**Transition Week**
Hey everyone! I just want to give major congrats to everyone on this past cycle! Lots of new PRs and I am seeing some awesome progress in everyones training.
This week will look a little different then our normal weeks. This is a transition week that leads us into the next cycle. The volume is a little less this week and you’ll notice a difference with the stimulus so that your CNS is well rested. Try to avoid adding additional volume. If you are doing the WZA Qualifier then please omit one of the training sessions in the program and substitute with the Qualifier event(s).
Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes with a LAX ball to your pecs
and then …
x 60 seconds per side
Banded Tricep Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up Series x 10 reps in each plane
and finish with …
x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Reach x 10 reps
Plank with Forward Taps x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Taps x 10 reps
Three sets, not for time, of:
Rope Climbs x 2 ascents
Wall Walks x 3 ascents
L-Sit Hold x 15.15.15
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds between legs; Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets):
Row 250/200 Meters
Note times for every set. The expectation is that you will be giving 100% for every set. It’s ok if you have some drop off later in the workout, but I want to see what our athletes’ recovery looks like after 95+% efforts.
Three sets of:
Side Plank x 60 seconds per side
Rest 60 seconds
Piston Push-Downs (Tricep Push-Downs) x 15 reps per side
Rest 60 seconds
B. Split squats down without leg on bench, just floor, used 10# per hand. Knee was fine for this
C. Bad reading, thought it was 95% effort, definitely was not all out
46/46/45/45/45/45/46/45 sec
Three sets, not for time, of:
Rope Climbs x 2 ascents
Wall Walks x 3 ascents
L-Sit Hold x 15.15.15
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 reps
25# each hand. Done. First set 20 reps each leg. Second and third set 10 reps each leg. Tough.
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets):
Row 250 Meters
:57/:55/:53/:56/:59/:57/:58/:56 – felt OK. But couldn’t go faster than this today.
Did Wodapallooza work out and group wod.
Schedule a bit off re doing workouts. 1 more week…
Awesome Litsa – hope you are enjoying the workouts!
All done.
Times for C:
First day! Man have I neglected single leg work. Lol
A. Done
B. Done
C. 45.9, 44.6, 45.5, 47.5, 47.4, 48.2, 48.3, 46.8
D. Done.
Welcome Eric!!
B: 45# dbs. 20 per leg.
C: 250m sprints on Assault Runner. kind of rough after B.
Helllooooo legs!
A. Done
B. Bw for 1st set 13 lb kb for set 2,3
C. 40.4/40.2/39.6/39.5/39.6/39.9/40.0/40.2
D. Done
A. Done
B. Did it with 20lbs
C. 0:52, 0:49, 0:44, 0:45, 0:44, 0:45, 0:44, 0:44
D. No time
DMA done
A) done
B) done with 20 lb DBs
C) :35/:36/:36/:35/:34/:35/:34/:34
D) done
DMA done
A. Done
B. Done. Did with no weight. That was tough enough!
C. Only got two rounds in before I got called to work. Got 43.1 sec both rounds. Was hoping to get back later but didn’t happen. Hopefully I can make this up. I need a vacation!
Yes you do!
DMA) done
A)done did one legless each round
B) done @ 95
C) :45,:44,:44,:45,:45,:46,:46,:47
D) no time
Nice work adding in the legless climbs!
A. Done
B. Done 35 lbs
C 46.4 46.7 47.2 47.9 50.0 49.5 50.2 49.5
D. Done
A. Done
B. Done
C. 52, 50, 49, 50, 48, 50, 50, 47
D. Bench Press 3×8 @ 70%1 RM = 90 kg
Hi everyone. I’m new to the group. This was a good first day…Thank you. It’s fun to see everyone post.
A. Done
B. Done w/ 25 lb DB
C. ? :43,:42,:44,:44,:42,:42,:43,:43
D. Done
Welcome Kim! Nice job today!!
Good to see you on here Kim! ?
Thanks Cheryl. I appreciate you
A. Done
B. Done with 35lb DBs
C. 47, 43, 44, 44, 48, 47, 47, 50 (damn you 8th round!!!)
D. Done
A. Done
B. Done with 25# DB’s
C. Done – all at 45 sec (ranged from 45.0 to 45.7)
D. Done
Did the WZA wod with the devil press with a buddy the other day – I am not signed up, but had to try this new movement. Got about half-way into the round of 16. Slowly lost grip strength and shoulders began to burn – it was fun though.
How fun – bet your buddy was happy you did it with him!
Dma done
A : done
B : with 15kg dumbbells
C : had to sub to ski erg 53-55-56-57-58-56-54-55
D : done
Ohhhh love that you got to use the Ski Erg for this!
Warm up Done 🙂
A : Done
B : all sets 2 x 16 kg kb
C : 43-49 sec- first time pushing hard on the rower after my back injury so happy with this one
D : done.
Wonderful Tine!
Good morning! I was mia last week but I did get all the workouts in. My schedule is changing a little bit and I’m trying to get acclimated, lol! DMA: done A. had to modify a bit, it’s raining here so I couldn’t put the rope up outside. did sled pulls instead of rope climbs, & I did L hangs off the bar instead of the floor. My back is fine but pretty stiff from the last couple of weeks of lifting. Those L sits are really hard for me. B. done: 20# db x2 and 25# x 1 C.… Read more »
Warm up and mobility done.
A. Ropes haven’t been hung yet in new facility, so did 5 strict pull-ups in place of. Hanging knee raise in place of l-sit.
B. Done with empty barbell
C. :52, :52, :51, :50, :52, : 53, :54, :52.
D. Skipped. Coached 6:00 AM and ran out of time.