stop, did not feel well at all!
No Part 3, winter storm with snow and ice so no running, could not really do much so probably a good thing!
Already a winter storm?!
I’ve been absent for a few weeks from the blog…been trying to heal up a nagging hammy and hip injury! Nichole has been great and helping me to modify things during that time! Thanks Nichole! Swim at the pool: 15 sets of 50m – variety of drills Mobility done A1. Misread this and did 6 sets: 95-135# A2. 145-155# A3. Skipped B. Started doing these last week but with back squats. 1st time doing front squats-65#. Legs were shaking on that last set! 10 Strict pull-ups. C. 4 sets: 2:50, 2:48, 2:54, 2:56 (did 2″ deficit on last 2 sets),… Read more »
Great work Cheryl 🙂
DM&A done . . . for the most part. It was not pretty.
A1. 165#, 175#, 185#
A2. 195#, 205#, 215#
A3. 265#, 285#
B. 3 reps x 95# + 10 SPU (holy Sh#t). So hard. Body shaking.
2 sets of 4 reps at 85# + 10 SPU each time
C. 5 sets. I didn’t have time to rest more than 1 or 2 mins per round.
Sled drag was 170#
All SHPSU at 2″ deficit. 10/10/8-2/6-4/5-5
No set took longer than 2:41. First was 1:39
D. 5 mile run. 7:16 pace.
JM Press and banded pull downs
A: 115, 125, 135, miss 145 foward, miss 145 backward, bar seemed to be too high as I had to wait for it, I can say it is a PR by 135 pounds. Did them as full squats! Have always done power cleans. A3: 225, stayed light on this. B: started at 95 for one set but my wrist, rack position, limiting factor for the time required. Dropped to 75# and used cross arm hold. Stayed on time to the timer. Did three sets at 75#. Pull-ups 8,8,8 first two of each set strict then as negatives C: 250 meters… Read more »
A. 155/155/165, then 165/175/175
B. 95/105/115, 10/10/10
C. 1:51/1:54/2:01/2:01/1:59, 2mins rest, sub 100′ FC w/2x48kg for sleds
A1. 205/215/225
A2. 225/235/245
A3. 305
B. Did at 135#. Probably should have gone heavier but wanted to get feel. Still hard
C. 2:09/2:04/2:04/1:59/2:01
Sled with 220# had to do down and back
A. 185,195,205
B.85,100,105 holy crap 10 spu UB
C.row 1:42 all rounds 10 dhspu 2″ had to run 100 m to sled drag pulled 245# 50 m average time 2:55 for 5 rounds
A1) 95lbsxsets,103 lbs 2ets
2) 108lbs x2sets, `110x2sets
B) 103 lbs/6 strict pullups.. awesome wod!
C) 5sets / 16;00 overall time forgo to time induvidually
D) JM press: 33 lbsx1 set ,43 lbsx2 sets
Nice work on those slow front squats…
thank you Jean Thorson,
iIm glad you think so… they where too hard and I’ve been struggling with everything so I am truly gratefull to hear from you! Hoping to snap out it soon!! beyond words how grateful I am to you!!! stay strong!! God bless Xo
A1: 190×3
A2: 205; 210; 215
A3: 245×2
B: Ouch!! Struggled on that last rep of each set!!!
95lbs and 6 PUs each set
C: 4 sets Done . Didn’t time. Avg pace 1:42, Prowler + 180lbs
Really felt everything after WZA #6 yesterday. Good to get the blood flowing in the legs
A.1 50/53/53kg
A.2 55/57/57
A.3 I forget to do these every week!
B. Squats at 63lbs (I cheated and stood all the way up between each set), it was still brutal! 10 pullups per round
C. Goal was 5 SHSPU to one abmat/round: 3:26 (5), 3:37 (5), 3:57 (4), 3:38 (5). Had 90lbs on prowler.
Finished my last event for Team Series today. We did the Bar Muscle Up one. I had hoped to get 8 BMU because that would be a PR having on ever done 7 in a workout. Today I did 23!!! I am giving all the credit to this program and Nicole and Travis. Thank you!! I had every intention of doing today’s strength work but my hands are shredded. I have not ripped years but I’m so damn excited I don’t care! I may have to modify the rest of the week until they heal. This has been fun and… Read more »
Congrats on all the BMU’s
Thank you!
Amazing!! Nice work on those BMU’s.
A. My elbow has been really bothering me in only the clean receiving position, not sure what I did but anyway, I should have warmed up before I did these so my lift % wasn’t quite there.
A2. 135,135,145
A3. 195,195
B. 135 – woaaa, way to heavy almost fainted, 115, still really heavy for me but doable.,115. Did 8 pull ups per.
C. only time for 4 rounds. 3:08 UB defecit HSPU, 3:14 5,3,2,1 HSPU, 3:26 4,3,1,1,1,HSPU, 3:40 2,2,2,1,1,1,1 HSPU
D. no time.
Do you remember exactly what happened to your elbow?
I was thinking I hyper extended it doing a MU workout? But the pain is only when it is in the clean receiving position? It feels stable on HSPU and HS walks. The pain is on the inside of the elbow past where the ulna and radius connect going towards the shoulder.
Lets keep an eye on it and no cleans or FS for a week
Mobility done
A1. 175#
A2. 190#
A3. 225#
B. OK – glad to see everyone else thought these were as rough as I did. Did these at 75# and by the 4th rep I thought 12 seconds would never come. Strict pullups at 8/9/10
C. Did 5 sets – first 2 sets SHSPU with no mat (RX), last 3 sets with one ab mat. Rows all at :50, sled at 205#.
D. Done
DMA. Done, The external hip rotation drill was challenging… good drill!
A1. 3×2 @135#
A2. 3×1 @ 145#
A3. 2×1 @ 175# felt heavy!
B. WOW! 3×4 Super Slow Squats at 65# (tried for :12 down, :12 up. Last reps were more like :10.) 3×6 Strict Pull Ups.
C. 5 Rounds (around 1min rest due to time) 170# rev sled drag
Total Time with rests 20:55
D. Done (JM Press bothered my wrist a little, so stayed with 35# bar).
Noticed everyone’s rows were slower than normal, and then noted that we were to do this at a 2000m pace. Didn’t do that… oops. I was rowing a 1000m pace.
This is my fault. I rowed at 500m pace or 1000m pace, depending on whether rest was 1 or 2 mins.
DMA – done A1. 130 – 135 – 140 A2. 155 – 170 – 180F – 180 (Went beyond 75%, as these have been feeling really good. Is that ok? Or should I stick to % given?) A3. 185 – 185 B. Wow! 3 and 4th rep of each set was a killer. Had a couple partners to these with me. We helped each other stick to the tempo. 45 – 55 – 65 Strict Pull-ups 9 – 9 – 10 C. Ave. about 1:50ish on the rows/used hamstring curl set-up for the HSPU’s (tried not to use legs to… Read more »
Good work today Barry! If you are feeling good and mechanics are looking good then no harm going a little above the percentage!
Thanks Nicole. I was hoping that was the case.
Back on track 135 and 145 for cleans went of my 185 weight from last time.
The rest is done did the front squats a 95 and pull ups at 7-8.
4 more weeks should be totally cleared