October 16, 2018 – Masters Program

**Transition Week**

Hey everyone! I just want to give major congrats to everyone on this past cycle! Lots of new PRs and I am seeing some awesome progress in everyones training.

This week will look a little different then our normal weeks. This is a transition week that leads us into the next cycle. The volume is a little less this week and you’ll notice a difference with the stimulus so that your CNS is well rested. Try to avoid adding additional volume. If you are doing the WZA Qualifier then please omit one of the training sessions in the program and substitute with the Qualifier event(s).

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes rolling out your t-spine and lats

and then …

Over the Shoulder Barbell Stretch x 45 seconds per side

and then …

Band-Assisted Scarecrow x 2 minutes

and then …

Two sets of:
Y’s, T’s, W’s

x 8-10 reps each
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps
Bear Crawl with Wrist Stretch x 10′

Five sets of:
Turkish Get-Ups x 3 reps per side
Rest 60 seconds
Russian KB Swings x 40 reps*
Rest 60 seconds

*Weight is up to the athlete

Five sets of:
Assault Bike x 4 minutes @ 85% PRE
Rest 2 minutes

Three sets of:
Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 8 reps per leg
Rest as needed

If you don’t have a reverse hyper, then try this instead:
Weighted Reverse Hyper x 10 reps

Optional Session
Four sets of:
Double Kettlebell Swings x 5-8 reps (focus on being explosive with your hips)
Broad Jump x 5-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds

and then …

Three sets of:
Jefferson Squat x 3 reps per side
Rest as needed

and then …

Four sets of:
Harnessed Bear Crawls x 40 meters (should take you under 60 seconds – make sure you are putting your weight in your shoulders)
Rest 3 minutes

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Jane Ayerst
Jane Ayerst
October 17, 2018 1:45 pm

Last Tuesday’s workout – I’m a week behind:
A. Practiced a lot of tall snatches
B. 25kg 1RM squat snatch
C. 15 kg bar – 5:37

Doug Wohlstein
Doug Wohlstein
October 17, 2018 11:07 am

A. Done with 44 and 53 holy crap was harder than I expected
B 251 total ave 50 per little up little down
C done.

October 17, 2018 7:36 am

A. Done
Turkish Get-Ups: 25 lbs DB
Russian KB Swings: 25 lbs KB

B. Done
Cal: 40, 36, 38, 37, 36

C. Done on a bench without weight

Optional Session
Double Kettlebell Swings and Broad Jump – Done

Gym closed, so ended there.

Scott 39/5'8/152#
Scott 39/5'8/152#
October 17, 2018 2:29 am

Turkish Get-Ups x 3 reps per side – 12kg.
Russian KB Swings x 40 reps – 24kg.

Five sets of:
Assault Bike x 4 minutes – 40/40/40/38/42. Hit 40 cals the first set and decided to try to match it. Toughest the beginning of 2nd and end of 4th set.

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
October 16, 2018 7:23 pm

B. 50.8, 49.1, 46.9, 45.4, 47.5 (239.7 cals)
Shoulder PT

Jason Carter 6’ 235 lbs 40 yrs
Jason Carter 6’ 235 lbs 40 yrs
October 16, 2018 6:51 pm

A. 53lbs
B. 50, 45, 41, 33, 41 ???

Curt Hobscheidt
Curt Hobscheidt
October 16, 2018 6:45 pm

30lb and 45/70 on swings with 70 last round

273 on AD

Ended there

Jeremy Henson
Jeremy Henson
October 16, 2018 5:53 pm

DMA: donecomment image
A: used 35 lbs the whole time so I could sandbag
B: burned 278 total calories
C: (4) 45 lbs plates on the reverse hyper
My legs were toast. No way I could do the optional

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 17, 2018 8:31 am
Reply to  Jeremy Henson

Hope you had a fun day!

MaryEllen Cook
MaryEllen Cook
October 16, 2018 4:57 pm

DMA – Done
A. kept the same for both yellow i think it is 27? not sure
B. Was only able to do 3 set as the gym was closing 🙁
C. Done w/ 8lb ball
Still recovering from Central Fl Throwdown I set a new PR on my clean n jerk !! Whoop Whoop our team was 21 out of 41. Not bad we laughed the entire time and had tons of fun.

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 16, 2018 5:08 pm
Reply to  MaryEllen Cook

Wahoo – congratulations on your PR and so awesome to hear you had a great time at the comp – well done!!

Brent Maier (47/6'2"/206)
Brent Maier (47/6'2"/206)
October 16, 2018 4:56 pm

85% PRE? What does that mean?

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 16, 2018 5:09 pm

lol perceived rate of exertion – so yes, how hard you feel!

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
October 16, 2018 7:24 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

It’s always 100% PRE! ??. At least with the Assault Bike!

Tabitha Parker
Tabitha Parker
October 16, 2018 4:55 pm

Did class warm up this morning 🙂
A. TGU: 20#, 25#, 25#, 30#, 30#
KBS: 35#x3, 50#x2
C. did this first, that was a mistake, lol!
B. I have a really hard time distinguishing between 85-95%, I think I got it today. I feel like I’m
dying, but I can keep going. That was pretty much how the whole thing went!
36c, 37, 37, 35, 36

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 16, 2018 5:09 pm
Reply to  Tabitha Parker

Yes that is it!!!!!!!!!!! That is an awesome pace to learn!

Tabitha Parker
Tabitha Parker
October 17, 2018 8:53 am
Reply to  Nichole D


Kim trupp
Kim trupp
October 16, 2018 4:43 pm

A). TGU @ 16 kg. RKBS @ 24kg UB sets
B) Horrible!! 45, 43, 41, 42, 40
C) Done
Optional work Done. My legs and low back haven’t felt like this in a minute. Holy hell.

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 16, 2018 5:10 pm
Reply to  Kim trupp

Nice work today Kim – does your back feel okay though?

Kim trupp
Kim trupp
October 16, 2018 5:52 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

yes Nichole it’s fine, thank you. I told you i wasn’t used to working hard. I wasn’t playing. Thank you for the programming. You dona great job.

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 17, 2018 8:31 am
Reply to  Kim trupp

lol you are doing great Kim!

Julie P. 40-44
Julie P. 40-44
October 16, 2018 4:24 pm

OMG my legs ? 41-43-46-47-49 cal.

Tom Ring (50-54)
Tom Ring (50-54)
October 16, 2018 3:50 pm

A. Back Squats
B. Tall snatch
C. Snatch x2 from knee
D. 61/53/55/52/54 =275

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 16, 2018 5:10 pm

Nice Tom!

Laura MacDonald 45-49
Laura MacDonald 45-49
October 16, 2018 3:15 pm

B. 38/39/38/36/38– round 4/5 difficult. 85 rpe hard to judge for 4 min efforts on the bike for me. Only got B done–at home today

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
October 16, 2018 1:43 pm

A. TGU 35#/RKBS 53#
B. 52 cals per rd
C. Done with med ball
D. Jefferson squats done

Marcos David Werka
Marcos David Werka
October 16, 2018 1:27 pm

A. TGU 14 kg and RKBS 16 kg. I used to do TGU with 24 kg, 14 kg was tough enough for this workout. I enjoyed the wod.
B. No Assault Bike so I did the WOD on a Gym Bike. I tried to keep the rithm troughout the 5 intervals, my legs were huge at the end of the WOD.
C. Skipped. Karate class later on.

Nichole D
Nichole D
October 16, 2018 5:11 pm

Great day!!

Renata Molliet
Renata Molliet
October 16, 2018 12:39 pm

Rom Wod before training
A, B and C done

Stephanie Nickitas
Stephanie Nickitas
October 16, 2018 12:12 pm

A. TGU and RKBS with 35lb KB
B. 45.3,45.6,45.3,45.2,46.9. 228.3 total
C. No time.
Will try for optional in a bit….

Steve Messenger
Steve Messenger
October 16, 2018 12:05 pm

DMA done
A) done with 24kg KB for both
B) hooked up my triathlon bike to the bike trainer and did 5 sets of 4 min moderate gear @90-100 RPM/2 min easy spin
C) weighted reverse hyper with 10# ball
Optional session:
Double KB swings with 16kg KBs x5/6/7/8
Broad Jumps x5/6/7/8
Jefferson Squats with empty BB (slow reps, really focused on external rotation and squeezing the glutes
Harness Bear Crawls 4×50 ft with sled plus 90#
Leaned forward more this time putting more weight forward onto my shoulders (almost like a pike position)

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