Primary Training Session
Movement Primer
Three rounds at 70-80% effort of:
60 second Bike OR Row
20 Banded Seated Horizontal Rows
20 Alternating Cossack Squats (10 each side)
10 Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Dumbbell Presses (each arm)
100-Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
30-45 second Wall Sit
Ten sets of:
Dead-Stop Front Squat x 2 reps @ 80% of Current 1-RM Dead Stop Front Squat
Rest 45 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Squat Snatch (drop and reset after overhead squat)
Start at 50% and build to today’s heaviest set.
For time:
48/35 Calorie Standing Bike Erg (Damper 10) or Assault Bike
12 Sandbag Cleans (200/150 lbs)
12 Muscle-Ups
24 Bar Muscle-Ups
12 Muscle-Ups
12 Sandbag Cleans (200/150 lbs)
48/35 Calorie Standing Bike Erg (Damper 10) or Assault Bike
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Take 6-8 minutes to build to a heavy…
Weighted Strict Pull-Up x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
Three sets of:
Weighted Strict Pull-Up x 1 rep @ 80-85% of today’s heavy
Rest 15 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest 15 seconds
Band-Resisted Lat Pulldowns x 15 reps @ 1111
(rotate hands from pronated to supinated as you pull down)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every 90 seconds, for 24 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Station 2 – Alternating Reverse Lunges with DBs x 20 reps
Station 3 – Banded Palloff Hold x 35 seconds each side
Station 4 – Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Leg Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a little up the ladder, down the ladder style. We’ve got some grunt work mixed with some high skill, and motor. That said, there are 48 total muscle-ups sandwiched in the middle, so you’re going to have to be smart here. For each of the muscle-up sections, we’d advise no more than 4-5 sets to hit your number. The 15 minute time cap will creep up quickly so if you aren’t diligent about your resting, you’ll struggle to make it underneath. How should you approach this workout? The first set of calories should be hit at a hard pace, but not so hard that you’re wobbly coming off the bike. We’d guess for most of you 2-2:30 or so would be a good goal. As soon as you’re off the bike, start chipping away at those HEAVY sandbag cleans. Find a good technique that works for you here – most of you will benefit from getting your hands under the bag, lapping it, re-gripping, and then using a violent hip extension to propel the bar over your shoulder. If this weight is something that you don’t feel confident moving 24 times in this workout (think once every 6-10 seconds or so), then we’d advise lowering it so that you are able to achieve the stimulus better. The middle muscle-up portion is a slight spin off what we saw at the CrossFit games this year where athletes went from ring muscle-ups to bar muscle-up, and then back. The athletes who did the best here typically stuck to smaller sets with short rest so as not to reach a failure point. 3-4 reps at a time on the rings is a good goal, and 4-6 reps at a time on the bar is a good goal. Coming back to the sandbag cleans and bike, all you’ve got left is the grit portion, so settle in for a bumpy ride to finish it out! Shut your brain off and sprint as hard as you can! See if you can beat that time cap!
A. 215
B. 135 -155
C. Row, 100# sb, 6 mu, 24 pu
D. Done with the pu and band pull downs
A) 155
B) 120- stayed light for tonight
C) just biked and walked the pup today. I definitely have a cold
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome
Warmup done
A; 185
B: got to 120
C: hit cap at 10 cals and a lot of mods to make it easier
D: 25# & done
F: 85, 30s
Whew that was a day
A great day!!
Primer done
A. 117Kg across all sets
B. Up to 70Kg
C. 14:23 – Done with Echo and 70Kg SB while wearing 10Kg vest. 70Kg SB is heaviest I have. Time to invest in a bigger SB????????????.
D. Up to 60Kg; then used 50Kg for max PUs
Max rep PUs – 28/22/20
E. Done
A. 105kg
B. 50-85kg
C. Skipped
D. 37.5kg
30kg + 10/10/8 pull ups
E. Done rows 60kg, lunges 2x25kg
A. Done
B. Built to 205 – stayed a little lighter
C. WZA workout 6:
25 feet hsw into the last 150 – this was rough
D. Done
Yesterday: WZA workout
10 rounds
2 devils press
4 thrusters
Those look like some solid results! You should be happy with those!
Thanks Tino! Really have no idea lol but felt I gave good solid efforts on all of them so I’m happy !