Primary Training Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – 20 Nose-to-Wall Handstand Shoulder Taps (10 each arm)
(focus on stabilizing your midline and maintaining a good vertical position)
Minute 2 – 10-12 Weighted V-Ups
(hold weight overhead for these)
Minute 3 – 6-8 Strict Ring to Sternum Pull Ups
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
5 Double Dumbbell Squat Jumps (50/35 lb DBs)*
5 Unweighted Max Vertical Jumps
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
*Squat Jumps: Dumbbells by side, touch either front or back head of the dumbbells to the floor and explode up into a max vertical leap.
Build to today’s heavy…
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Start around 60% and add approximately 5% every lift. Allow yourself 2-3 missed attempts, then move on.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x Max Reps @ Monday’s 1-RM Front Squat Weight
Rest 5-6 minutes between sets.
For time:
35/25 Calories of Assault Bike
25 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
15 Ring Muscle-Ups
Time cap: 8 minutes
Athlete Notes:
Today’s focus is primarily on our lifting. We want to get some solid positional lifts in at higher percentages in the clean and jerks, and then see how far you can push it on the max reps of back squats! There’s three ways that set should end. The first, and most ideal way, is complete failure – you’re unable to stand back up out of the bottom. The second is if your form starts to break down and you’re compromising safety. The third is if you start to think about it at the top of the rep too much, give yourself one to two breaths and then sit back down. Don’t just stop when it becomes uncomfortable, that’s the point that you’ve probably still got a few reps left!!
When we get to the workout, this is a lot of “go” and then finished with a high skill movement! That first assault bike should be FAST (60-90 seconds). The thrusters are where you can be a little smart, dependent on your gymnastics capabilities. If you’re a muscle-up guru, then push these thrusters and see how well your skills hold up! If you know that muscle-ups are not necessarily in your wheel house, then maybe break the thrusters into a couple sets to save you a little bit going into the skill piece! In an ideal world we are finishing the thrusters in 1-2 sets, and same for the muscle ups, but if that’s not the case, just keep pushing through until the time cap and get them done as best you can!
A. ✅
B. ✅
C. Built to 275. 90 ish %
D. Skip
E. 4:51. Bike 1:41. Thrusters 16/9. MU 7/5/3
Been modifying the workout this past month due to shoulder pain (front rack and overhead). Hopefully back to pain free and full send soon
Hope to see you back to full health soon!
A: done
B: done under 60 sec per round, couldn’t push hard enough on sprints though
C: only 175 just not my day
D: 6 reps per round at 205
E: C2B purposefully used entire time to relax a little
Good day just felt off
Hope you get some good rest tonight!
A. Done
B. Done
C. 285 (missed jerk at 295 and 300)
D. 3/1/2 at 330
E. 6:48 Rx (2:12 echo bike, 16/9 thrusters, 5/5/5 MU)
That Jerk!!!
A. Done
B. Done
C. Up to 105Kg
D. 145Kg – 9/11/11
E. 5:32 Rx
Echo – 1:31
Thrusters – 15/10
MU – 3/3/3/3/3
A little conservative on the muscle-ups?
Yes for sure. Cautious because of shoulders. I would rather be conservative and train another day than hurt myself because I’m fatigued. That said, I do need to push a little more so my shoulders get stronger and adapt to the fatigue.
A. First time doing HS shoulder taps- have always done hip taps, been afraid of the shoulders for some reason???? so weird. I felt more control going for the shoulders than hips too????
B. Used 70lb sandbag
C. Built to 130lb. Everything on point today!
D. 150lbs, kept it at 3 sets of 4-5 reps, focusing on depth more than load. My knee is playing well this week!!!
Great workout today! Happy Friday!!
Forgot E!!! 7:33, did C2B pull ups instead
Great days work Amy!
A & B done. ~55 sec per round in B
C up to 275, failed jerk at 285
D 350 7/7/7
E 5:49 done with row and BMU. 18/7 thrusters, 9/6 BMU
Nice work Michael!
A) Done
B) Done
C) up to 250. Failed 265 (97%) twice. Just the clean, no jerks my elbow was bothering me.
D) at 345: 2, 2, 2
E) 135lb front squats instead of thrusters
See if some extra forearm and wrist mobility will help. I like to voodoo floss my forearm and worm banded distractions on my wrist.
See if some extra forearm and wrist mobility will help. I like to voodoo floss my forearm and worm banded distractions on my wrist.
Thanks Tino, this has been an ongoing issue since April so I’ll take any suggestions I can get!
A) 20-8-12 reps with 9kg wb done
B) done
C) up to 110kg, then cleaned the 115kg but stopped there
D) bar muscle ups, rest RX done
5:00, but wasn’t really for time at this point
Did some extra easy bike erg as a cool down flush out
Just one of those days tho…did some training yesterday as well, so it’s “okay”
No rest day??
Well, not really. Weren’t the strongest the first 3 days, so wanted to little make up for it.
A. Done, 20-12-8 ????
B. Done
C. Up to 125kg and felt good ????
D. 162,5kg x 2/2/2, these felt heavy..
E. Done cumulated, no time.
Fun week ????????????
Looking strong Simon!
A. Done
B. Done
C. Skipped
D. 145kg x 5-5-6 reps
Last set felt the best. Being little causes as i tweaked my back in past going heavy. I’m quite tall 6.4″ and when i get fatigued my hips go up.
E. Modified to 2 x 20kg kb thrusters and 20 x burpee box jumps
5:45 (bike 1:34)
All the biking this week ….
Brace through your midline and keep your hips tucked underneath your torso. If you break through your midline you’ll be putting a tonne of pressure on your back.
Brace through your midline and keep your hips tucked underneath your torso. If you break through your midline you’ll be putting a tonne of pressure on your back.
Brace through your midline and keep your hips tucked underneath your torso. If you break through your midline you’ll be putting a tonne of pressure on your back.
Yeah thats when i stop once i feel my middle line breaks. Possibly some extra middle work and being super focused on bracing