Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) of:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Air Squats
Challenge…breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Eight sets of:
Front Squat + Split Jerk
(pause at receiving position of split jerk for 1-2 seconds before recovering)
Rest 60-90 seconds
*Sets 1-2 – 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 – 75%
*Sets 5-6 – 80%
*Sets 7-8 – 85%
Against a 2-minute running clock…
25/18 Calorie Row
Max Reps of Ground to Overhead
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Loading per set:
*Set 1 – 205/145 lbs
*Set 2 – 185/135 lbs
*Set 3 – 155/115 lbs
*Set 4 – 135/95 lbs
Three sets of:
6-8 Tempo Barbell Front Squat (50-60% of 1-RM) @ 30X2
Rest 15 seconds
12-15 Double Kettlebell Front Racked Squats (24-32/16-24 kg)
Rest 2 minutes
One set of:
100 Banded Hamstring Curls
Keep a steady pace with a light band.
A. Done
B. 150/150/160/160/170/170/185/185
C. Done
D. Done
E. Done
A. Done with row rounds around 2:50-3:00 , lost the nose breath
B. 170 185 195 205
C. 3@175 6@155 7@135 10@115
D. 155 for 6s and 45d kbs for 12s
Awesome thanks Tino!
A. Done – enjoying these breathing primers, which I tell myself will come in handy during labour ?
B. 85-95-105-115
C. Scaled weights down to 115(2)-105(5)-95(6)-85(8)
D. Done with 75# barbell/20# DBs
E. Did 60 reps on a medball
A. ✅
B. 125/125/135/135/145/145/150/150#
C. ❌
D. 95/105/115# FS, 16kg KBs
E. ✅
A. Done
B. Up to 215#, did not set the foot right on the last set
C. 3, 5, 7, 7
D. Up to 195#, KB 24kg
E. Done
A. 3:35, 3:50, 4:05
B. 175, 185, 205, 210
C. 25+ 2, 25 + 2, 25, 25
D. Done
E. Done
My legs were SO sore yesterday and today. And then at the end of my work day that knee started bothering me from nowhere. So, toon it easy today but I had so much energy to train! ?
A) done Rx
B) 130/140/150/160
Then called it. Jerks bothered the knee pretty good so I decided I should rest it. Hopefully it goes away fast!
Hope you had a great day Tino!
Best look after yourself and get your body right for 20.2!
Yeaaaaa I’ll do my best. Im sortof worried about this one
Did 20.1 Rx 13:49 (Friday was 14:53)
Great work taking a minute off Fridays time!!
Thanks Tino?
A. Done
B. Done
C. Did three sets at probably more of an aerobic pace than it should have been. ?
D-E. Lots of distractions (some good, some bad) today. Calling it here and hope we can get back on track tomorrow.
Save the push for 20.2! ??
A) all rounds 2:30-2:40, little sick, so breathing trough nose wasn’t really am option, so did as a slower wod
B) 80-110kg emom done
C) cal always under 1’
93-83-73-63kg, 3-5-7-9 power clean and jerk reps, thought it is going to be easier and faster tho
D) 80kg 6 reps and 24kg kb 10 reps done
E) done, damn hamstrings are weak af
Had a little injury in my upper back at saturday work, so didn’t movr anything since the friday’s open wod
Hope that injury heals up for 20.2 and you also get rid of that cold!
A. Done
B. 250
C.RX 4 reps, 5 reps, 7 reps, 10 reps
D. 185 #, 55 # KBs
E. Done
A: Done. Did Giblet squats with 40# KB. No wall ball at the home gym. Felt easier this week with the breathing
B: attempted a redo of 20.1. Got to round 7 and got lightheaded and felt my eyes rolling so I stopped there. Was ahead of the pace I wanted by a little bit so that was nice haha
C: FS+SJ (155×2, 175×2, 180×2, 190×2)
D&E: No time today.
Good to see your nose breathing work is paying off ?
Rest day. Yesterday my wife and participated in our first OCR race. 4.7 miles of pain was super fun tho. Tomorrow will start a full prep for a competition I have on the 14 and 15 of march so, let’s get to it!!! ?
Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Congrats on completing your first race! Time to get ready for that Comp! ??
Well… I ended up redoing 20.1.. completed a similar warm up for 20.1
Previous Score: 171
Tonight’s Score: 14:19 !!! RX
Thanks for the nudge Tino! ??
What I changed was my pace was consistent. UB snatches still but took breaths at the top and moved better on the burpees.
Yeah Alexis!!!! So awesome to see that improvement!
A. Done this is becoming my favorite stuff
B. 225/245/260/275×1/295×1
C. RX 8/7/9/10
D. Done
E. It’s a deep burn
A) wallballs always kill me!
B) finished at 188#
C) 6/7/8/9. My last row was awful!
D) used 143 for FS and 2x16kg for kB
E) ✅
Let’s keep working on those Wall Balls!
Just got over a horrible cold so this was a great workout to do getting back to it. Haven’t worked out since last Monday.
A. Done with about 45 seconds of rest each round.
B. 100/100/110/110/115/115/120/120
C. Scaled to 115 (3 reps)/105 (4 reps)/85 (6 reps)/65 (8 reps)
D. THIS WAS SO HARD but done with 16s and squats at 100 lbs 8 reps each time
E. Done
Good to see you’ve finally got over your illness and are able to train today!
A. Done
B. 185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255
C. 6 (205) 10 (185) 14 ( 155) 20 (135)
C. Done
E. Done
Is A supposed to be the warm up part?
Warm-Up, breathing work and primer. ??
A. Done. I couldnt breath through nose only except for on the AB ride. Even that was tough, lots of self-talk going on! Wall balls with nose breathing only was rough!
B. 100/105/105/110/115/115/120/120, these felt really strong today!
C. 110×1/105×2/100×2/85×4-not sure what the percentages should have been to scale from the Rx, but this worked. The 4th round was my fastest, row at 1046 pace at the 6 cal mark.
D. FSQ @ 85/ KB @ 2/25lb
The nose breathing stuff is going to be great for you. Make it a goal to increase the duration each week.
I loved having to focus on that!!! Kinda sick and twisted!!