Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 2 minutes opening up the t-spine
and then …
Spend 2 minutes on each side rolling out the pecs
and then …
One set of:
Crossover Symmetry Pull-Down x 10 reps
Crossover Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Crossover Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Ring Swing x 5 reps
Interval 2 – Cast Swing x 1.1.1 (three single reps – drop between reps)
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Pop Swing x 5 reps
Interval 2 – Speed Swings x 5 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 15 seconds, for 2 minutes (8 sets) of:
Ring Muscle-Up x 1 rep
60+ or anyone who does not have a ring muscle-up:
Every 15 seconds, for 2 minutes (8 sets) of:
Rowing Muscle-Up Transition on Low Rings x 1 rep
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat + Jerk @ 90-95% of 1-RM C&J
Four rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
5 Strict Muscle-Ups
50-Foot Handstand Walk (25′ unbroken segments)
400 Meter Run
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 4/2″ deficit
400 Meter Run
Four rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups
25-Foot Handstand Walk
400 Meter Run
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
400 Meter Run
Four rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups
60 Second Nose to Wall Handstand Hold
400 Meter Run
10 L-Seated DB Presses
400 Meter Run
Dynamic mobility & activation
A1) done
A3)failed every other muscle up. Did a total of four reps!
B) 2sets@185#
C) Had to scale strict Myscle ups and do to kip, also scaled to just Strict HSPU, could not do deficit.
Time 48:54
*spent a lot of time on MU
We will keep working on those mu until they become a strength!
Thanks Nicole. I spent probably 20minutes of the workout on mu?
Yesterday’s program:
O & A – done
A1 – 2×3 Tall Snatch @ 33# – done
A2 – 2×2 Tall Snatch @ 45# – done
B – 6 sets – 2 snatch pulls, 2 hang snatches, 2 snatches – 4 @ 60#, 2 @ 65#
C – 9:02
Only had airdyne, so did 25 cals on that
C2B feel a little better, but still doing singles after the first three
All WBs UB
D – only had time to do one 3-min banded march
A. Done
B. 195-225#
C. 44 min. Wow this was taxing on my delts. HS Walks were not in UB segments. Need to work on those under fatigue. Everything else went fine. SDHSPUs small sets last two rounds.
A. Skipped (lots of strict MUs in the WOD)
C. 4 rounds
500M Row 1:53-2:05
5 Strict MU singles first two rounds then 3/2 last two rounds
Handstand holds just did max holds ave 30 seconds
400M Run
Strict HSPUs 10/5/5/5
400M Run
Total time 47:02
B. Built to 185 today. Missed at 175, 185 but ended up landing 185
Didn’t feel strong today on the Jerks shoulders fatigue from all days past. Thankful for the rest day tomorrow!
Rest up!
A. Done
B. 175,190,200,215,225 felt good . Got to work on my overhead strength.
C. 42 min sub bar mu . Don’t have srmu yet. And hsw aren’t that good had to do a couple times .but the dhspu felt good 4,4,2 all rounds .
Did box wod this morning.
Traveling today. Did a drop in with a friend:
Some DMA
– 5×3 power snatch (up to 135)
– 12 min amrap: 5 pc (135lb), 7 box jumps, 9 ring dips. 10rds + 6reps.
Mobility done
A. Done did rowing MU transition
B. #85-#135. Failed on the last jerk
C. 23:38 for two rounds. 1st round 12:30 2nd round 11:08. Ran out of time. Had to get to work. 1st round HS walk sucked. 2nd round was much better. Did kipping HSPU
Got off work late so short on time. Did C. Only
C. 37:53. All deficit STHSPU UB. All SMU UB. The HS walk I didn’t get in 25′ sections. I did the full 50′ but it was more in 10′- 15′ sections. It was a tough one!
Great job on that one Keith!!
Mob activation done
A. Done
C. 37:28
Tricky way to get in 2 miles of running! ?
Strict RMU started 1st rd 2/2/1, but found 3/2 worked best.
Strict deficit HSPU 5/3/2 all the way through.
B. 145-205# (slowly building back to percentages on squats and jerk; missed the first 205# Jerk forward, Reracked and took it again).
Nice work Cheryl!
DMA Complete A1. Complete A2. Complete A3. Complete, then went for an UB set of 6! PR 🙂 B. 165/165/165/175/175/175 C. 47:15…. That was HARD! Completed 5 single Strict MU’s the first round, 2 Strict + 3 Modified the second round and then 1 Strict + 4 modified the last two rounds. HS walks were interesting, hard the first two rounds, but got easier the last two rounds (probably because of I modified the Strict MU). Strict HSPU I did 4/3/3, 4/3/3, 5/3/2, 4/3/2/1. Was a mental challenge, because I struggle mentally when I can’t do something. I will get… Read more »
Yeah I agree the first round of HS walks were challenging….it was like I was just standing there on my hands and couldn’t walk! Much better the rest of the rounds!
Yay, congrats on that PR!!!!
DM&A A. Done. These drills really help to warm up the shoulders and polish my RMU technique. Just wish I looked flawless like Travis does! 🙁 B. Did 1 Power Clean + Jerk every 2 Mins for 14 mins increasing weight each set = 185-205-215-225-265-285-305. Felt good! C. I was short on time today, so chose to test Event # 4 for a local comp down here called “Unleash Your Fitness” in Guatemala City. Buy In: 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 3 Rounds – 500m Row – 7 Ring Muscle Ups Buy Out: 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs = 15:40… Read more »
Heal up that hand!
A. Done
B. 185/195
C. (35-49) 40:50
Solid Perry!
Thanks Nichole! Enjoying Thursday as a rest day.
A: completed, great drill to begin a quest for doing Muscle Ups.
B: 165 for 5 sets, 175 for the last set.
C: completed three rounds. 30:55. Lots of running. I will see how my achilles adapts. I walked a few miles afterwards in the desert and marked out some routes using my Suunto GPS. I did not get my nose to the wall but I got close! Upside down! Did a few partial push-ups from there using my minute wisely. Ring Pulups were strict with no assist.
DMA – done
A. done
B. Didn’t notice that it was only 1 squat this week.
2@ 150 lb. 2@ 155 lb. 2 @ 160 lb.
C. Changed up a couple things
500 m row
5 strict ring pull-ups
*subbed 15′ HS walk for Handstand hold
400 m run
* subbed 10 Box-curl HSPU’s for seated db press
400 m run
round 1 10:12, round 2 finished 19:54, round 3 finished – 29:46, round 4 finished 39:33
dyn/mob: done A1). done A2) done, lol not as smooth as Travis but its starting to fall in place 🙂 A3) 3 good muscle ups, 3 failed attempts 🙁 B). FS+J: 120 lbs x1set, 130x2nd failed jerk, 130 x2 sets, 137x 1×2 failed jerks C). instead of strict pull ups- I did 3 strict single MU , the remaining two rps did of a box I kept failing- burning up the time and wasting effort though that would give back . HS Walk weren’t pretty but I feel that Im getting more comfortable doing them total time was somewhere around… Read more »
Great job today Lise!
thanks Nicole..
I hope Im off this rough patch …its all part of the journey right? thanks for all you do for us!! Xo
Mobility done
A. Done
B. 215/215/220/220/225/225
C. First time attempting strict MU and HS walks in a Wod (had only done them in our gymnastics sessions before). Got all 5 strict MU (singles) each round and 25′ HS walk each round. Also did regular strict HSPU (no deficit). Time was a slow 56:10, but I will score that as a win today. I would have laughed at that wod not long ago and did something else. Really improving in all areas!
That is AWESOME Joe!!!! Fantastic to see such great improvements. This is just a testament to your consistency in working on your weaknesses!
Thanks Nichole!
C. 37:57 loved having all the gymnastics sprinkled in with all that running. Best way to run 2 miles ?
Did lunges and bench with Regan before.
What a fun day! 🙂 What did you end up benching??!!
Thought the same thing… sneaky way to run 2 miles and row a 2k.
A. Skipped- Invictus Gymnastics later B. Done at 90%. Wider squat stance is starting to feel a little better. C. 51:19 with some changes. MU’s, HS Walk and SHSPU are movements that are a complete time suck for me. So this was good to just pack them all in at once 🙂 Don’t have strict MU so I did 3 regular singles each round. HS Walk in smaller segments- breathing (or lack thereof) is usually my issue and prevents longer distances. SHSPU- no deficit. 3/3/2/2 each round. I get through all these things, but they just take so much time.… Read more »
Dm&a completed
A. Completed.
C. 2 rds all i have time for.
3 strict mu per rd. standard strict hspu. Failed at 4 in.
Total time : 21:30.
I also got a video of 1 in from wall for hspu Nichole..
Completed Tuesday’s Programming
Mobility completed
B)105#(6) glad that I read the comments from yesterday so I prepared for the difficulty of this complex.
C)7:08 still coughing
D)Completed. My glutes are gonna being feeling this later and tomorrow.
Helllllooooooo glutes 🙂