Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
Landmine Rows
x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Tempo Sandbag Squat x 8-10 reps @ 32X1
Rest as needed
*If you do not have access to a sandbag perform double kettlebell front racked squat (24-32/16-24 kg)
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Bench Press x 10 reps*
*Sets 1-2: 90% of 10RM
*Sets 3-4: 85% of 10RM
*Note: If you do not know your 10RM Bench Press – Find that today instead of doing these sets.
Four sets of:
Deadlift x 8-12 reps @ 65-70%
Rest 30 seconds
immediately followed by. . .
200 Meter Row Sprint or 400 Meter Standing Bike Erg Damper 10
Rest 3 minutes
*Row/Bike Erg sprints should be all out, if you don’t feel a little queezy after each then you’re not getting the right intensity.
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike or Bike Erg
200/150 Meter Run or Row
10 Burpee Box Get-Overs (48″/40″) or Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
Complete rounds of 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps for volume accumulation of:
Renegade Rows (50/35 lb DBs)
with a 100-Foot Bearhug Sand Bag Carry (HEAVY) between rounds (400 foot total)
1 Renegade Row = Push-Up, Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right
*If you don’t have access to Sandbags then perform Front Racked Double Kettlebell or Dumbbell Carry at a heavy load.
Strongman Option
Three sets of:
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(turn at 50 foot mark)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
50-Foot Sled Push (Heavy)
15 seconds to switch plates
50-Foot Sled Push (Medium)
15 seconds to switch plates
50-Foot Sled Push (Light)
Rest 4 minutes
50-Foot increments should be performed unbroken but challenging. Use the 15 seconds to strip weight.
Running Endurance Option
For time:
Run 5k
Compare today’s results to the week of April 27, 2020. Please make sure you note the course so that when you are testing your 5k times you are always comparing your efforts to the same course.
Rowing Endurance Option
Two sets for distances:
4 Minutes of Rowing @ 20 s/m
4 Minutes of Rowing @ 22 s/m
4 Minutes of Rowing @ 24 s/m
3 Minutes of Rowing @ 26 s/m
3 Minutes of Rowing @ 28 s/m
Rest 4 minutes
A. ladmine barbell 20+15kg, sandbag 70 kg
B. Bench Press 50/45 kg
C. Deadlifts 8 reps TnG 90 kg
Row tempo1:37/1:44/1:45/1:51
D.15 Cal AB/150m Run/10 BBJO 70cm
I had to slow down because I hit my leg on the box, oh
Shoot! You ok??
Thanks, it’s all right, it just hurt and the training was hot
Warm up – done
A. Landmine @35# & sandbag
B. Bench press 125# and 120#
C. DL & row @ 250#
D. This was a great endurance piece – love!
2:56 / 2:54 / 3:02 / 3:02 / 3:08 / 3:06 / 3:09 / 3:15
Note: BBJO
E. Done
Strength : A & B (the sled was sooo tough!)
Note: BTW -I renew the programming finally under my name 🙂 (not Amanda)
Ha! Finally we have a real name to go off of! Solid finish to the week Denisse!
A done
B 130 / 120kg
C 160kg with row 1:22 pace on the row.
Gosh that was heavy.
E done
D did 6 sets because i had limited time.
How spicy was c?!?! ??
Super spicy!!!!
70 kg
2 kB 24 kg
80-80-90-90 kg
150 kg
+200 m row (45”50”)
20 cal Abike 200 m row
2 kB 32 kg
In the afternoon Run 5k
Warm up done.
A. Rows @ bar+15kg
Sandbag @ 50kg
B. 10 rm @ 80kg
6 rm @ 85kg
C. Deadlifts @ 115kg all sets 12 reps
No rowers today so we subbed sled sprints 60meters
D. Skipped taking extra rest this weekend.
Back on monday.
E. Db @ 22.5kg sandbag @ 70kg
Productive week and productive cycle so far! Nice work!