Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Shoulder Opener x 45 seconds
Minute 2: Hamstring Curls x 8-10 reps on foam roller
Minute 3: Banded Hamstring Pulses x 8-10 reps per side
One set of:
Kipping Swings on Bar x 20 reps
followed by …
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle-Up Foot Taps x 5-6 reps
Jump to Bar from Squat x 5-6 reps
followed by …
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle Ups x 1-4 reps
Jump to Bar from Squat x 4 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 4 reps
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 50% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 10 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 6 reps @ 80%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Same as last week, just want you getting comfortable lifting this weight for these reps.
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Burpee Box Jump Overs x 10 reps
Kettle Bell Swings x 30 reps
*Note: If it doesn’t say American Kettle Bell Swing then the swing is anywhere from chin to eye level, depending on form.
40-54: 24″/20″; 32/24 kg
55+: 24″/20″, step ups allowed; 24/16 kg
Dma done
A. Done
Bar muscle ups x 4 reps finished high and concentrated on keeping gymnastically straight
B. Had to skip
C. All sets between 3:30- 3:41
delayed entry: did it 10/20/16
dyn/mob: Done
A1) kip. swingsx20rps
2) B/M/U tapsx5rps
3) B/M/U jumpsx5rps
4) 3sx4 single B/M/Ux2 fails
B) D/L : 145,175,205,220,235
( these were much harder today-wowzzy)
C) emom 5 for 30 mins:
6sets, Rxd , each round took almost 4mins to complete
all sets of RKBS unbroken
( tough wod! good challenge)
Stay healthy and strong all!!
A. Passed, did several BMU and foot tap drills helping someone the other day.
B. Done.
C. 3:30 up to 4:30 last round. KB swings at 28kg and cut reps to 20/15/10/0/0/20; these were stressing my back that is still a little tender and recovering.
Back is a little sore this morning so will go light the next couple days.
Mob done, bar mu terrible today– hard time getting up
Added dead stop front squat from other day–115#
B. Deadlift–140/165/180/205/220
C. Regular burpee instead of box jump–much easier. 3:50/3:55/4:05/4:30–stopped here, back totally cramped up.
Did you do it this morning? If so, get on your back and elevate your knees! Get the back to calm down.
Late last night, went home and lay on my heat pad–it’s good today, but I need a massage for sure! Thank you
A.Done. Worked on less chicken wings.
B. DL. Last set 360. Tough but better than last week.
C. 3:21. 3:15. 3:35. 4:00. 4:10. 4:23. Feeling those DL made box jumps tough.
Great times on that 30 minute burner.
Mobility done A. Done and then did some ring MU practice since I was going to be doing them in the workout today. B. DL: 185/225/255/275/295# C. Subbed out run with row and BBXJO with Ring MU (until I ripped on 4th round) and then substituted with DB Push Press for 20 Reps for RD 5 & 6. 1st RD: 3:55 -500m row, 3/2 MU, 30 Russian 2nd RD: 3:37 -425m row, 3/2 MU, 30 Russian 3rd RD: 3:39-425m row, 3/2 MU, 30 Russian 4th RD: 3:48-425m row, 3/2 MU,30 Russian 5th RD: 4:23-500m row, 20 DB PP, 30 Russian… Read more »
Great work Cheryl – there was a lot of pulling with that workout. Awesome job though.
Thanks….muscle ups aren’t quite where I want them yet especially with some volume!
Good to know Cheryl! We will be ramping up the volume later in the year to get you accustomed to higher reps
Mobility, mostly worked on shoulders to warmup for BMUs A. Did some kipping swings, but really watched Travis Ewart’s video on BMUs Focused on the knee bend to get me higher at the top. Posted video to FB Three sets of BMU @ 4 reps unbroken done. B. Deadlift 175, 215, 235, 255, 285 thanks Cheryl Brost for working in with you. Pushed me a lot heavier than last week! C. 55+: 400M run, 24″ burpees step over, 24KG KBx30 (6 sets) 4:05, 4:25, 5:07, 5:09, 5:48, 6:15 Could not hold the every 5 min pace. After round 3 finished… Read more »
Great work Ed! And those bar MU are rocking!
Mobility done.
A – BMU drills done. Then BMUs in sets of 4. Working on wrapping thumb around bar and getting better at rotating hands to press out. I normally use a suicide grip (bad habit).
B – 210/250/290/315/335.
C – Yowza. Thankfully I read the Russian comment. 3:20/3:30/3:42/3:39/3:40/3:46…however I took an extra minute before set 4 and set 6 because I thought I might barf. I survived.
My legs are going to welcome the day off tomorrow. I think I will treat them to some assault bike! Um, ok, let’s play that one by ear….
Nice Mike – once you feel comfortable with it, that thumb wrap around will feel so secure!
MOB Done
A. the drills were great. then did 4/4/4
B. skipped deads
C.3:10/3:15/3:37/4:09/3:58/4:20 did 25 cals on bike/5 Bar MUs/30 KBs Russian
Mob Done
4 BMU. Grateful for the BMU drills they have really helped. Feel strong and confident with these.
B. 230/275/325/345/375
C. 3:32/3:30/3:30/3:38/3:41/3:36 Whew!
Post Narrow OHS work and Iron Scap.
Great to hear Art!
A: bmu strong
B: 260, 310, 360, 386, 415 – not comfortable but easier than last week
C: between 3:48 and 4:25, last round <4m and unbroken. got easier in round 5.6
Happy to hear the BMU are feeling good!
A. Done-Did the Jumping for the 3 sets.Did from just the box…Feeling the motion
B. 135/160/190/200/215
C. Done Went from 4:25-4:15 Faster times at the end
Mile run
Felt good today on the 400 runs-kept pace…
Had fun with it!
hello Coach Nicole,
made up yesterdays wod its on the page
A. Nope!
B.Wendler Deadlifts 5×185/5×230/3×280/3×325/3×370/7×415
C.400m run/ subbed 10cal Airdyne plus box jump overs for burpees/ 70kb, kept elbows tucked into body to save shoulder (t-rex, yes, I got ribbed for that!!)
3:50/3:49/4:20/4:34 +xtra min rest/5:03 +xtra min rest/ 5:00 that burned! Run was tough.
Mobility done.
First day back after a week of busy work!!
A. Did some bat MU drills. Shoulder not feeling it so stopped early.
B. Made up yesterdays dead stops at 215.
C. Subbed Bike. 4:00, 3:57, 4:05, 4:02, 4:05, 3:59.
Great to be back!!
Glad work is less busy this week!
Me too! 12 hour days and no training sucks!!
Mobility – done
A. Foot Taps, Jump to bar from squat, C2B Pull-ups, Butterfly Pull-ups (faster cycling) – done
B. Deadlift – 150/180/200/220/240
C. Rowing instead of running, 16kg instead of 24kg, American swings – wondered whether Russian would be acceptable. Read comments and know for future when to use them.
4:06 – 4:03 – 4:02 – 4:05 – (this is where I realized I had two sets left and not 1) – 4:11 – 4:28 Didn’t have any takers to do this workout with me! Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
No takers?!
Any of those 30 min EMOM is going to be tough and they know it!
Great times on the metcon Barry! The run was tough for me.
Just thought I’d check in and let everyone know that I haven’t disappeared. I’m still working out with you, usually a day behind, and then being lazy about posting results. My apologies to all. I also have occasionally scaled reps/weight/sets to keep the shoulder from regressing. Once warmed up and on the floor, it feels very good.
Yesterday’s WOD:
Dead Stop FS 145-150-155#
Cleans 75 to 145#.
And then had to stop and leave. I’ll be doing today’s WOD tomorrow because of a meeting at my kid’s school. My best to everyone.
Glad to see you back on Rodney! Happy the shoulder is feeling a little better!
A. Done, Did Single Mu’s. Still being cautious with the shoulder.
B. 215-255-300-320-345
C. Done
Is Anyone on here doing the Lift Off?
Great question Dan!
Came back and did rowing 500m this time for 3rds
3 sets of 4 UB
DL tomorrow
Been out for a week…tweaked something in my neck last Tuesday doing the dead stop front squats. I think it was caused by tension/stress from work – had a deadline and I carry my tension in my neck/shoulders. Anyway, massage by my wife every night (she’s great) and acupuncture a few times and its loosened up enough to get back at it. Mobility done A. Bar MU’s done – felt pretty solid. Was able to string 4 B. DL: 225/265/310/335/355 – felt good C. Felt great through 4 rounds…then it was a struggle! Finished the 5th and 6th rounds a… Read more »
So awesome that you are aware enough to know when you feel that stress and where you carry it. That is huge Joe. Be kind to yourself when you know you have extra external stress than normal and train accordingly.