Gymnastics Skills & Drills
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Two sets of:
Wall-Facing Split Handstand Hold
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x 45 seconds
followed by …
Four sets of:
Handstand Walk (or walk with assistance) x 25′ (work on perfect mechanics)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Power Clean + Mid-Thigh Clean + Power Jerk
Build to a heavy in the complex
Bar-Facing Burpees
Overhead Squats
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55-59: 75/55 lbs
60+: 65/45 lbs; Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Skill work done (scaled)
A. Done (stayed light for the jerk – shoulders again)
B. Done – again scaled to go easy on my shoulder, jumping pull ups as opposed to C2B NFT
C. As an extra I did 3RFT:
400m run
20 cal assault bike
20 pistols (10 each side)
Skill Work Done.
A. Complex hurt my wrist at 135# so stopped at this weight.
B. 10:37 RX – C2B are singles…
Doing Saturday’s workout on Sunday. Went to watch some members from out box participate in Festivus Games.
Gymnastics Skill work: Did the wall-facing split HS hold. Tried a short HS walk but playing it safe with wrist. Still a bit tender when doing these.
A. Complex – worked up to 135#. Trying to work on my Power Cleans. P.C. at 135 was better today. Stop at this weight.
B. 21-15-9 – 9:30 Unbroken. Happy with Pull-ups. Never done more than 15 unbroken butterfly pull-ups. Last week I strung a couple of 15’s together. So very happy with that.
Awesome Barry – pumped to hear that!
Hand to sneak it in today
Did it as power snatch complex 1pwr 1 hang power 1 OHS built up to 175
21-15-9 7:01 c2b were off big time
Delayed Entry : 10/16/16
done 10/15/16
Dyn/Mob: done
I love these drill even though they kick my arse..LOL
H/s walk still falling after three handsteps but Im starting to string more together 🙂
A) 105x2s,110x1s.115x1s,120×1,125x2s(technique felt on point at least it felt like it I
have struggled to get 125 and today it went up fine 🙂
C) Rxd: 11:42
I thought I hae a much harder time with the overhead sqts but it was the C2B
that I thought to be the toughest… good challenge!
hope everyone is healthy and happy! Enjoy your weekend!
Nice work Lise!!!
thanks you Coach…thanks to you guys.. i can honestly say I feel a difference! its very encoiraging and each day its exciting to see whats next! 🙂 love ya guys! <3
This is my first post 🙂
Work on my handstand: I don’t know handstand walk.
A. 40-45-50-55-60-65
welcome Simon!
I struggle with the handstandds too but your in the right group, you’ll get better Im starting to see improvments in everything! cheers!
Thank you!
Welcome Simon! You are gonna love this! 🙂
Hello Tracy and thank You.
Welcome Simon
Hello Barry!
Hello Pete!
Welcome Simon, happy to have you on here!
Thank you Nichole 🙂
Bench press 115/135/155/170/185/205#. Stopped there for now.
A. 75/95/115/125/120/115#.
B. 17:20 scaled OHS to FS @ 95#. Lost a bit on transitions being at home.
Where do you live Rodney?
Near Stanford University.
Team wod Saturday:
On own–pause back squat from earlier in week, up to 155.
8 min with group of 3 max reps hang clean and jerk, then 5 min rest and 5 rounds each of 5 hspu/10 front squats. Working on speed today with the group. Vball coaching season is almost over, so can finally get back to regular days and wods.
Fun Laura!
HSW 4×25 done
B. 185/205/205/215/225/225
C. 11:08
Rev hyper/ Iron Scap/ Snatch drills. Oh
Comp Class-
10 EMOM-
2 Strict pull-ups+3 Kipping
2 Strict HSPU + 3 kipping-Only 1 ab mat for strict
3 min –
200 M run
Max Double KB snatch 16KG-42
1 min rest in between sets
then 3 min rest
3 min-
20 cal row
max Backsquats at body weight- #155 13
Class-4 team WOD
3 Rep Max Snatch #100
For time split into 4
28 rope climbs- 2 at a time
56 snactch-6 at a time UB #75
140 Pull-ups-Did UB all sets
Good Training day!
I am only seeing skill work A, B. Am I missing the rest of the post?
lol that was all for Saturday – no C!
4 set of 25 feet hand walk done
A)Up to 155
7 ROUNDS + 5 C2B
That is all I saw too! Maybe they want to give us a bit of a rest…
There was no C Tracy lol!
Skill work -Done
A. 135,140,145,150,155,160
B. 13:44
A. Done all :45 seconds hold no wall
B. Done quality
C. Built to 135}
D. 7:15
Row later have a nice weekend!