Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 2 minutes on each leg in the Perfect Stretch.
and then …
Spend 2 minutes on each side rolling out the lats
and then …
Two sets of:
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds (place palms on the floor with fingers facing you and then sit back, keeping your palms on the floor the entire time)
Banded Lateral Walks x 20 steps in each direction
Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Clean from 2″ below the knee x 1 rep @ 75-78%
(please use blocks)
Focus on driving through the legs and creating power from them.
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets), complete:
4 Stop Halting Clean Deadlift x 1 rep @ 90%
(use straps)
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Three sets of:
Super Slow Front Squats x 4 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Strict Pull-Ups x 8-12 reps
Rest 3 minutes
The intention here is to be super slow on the way down and super slow on the way up. The goal is to have 25 seconds under tension, around 12 seconds down and 12 seconds up. Do not stand all the way up but go up only 3/4 of the way and then pull yourself right back into your next squat.
Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes:
Row 500 meters
Run x 400 Meters
Max Hand-Release Push-Ups
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 3 sets
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Roll Back Extensions x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Lat Pull-Downs x 30 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Been off sick…
Mobility done.
A. Did 145. Tried “jumping” as I think my feet barely move. Epic fail. Then DL at 195.
B. I find these impossible. By the third rep, half-way up, my legs are shaking. Did 55 pounds only! And 3×3 reps…
Pull-ups 8/8/10
C. Got 10-12 pushups done each time. I tried rowing like the video posted recently. Felt weird and much slower.
D. Done but will check some more videos for the roll back extensions. Not sure what i was doing really.
Good to be back exercising.
missed this but I will make it top Thursday 😉
A. 155, 175, 185 across
A1. 205
B. 75 one set
C. 23/21/15 Row times 154.5/154.5/152.4
Tried to go a little faster on the row and run on the last round, but as you can see that didn’t work out to well, Lol ?
D. Done
Mob done
Have been sick since last Wednesday so a modified schedule for sure
A. Did DL from Saturday 8 min to get 2@235, then speed DL at 190
B. Practiced for cascade classic this coming weekend–deadlift du and burpees
C. Clean section, done at 120#, always a challenge for me from this position
Hope you are feeling better!
Hi Nichole, still not 100% but cough is slowly going away. Should be good by the weekend. Thanks for asking!
Mobility done.
A1 – 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 220 (88%)
A2 – 265#
B – 105#, 12 Pull ups
C – 41, 37, 35
D – Done.
Dynamic mobility &activation:
A) 1st & 2nd set @ 185#
Next 4 sets @ 195#
4 stop Halting clean Deadlift
Both sets @ 315#
B) slow fronts squats @115#
Pull-ups 8,8,8
C) 1st round 41 HRPU
2nd round 39 HRPU
3rd round 36 HRPU
D) done
Mobility done
A1. 155-160-165#
A2. 190-200#
B. 80#, 12 Strict Pull-ups
C. 30, 29, 27 hand release push-ups (triceps were smoked)
Row 1:54.6, 1:55.1, 1:59.5
Run 2:03, 2:01, 2:07
D. Done plus 2 sets of 30 wall push-ups
A1. 110
A2. 205
B1. 55
B2. 5-8-8
C. Row 2:09, 2:14, 2:20
Run 2:20, 2.28, 2:18
HRPU 21,9,13
D. Nope! Ran out of time
A. 140#
B. 35,45,55#. Burn baby burn
C. Did a WOD with the class.
D. Done
A: 165, new PR by 10# , halting deadlift @ 275.
B: 95#
C: 20,20,20, IPAD dies so timer was off the wall clock, ran for the first time since state track championships 1975, reattached achilles will let me know if it was good or not. Felt great! Used treadmill, set to 8mph pace. Row at 1:50-1:53.
Congrats on the PR!
A. 235 / 295
B. 135
C. Changed this Wod as I had to do my Aerobic Capacity training. Did the following:
For Time
21 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Hang Power Cleans (205)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Hang Power Cleans
9 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Hang Power Cleans
= 6:34 RX
D. Done
* Aerobic Capacity Training
25 Min Easy Run for Max Distance = 4.25 Kms
(Rest 5 Mins)
6 x :10s Max Effort Sprints (1 Min Rest)
A1. 235-245
A2. 295
B. Kept it light at 135
C. 39/35/32
Dynamic Done
A1. 155/165/165/175/175/175
A2. 235
B. 135 FS/ 12 across
C. Row – 1:49/1:45/1:47 – run – 2:05/2:10/2:11/ PU – 20/27/23 – still working on running endurance but glad I can do it again.
D later
Mobility done
A1. 195/195/195/205/205/215
A2. 275
B. 80# slow FS/10 pull-ups
C. 34/32/27 on the HR push-ups
D. 35# roll backs/lat pulls done
DMA – done
A1. 150 – 150 – 150 – 157 – 157 – 160 (will post video)
A2. 190 – 190
B. Slow Squats – bar only (1:05) – 55 (1:26) – 65 (1:15) – time to complete the four reps. A little fast on first set.
Strict Pull-ups – 11+1 – 11+1 – 12 UB
C. 11 push-ups – 18 push-ups – 17 push-ups *Run was a little slow on the first set. Only had about 20 seconds to do push-ups.
D. RB extensions – 20# for all sets
Lat Pull-downs – green bands and trainer bar
DMA complete
A1. 145/145/145/145/150/150
A2. 175/175
B. 3×3 @ 65# (to many 3’s which made my mind think 3 reps, oops)
3×8 strict PU
C. Row/Run/HRPU
D. 3 sets
10 Dbell roll back ext 20# ea arm (hard last 2 sets)
30 Lat pull downs with PVC and 2 red bands.
*Triceps screaming
A. 89kg for hang cleans.
C. 4:01/25, 3:54/27, 3:48/30
SHORT training sessions this week. Work has picked up.
A. 105kg for Hang cleans and 140kg for clean DL
B. 45,55,65kg squats and 12 pull-ups
C. weather too bad to run, so did class WOD:
15 HR Pushups
10 DL 60kg
5 HP Clean 60kg
D. Completed
DMA: done
A: 150 – 170
Halting clean: 205
B: 135, 10 pull-ups each round
C: 31, 31, 26
D: later…
A. stayed at 165 today shoulder bothering me from yesterday
A1. 230 and felt good.
B. Didn’t do but did 10 pull ups
C. Not bad after Holte 25/20/26 push ups. Seems like it took 100m or so for my leg to let me run after rowing
D. 25#’s on ext and 3 red bands for pull downs.
Agree on the start of the run. Changing from a heel drive to a toe drive made the legs feel funny.
That was exactly it! I was able to make up what I didn’t have in the beginning of the run.